* * * Why Do we need GC ??

Is US and India the whole world?

There is a whole world out there. If you don't like US, try Canada or Germany. They offer great socialist benefits such as medicare, and unemployment benefits. You guys make it sound like your only choices are USA or back to India. I mean there are many countries in the world.

Have you considered other alternatives?
There are lot of pros and cons, when you want to make a decision whether to be in India or here.
I met with one of educated desi, who is in his 80s. Doing not so good with health. His kids are well settled here. But he said he doesn't want to go and live with them. He doesn't want to go back to India either, because of lack of medical facilities. His wife got into major trouble when they visited India and lack of medical facilities.

One of my friends wife survived because of the medical facilities at a tender age of 30. If it would have been in India, he would have lost her.
This system is build around the competetion, if you are not competetive enough you are gone. I am not talking about individuals here. I am talking about Companies itself. But we should not forget the fact that the companies are made by the people. So people should be competetive. The reason we are feeling so unsecure is, we are not used for this kind of life. We saw our fathers sticking to the same old job(with a big tummy), and coolly retiring.
I saw some people merely came here because of social pressures. And after coming here, if they don't have a job, because of the same social pressure, they couldn't leave the country. They are just hanging around.

In India, if you want a driver's license you have to bribe; if you want electric connection you have to bribe; if you want to start your own company you have to bribe; for getting our birth certicate we have to bribe; if you go to so called free hospital, you have to bribe; There is lot of involvement of politicians if there is lot money involved(like real estate); Even the IAS/IPS officers are corrupted; It is tough to save a country like India unless some miracle happens. In a recent survey, India came in the 2nd place in the highly corrupted countries in Asia. There is one IAS officer who migrated to US, because he couldn't withstand the corruption.
So I think, there is a reason why the people decide to stay back here. IF INDIA CAN CONTROL CORRUPTION, I AM PRETTY MUCH SURE ATLEAST 50% OF THE PEOPLE WILL BE READY TO GO BACK.
It's a conspiracy that they have not included CORRUPTION game in Olympics. All the developed countries know that they can't compete with countries like India there. India would have regularly won a medal in CORRUPTION game.
Originally posted by gcgcgcgc
There are lot of pros and cons, when you want to make a

there is lot money involved(like real estate); Even the IAS/IPS officers are corrupted; It is tough to save a country like India unless some miracle happens. In a recent survey, India came in the 2nd place in the highly corrupted countries in Asia. There is one IAS officer who migrated to US, because he couldn't withstand the corruption.
So I think, there is a reason why the people decide to stay back here. IF INDIA CAN CONTROL CORRUPTION, I AM PRETTY MUCH SURE ATLEAST 50% OF THE PEOPLE WILL BE READY TO GO BACK.

- Why do you worry about corruption if you have money ? Every thing now there is getting into 'private' which faces competition.

- I think you asked a too old person about the opinion of India on Medical System. It could have happend in his period in some remote village. It changed a LOT - alot with in the last 5 years
- 10 years back, we never had a chance to see a SONY TV, a watch or any other small electronic gadget. A illiterate servent maid from Dubai showed up more, before say an Engineer. Now it is not the case.

- Please Know in India,
you do not have to do yourself
-clean the dishes
-laundry the cloths
-clean the house
-drive the car
- Cook ( if you prefer )
-repair the things
-mow the lawns
Also, - No worry of
- day-care looters
- Medical insurance grabbers
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You have all added really good reasons as to why one should consider a move back to your home country. If I was an Indian citizen I would have moved back in a heart beat given the economic growth in India and future potential. Unfortunately I do not have that option and my concern ( as many of you have) is the up bringing of your children. For me that is the ultimate. My kids are young right now but the day I sense I am losing control over them I am outta here! Hell with everythig...If you lose your kids you have lost enerything. Even though I may not have the same option as many of you folks frm India do, I am willing to take the chance for my kids...

I really admire what India has been able to accomplish and you all should be delighted that you have an option if things do not work out here.

<<<- Please Know in India,
you do not have to do yourself
-clean the dishes
-laundry the cloths
-clean the house
-drive the car
- Cook ( if you prefer )
-repair the things
-mow the lawns
Also, - No worry of
- day-care looters
- Medical insurance grabbers>>>>

This is the one of the shittiest thing that I have heard in this thread. It really amazes me as it comes not from an illiterate person but from so called educated person who somehow made all the way up here.
I don't know how people say such things with proud ?

No wonder why western world made us slaves and will continue to make us slaves......we take pride in not doing things !!! THEY keep going around the world and we keep watching......yet it is expected that India should provide all the goodies !!! YOU PISS ME OFF BY WRITING THAT STUPID THINGS.
Just because 1amShantanuB brought this 'why we need a gc', many members started bashing usa and started giving the impression that here everything is bad except money. to me, it is not just money so many other good things that we have to learn. many of the postings here can not be considered as an average indian's feeling. because we (nri) compare our lives (not an average indians life) here and back in india. probably, most of us are happy in india or at least we claim that. however, half of the indian population is daily laborers. we all know that how they are treated by another fellow indian (probably who has a little more money!). laborers are almost slaves in india. most likely, neither the nri's here nor their parents were laborers in india. in contrast, probably most of them had a home servant. just think how they were treated. i don't think that even happens to a foreigner here. desi treats another desi badly. it is inherent desi mentality. in fact, we should be ashamed of ourselves and learn from other matured cultures.
I think that we are all going too far away from the main issues. Let's stop here . It has been such a dull day, with no approvals.
I hate these mondays in this forum.
Even if i went too far , so be it. This type of sick mentality needs to be confronted and crushed if India is ought to become good country to live in. Those were sickening thoughts.....i don't understand how can you keep quite on this issue.....it is the very issue that drove us away from our loved ones and forced us to come here in this land of others.....it is the very issue because of which most of us stay confused till they die......it is the very issue because of which we have to think so damn hard even if it meant going back to your country where we were born.......it is the very same mentality and attitude because of which we need 1+ billion people to do the same job 50 million people should be able to do ( read one person to wash ur cloths....then other one to wash ur dishes....third one to drive your car...so on and so forth) then complain about the population, pollution, poverty, corruption.

When i was back home and someone would have said this, this would have probably gone unnoticed.....after coming here and seeing things.....i will not accpet this.

Look at how Men, women, children and elderly here take pride in doing things however little or unimportant it may be. It makes one feel confident and self sufficient. It makes people realize and appreciate stupid little things in life.
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why do we need GC

The American friend feels foreigners are taking away jobs when Americans are being laid off. Does he realise that these H1 guys are only allowed to work in a narrow field, rest are all open to the American citizens. To enhance the competitiveness the American companies are bringing foreigners. Do you think they are foolish. They get better bang for their buck when H1s are working. So who is to be blamed.

The H1 guys work their ass off just to come up to the level of average Americans. By the time they manage to get to average level they realise they sacrificed a lot for very little.

Who is the real gainer in the deal. Certainly not the H1 guys. For the years of education and years of service to American companies and sacrifice of years of fun they dont get enough in return by any stretch of imagination. I think if H1 guys can fairly demand their share the returns for their toil they deserve good medical, education, tax benefits and much more.
I'm looking for Modern Abraham Lincoln to abolish 21st century bonded labor (H1b, L1,........) by issuing GCs liberally.

I wish everyone would participate in this discussion since BCIS is planning to send new RFE for all GC aspirants "Why do you need GC?".
This is an issue which has been discussed here so many times and this thread also brings out many nice points about whether we should stay in US or India( for Indian's only) and I think any more points in that respect might tend to be repetative.

But not many people has addressed the real issue of the debate - why we need GC - not where should we stay. GC is needed to keep options open - so in case you have a change of mind - you have a way of returning. I would go all the way and be a US citizen and then take a decision where to live. As many nice things as discussed about India( and mostly they are true) - let's remember one thing - For an Indian citizen - it is not easy to come back to US while the reverse is very easy. So I would keep my options open - because noone knows what the future holds for us( who would have thought of NASDAQ creash in last 3 years or World Trade Centre) - but that's just me.

abhi has a good point. We all deviated from the main thing.
We need gc to. . .
1. have right to switch the companies at will.
2. get out of the current employers that are trying to exploit our situation.
3. leave this thread and enter into another(Citizenship) thread. (I beleive lot of people continue to visit this thread, even after they got 485 approved.)
3. alleviate some of the tensions
etc etc . . .

Probably there should be another thread "Getting back to India - pros and cons". Everyone has comeup with a valid point.
Here 3 genrations are getting affected because of we moving to America.
1. Our parents (If none is left back there)
2. Ourselves (You guys know how confused we are)
3. Last but not least our kids; we want them to live in Indian way, while bringing them in US.
tripple GC

Regarding your observation about people visiting this thread after being approved - I got approved last September and still a regular visitor - looks like I have got addicted to the forum. And I know my friends who still come once in a while though they got approved a while back.
Re: why do we need GC

Originally posted by taurus99
The American friend feels foreigners are taking away jobs when Americans are being laid off. Does he realise that these H1 guys are only allowed to work in a narrow field, rest are all open to the American citizens. To enhance the competitiveness the American companies are bringing foreigners. Do you think they are foolish. They get better bang for their buck when H1s are working. So who is to be blamed.

The H1 guys work their ass off just to come up to the level of average Americans. By the time they manage to get to average level they realise they sacrificed a lot for very little.

Who is the real gainer in the deal. Certainly not the H1 guys. For the years of education and years of service to American companies and sacrifice of years of fun they dont get enough in return by any stretch of imagination. I think if H1 guys can fairly demand their share the returns for their toil they deserve good medical, education, tax benefits and much more.

You are missing the point here...
We first came on H1 - Temporary Work Permit for max of 6 years.
Then, that is being turned out as a ritual to GC process.(Permanent residence)
Then What is the basis of this GC? Labor certification.

In the present conditions how far the Labor is justified ?

- We are asking MORE than what we are supposed to have.
( more over crying on that when things do not go smoothly :D:D)
I agree with you SHARABI,
Some people by default are fault finders. When they are in India, they say US is the best country to be in and when they are in US, they say India was better. I just dont understand that if US has so many problems, why are they here for last 6 years, they should have realized it earlier and left this country.

For some people the grass is always green on the other side. Somebody posted that he came on bench then got another project and so on and so forth and is left with just 3000 bucks. Could he tell me why did he go through so much pain. He could have easily left this country and joined some firm in india and by this time he would have had more than 3000 dollars. Come on guys grow up. The bad things in life is not happening because you are in US. Its because you preferred it this way. It was your choice, not compulsion. So live with it else AIR INDIA is always there for you
- We are asking MORE than what we are supposed to have.
( more over crying on that when things do not go smoothly )

When coming here, we did not come here to stay temporarily. Your assumption is wrong, we just enetered on a temporary visa. No one comes on a temporary plan. Everyone has permanent plan and our permanent plan was to get a permanent residnecy and settle here, if possible. (After coming here we are in lot of confusion, and that is totally a different story).
If they think that we came on temporary visa and should leave after our h1 expires:
1. They should not give us an option of applying for GC. If they gave that option then they should bear with us.
2. They should not deduct the social security tax from our salaries, because we are staying here temporarily and we are not going to get any benefits from social security.
3. They should not deduct medicare tax from our salaries, because this takes effect only after you retire(when are 62 years old).

If they do all these things, then there is no need of this forum at all. . .
I think the way it should be is, if they reject the GC, they should return back the money that I mentioned in the points 2 and 3.
gc x3

H1 is for TEMPORARY work permit. Its sole intention was to help companies to hire temporarily.

Coming to your hidden intention of persuing GC is different. Thats taking advantage of provision of law.

It sounds like a point and logical for me that on return our medicare/ss should be returned. But I am not aware of laws in this regard.
Good point "gcgcgcgc"

I agree with you on the deduction part, as so far I have seen when people come here on H1 most of them are single and they come here with this in mind "I will work hard for 3-4 years and will go back with 30-40 K" but after 2 years or so they go back get married... things change as you can enjoy all that which you cannot dream in India atleast USE TOO --- like: you can fly a plane and afford it, golf how many could have joined golf in India, can go to Europe for 3 weeks, spend some time in Switzerland.

So after seeing all this you realize you can do a lot here so you decide to stay here and start thinking about GC. another couple of years you are blessed with son/daughter so far so good unless you loose a job and then realize that both you and your wife need to work to get things right (specially in this tough market). By this time you are confused...

One of many Good points are: Medical facilities ofcourse you have to give insurance premiums but god forbid if something happens situation will be better here as compared to India... come on guys admit this if you are living in one of the metros in India where medical facilities are good but it will take you more than hour or two to reach hospital and things can go wrong in that period...here they will fly you to the hospital...

One of the bad points are: that you are not close to your parents, they cannot stay here even if BCIS gives permission as in old age you need people to talk to not like sitting on the window and watch passing cars.

I mentioned 2 points one is good for your kids as you want to give them best but on the other side you are not doing right with your parents...

This is how I think... but still I opt for GC and citizenship for one and only one reason "to keep my options open"


really a nice thread... sit back and think... be nice to others everyone is just sharing their views....nothing wrong with it.