* * * Why Do we need GC ??

One of my american colleages questioned me like

"Why do you need a green card ? When other people are being layed off from many companies, what is the rational in deciding that there are no american for that job and bringin in a foreigner? How do you expect that you get it..."

I do not have immediate answer for him. And I see his point
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Tell him (your american colleague) that the companies are not interested in hiring layed off Americans :p :p
He is my team member bhai...

Any how, is it not logical what he has asked ?

They did not mind when they had no problems.
But when they are experiencing troubles, then naturally they started thinking :D:D
Why stay in America anyway.........

Why do people want to leave india the land of so many beauties. There are so much to discover in india and we are dying to relocate in this country where even after green card or so called citizenship you will still be a third class citizen. I do not met a single South Asian happy with what he earned and get after living almost 20 years in America. As a matter 80% are crying becasue they lost their kids I mean 80% of the kids lost their virginity at the age of 15 and that is Asian decent...........
Yes you can buy a house, a new car and other luxuries but everything is on credit or mortgage. Where as back home a person is very happy when he buys brand new motor and pay in full. That is the joy and relaxation. So guys do not worry that Indian population, pullotion and poverty will hurt you. think about it and move back. By the way if you are in IT field you should think to pack the bag if you not already have done so. People will not want you around anyway no matter where you choose to work. Well American do not mind when an indian work in gas station, grocery store or drive a cap/taxi. They really get anoyed when an indian dress up and try to be an American.....
A vast majority of Indians come to this country and settle here because of high salaries and not due to a dislike for India. Once they live here for 10 years and reach good positions, why do they want to go back ? Everything has pros and cons. The environment here is not good for kids, but it's one of the few cons of living in this country. Many people compromise on this issue because of high income, security and physical comfort that this country provides. It is also not true that people who settled down here are unhappy. Bottomline is if you are having a good time in this country then you will stay back otherwise you will goback to your country. I will do the samething. As long as i have a good job here, i will stay here. If i am unemployed here for more than 6 months, then i will pack off.
tell him he should pack his bag and get ass kicked back to where he was originally from. There are still native American Indians starving.
America looks very attractive from TOP ( if you have money )
It is not suitable if you are in trouble....

India is better if you are unfortunate. It is good if you are looking from BOTTOM of life

A friend in need is a friend in deed
So India wins on the whole
This country is good for those who are having a good job or business and who have made good money. For all others (> 80% people) this country offers more problems than solutions. The cost of living (medical insurance, auto insurance, schoole fee, rents etc) is so high, i pity those people who do not have a job here. India is a far better country in that respect. Even if you don't have a job, you can live with your parents and there are government hospitals to take care of us in case of medical need.
Overall, i agree that India is a far better place than any other country. It's the land of real freedom, real tolerance, real peace and real happiness.

I am doing my GC to keep my options open. I can't predict how US would be in 5 years. The same applies for India too. But I don't want to end up regerting later that I had an option and I choose not to pursue it.
Guys I constantly think myself that I should go back, as whatever I saved here is nothing here. As the kids grow here, the saving potential also come's down. With 6 years of dollar savings, with another job in India It would be a comfortable life. No need to worry about layoff's.

As you guys know dollar value is tumbling down as compared to other currencies. According to one of the article in Economic Times of India, a lot of companies in India are borrowing money from US financial institutes because of the decling interest rates.

My guess is as the dollar inflow increases more and more into India, the rupee value would appreciate in its value. So we are better off to shift our savings into India.
Maybe 5 years ago and before that, US was a great option for those in India.

5 years ago you made a lot more money compared to India and comparatively better lifestyle. In India, materialistic things were starting to become available. (at least for the IT educated which most of this forum members fall into) In most cases, people who stayed back are in a better career position than those who came to the US.

10+ years ago, for the really educated elite, money was a pittance in India, careers were not challenging and no comparison on lifestyle. It made sense to move to US.

But now, for IT and even biotech and other emerging sectors, India seems booming and better. Pays bring in 1+ lakh per month (I am talking about 8+ yrs experience). In purchasing power parity, that is close to if not on par with a 6 figure salary in US. Careers/jobs are more challenging in general in India (though pretty hectic) compared to being an "average code monkey" (no hard feelings) in US. And if US slips backs into recession, things could get pretty worse on all fronts in US. On the materialistic front, a lot of stuff is available easily in India now and it is within easy reach with the income mentioned above.

So, does one need a GC?

My personal opinion is if one can be in US 6-10 years, save the money (Indians being the penny pinchers they are in general) and return back with the well established chunk of money as an initial asset base (6-10 yrs could lead anywhere from 30 Lakhs to 2 crores on average) and build on it towards retirement, etc with a lot more financial stability.

You do not have the above advantage in US because of the 30 yr mortgage and expensive kids education. It is easy to live through better times but tough times and retirement could be a nightmare in US.

p.s.: BTW, if you are one of those guys with lots of ASIC design experience, in India one can get paid Rs. 20+ lakhs per annum. Check Intel, TI, etc websites. They will pay for your relocation from here and if you can land a leadership role, they pay as much as $75K in India. :)
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I don't have any problem if immigration freeze is implemented in US.

But country like India has to reciprocate the same. Wondering what I'm saying, I know that americans are not to migrating to India but India can reciprocate by throwing out US based companies like Coke or Pepsi. I know we have sufficient tender cocunuts to replace Coke and Pepsi.

Just tell everyone that American companies get big profits by establishing business in India and they share a very small slice of that by creating few jobs for Indians in US. If Indians don't migrate to US then do you think that Indians will move towards western culture?
Re-winding back 6 years..... <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

1. Waited in desparate for a H1 sponsorer
2. Hold the breath at Visa office
3. Landed in Unfamiliar zones
4. Stammered at interviews on defending false resume
5. Found Hard to make life routines with driving, cooking etc
6. Fell in Dilema in choosing GC sponsorer
7. Applied the GC :D:D WHAT A MISTAKE and struggling to hold on to the "life-jacket"
The Indian rupee is appreciating against Dollar. Remember it touched 49+ sometime back as against 46+ now. Also Indian foreign exchange reserves are now nearly 81 Billion dollars as against <1 billion in 1990/91. Recently I read that India has refused to accept anymore aid/grants and sought to repay loans to nearly 15 countries.Infact lastweek it lent to IMF itself.

What does allthis imply?Does our dollar savings have any value after more some time?I know US govt is deliberately weakening dollar to encourage its exports but suppose the recession continues what will happen?

Less jobs in US, weak Dollar(read less rupee savings), high education cost for children, high cost of living(medical insurance, auto insurance,rents etc), troubles in raising children in our tradition etc

On the contrary increasing Software jobs in India,appreciating rupee,infrastructure development(see AP under Naidu) etc.

Guys what do you make out of all of this.............
double standard

why dont you pack your bags shantanu and go back to india...who is forcing you to go through such an ordeal...dont curse the system for which you want to be a part.

Chill out dude.Looks like you had a rough weekend !!!

Nobody is cursing the system. Facts speak themselves.
Re: double standard

Originally posted by msomani
why dont you pack your bags shantanu and go back to india...who is forcing you to go through such an ordeal...dont curse the system for which you want to be a part.

Who Cursed the system ???

Here we are analysing the things based on available facts....
Change is inevitable, but in that process some will get stuck in.

No body knows what is better ? which one to choose ?

If some one is on success, it does not necessarily mean that he took a wise decision. He happend to be on right side :D:D
you missed some important steps inbetween:
1.Got a speeding ticket while driving at the same speed as everybody else
2. Met with an accident and my car insurance increased
3. My first project was over in 4 months and found it difficult to get another job because VB is no longer hot
4. the savings of previous 4 months (due to the VB project) are gone because of 2 months bench
5. spent time in Borders to read java books. Found that it (Borders) is crowded with fello Bench guys
6. Atlast after 10 failed interviews, got a 6 month project in Java
7. Project was over in 5 months. Came back to bench
8. Java is no longer hot. Went back to Borders and studies ASP
9. It took 3 months to get another project. All the savings of Java project are washed away.
10. ASP project lasted 6 months. back to bench with $6,000
11. Recruiters are asking for .NET . So went back to borders to learn .NET . Saw a lot of familiar faces there. Some of them smiled mischieviuosly when they saw me back after 6 months. Don't know whether they also cameback from a project or they have never got a project after i last saw them here.
12. It took more than 2 months to get a new project in .NET . The savings are back to "0".
13. The .NET project lasted 9 months. Came back to bench with $8,000.
14. Market is down . Been in bench for 3 months. Savings came down to $3,000. Can't send family to India because of pending GC process.
15. Summary : 4 yrs after coming here, made only $3000. Never been happy because of short term projects (job insecurity). Gave back what ever i have earned, to this country, in return for a hope of getting GC and having a better future. But as i move forward, the future looks increasingly tougher.

PS: It's not my story, but i faced some of the above music and i know that a whole lot of people faced the same.
Yea I agree that it is very very popular music that every body experienced to their limits of thrill ...

Gabbar ki awaj ko koun nahi pehachanta ?
( Who does not recognize Gabbars voice )

theen projects - chae programmers
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