Who want to be part of action team

By Friday we need to form Action team. I am thinking of doing this. Please feel free to correct any part.

I am thinking of having 7 members.

Team should constitute of below cadre

3 Senior persons from this forum
2 junior persons from this forum (Who want to be active on this)
2 Treasuries from this forum - maintain all money related transactions.

Let me know whereever you need corrections.
It is not possible to bring every body together in one place. Instead of that we will form action team like I posted. If necessary we will meet in one place to discuss future plans.

What do you say?
Project ocean Team structure - Please suggest me for modifications

Hello friends,

Senior guys already done lot of good things to bring Project Ocean (Petition) to the limelight. I would like to continue this under same umbrella.

Our initial goal is to meet Vermont Service Center director and hand over this petition.

To do this I came up with following structure.

1) Project Ocean Publicity Team
This team will go to different immigration forums, Chat rooms etc., present our case. So that this may attract other guys too.

2) Project Ocean Petition Development Team
This team prepares necessary documents and our original petition with other signatures etc., (Thinking to prepare booklet. This will improve our presentation quality and shows how deeply we involved)

3) Project Ocean Consultation Team
This team will consult attorneys and also responsible to take appointment with Vermont service center director. These guys will pave the road for us.

4) Project Ocean Treasury Team
This team is responsible to maintain funds for this.

5) Project Coordination Team
Coordinate whole event and also other teams.

The Reason behind doing this is unless we form team no one works, always think other guys will take care of this. As matter of fact I will do the same thing.

Any body don’t like this let me know, We will change this all together.

Your input is greatly appreciated,
I am taking some initiation here based on the enthusiasm people shown in this thread.

Project Ocean Publicity Team members
toro, checkthisout, elias

Project Ocean Petition Development Team members
Cat&mouse, sgi, Yudhister

Project Ocean Petition Consultation Team
Frantic, sunk1ng, greencardMA, s_b_gc

Project Ocean Treasury Team
Sanju13, rajun, karns

Project Ocean Coordination Team
Vigneshbabu, pachai-pichai, manumahi
Time to close the Membership drive

Hi Manumahi,
I think that we got enough responses in this thread and the Voting thread. It's time to consolidate all these names and announce the action team (with all those who expressed willingness). If we announce an action team, that will be major breakthrough in this forum and for our fight. Let's put a time limit of 12 hours for all responses. Since you have formed this team, please continue to lead / coordinate this effort along with others like Edison and Sai (and me :p). After the team announcement, the first thing we should do is ask all the action team members to write about what they think we should do first ? Here comes the important question. Who is going to make the final call when there is a disagreement in the team ? Will it be just the coordinator or should it be by voice vote or should we have a "governing body" of 5 people (to eliminate the chaos of too many people voting). As a team, we can explore these options. My personal preference will be to have a "governing body" of 5 people within the action team.
PS: I am writing all this now because i may not login here again till tomorrow evening. Wish you good luck in your efforts.
Sai, edison, dengdeng and other members,

We need your skills. Are interested to join with co-ordination team?
Thank you for your suggestions. as always they are valuable. governing body you are suggesting, I am calling it as co-ordination team.
Originally posted by manumahi
Sai, edison, dengdeng and other members,

We need your skills. Are interested to join with co-ordination team?

As always, I'll participate in all our efforts towards Project OCEAN..

It's my pleasure to join the co-ordination team.

I wish members like Cinta, Sai, YJay, Kashmir,.......... also join us.

BTW, I posted this thread in all the forums, so we might see more active participation from now on!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, Yesterday I contacted Sulekha.com to host our petition. Let's see their stand on this.
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Look at page 2 of this thread. I defined roles and assinged responsibilities. Please go through it let me know for any modifitications.
You are most welcome. We already defined project teams. Please volunteer us for any help you want to do.
Can you take lead on Project Ocean Publicity Team?

Can you take lead on Project Consultation Team ?

Can you take lead on Project Tresury Team?

Can you take lead on Petition Development Team?

Can you be our advisory member for all?

We have to start working on future plans. By this weekend I would like all members to submit their plans.

Plese don't contact Attorneys or any body with out contacting Coordination team. Don't do any thing either. I want to go it in aco-ordinated manner. Plese don't be mistaken.
please add my name and that of edison,sai,yjay,cinta and dengdeng in the co-ordination team. Let us all work together in one direction. We should have some sort of rules about decision making. How about a rule like this : "which ever suggestion gets 5 votes first (ofcourse the number of votes against the suggestion should be less than 5 by that time), from the action team members" ?
Our first task is meeting VSC director. We should ask him the reasons for the delay. After that only we can think of meeting others like bcis director and prakash khatri. So please discuss with action team members about how we can get an appointment with VSC director.
PS : At this time, you may delete all other threads (including the voting thread) except this thread. Also it may be time to create a thread to discuss action issues. (Thread title could be "Discuss backlog reduction action issues"). In your first post, list all the action member names (without sub committees). Then start action. I am logging off for the morning.
Team members must log in to this site certain times every day to discauss, post their views and action plan.
Manumahi, I would not have the bandwidth in terms of time to lead this action activity at this time. I would be willing to be on the coordinating commitee and am willing contribute towards this effort.

Originally posted by manumahi
Can you take lead on Project Ocean Publicity Team?

Can you take lead on Project Consultation Team ?

Can you take lead on Project Tresury Team?

Can you take lead on Petition Development Team?

Can you be our advisory member for all?

We have to start working on future plans. By this weekend I would like all members to submit their plans.

Plese don't contact Attorneys or any body with out contacting Coordination team. Don't do any thing either. I want to go it in aco-ordinated manner. Plese don't be mistaken.