Who Is with the Latinos March-Please Vote

Are you with or against the Latinos March?

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AlexanderG said:
By the way Suzy, since you are well informed ... In your opinion, how much less could we expect to pay in taxes and for car insurance if the undocumented workers would just leave ? Like 0.3%, 10%, 15% or more .... ?

Amazing, finally both of us we're in agreement about the exact number ;)
I totally agree with you, the saving is equal with the saving we have now due to their "cheap" labor and other big benefits of having among us, God knows, drug dealers, criminals, terrorists, etc.
:D :D

(This is not considering that you can save up to 15% by switching to Geico)

And it takes only 15 minutes, almost the same amount of time necessary to cross the Rio Grande in the middle of the night ;)

Suzy977 said:
I totally agree with you, the saving is equal with the saving we have now due to their "cheap" labor and other big benefits of having among us, God knows, drug dealers, criminals, terrorists, etc

Since 2001, when I hear 'terrorist' I always have to think of 9/11 ... considering that these Hijacker-Terrorists were all legal and documented foreigners in the U.S., we both can be thankful that we -legal immigrants as well- were not thrown out by some hate-filled U.S.-Citizens.

AlexanderG said:
Since 2001, when I hear 'terrorist' I always have to think of 9/11 ... considering that these Hijacker-Terrorists were all legal and documented foreigners in the U.S., we both can be thankful that we -legal immigrants as well- were not thrown out by some hate-filled U.S.-Citizens.


The legal immigrants were always welcomed in this country, and will always be, AND THIS IS THE WAY SHOULD BE.
The illegals...this is a different story ;)
Especially the ones who mock this country and its flag by waving their national flag and demanding rights here...those should be deported a.s.a.p.
AlexanderG said:
Would you say that you personally benefit in your everday life from lower cost for services and products because the cost of running a business is less for certain industries due to their undocumented employees ?

Good point, but you are looking at the point from a consumer perspective. How about if the Illegals are not here or provide cheap labor, I , as a worker, could get paid way more for the same job we are doing now for $8/hour for instance!
AlexanderG said:
"Tyson Foods will shut meatpacking plants on Monday, citing market conditions and a possible shortage of workers. Meatpacker Cargill Meat Solutions will give 15,000 workers the day off so they can participate (in the demonstrations)"

CNN News,http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/04/28/boycott/index.html

In my opinion, this selected information indicates that undocumented workers are indeed somewhat important for the industry.

If anyone of you has been in a meat-, chicken- or fishprocessing plant, you may possibly to agree that these are not jobs you would see well educated highschool or college grads standing in line for. You don't see these undocumented workers, but they handled almost all the protein you store in your fridge tonight.

I don't think that Tyson Foods could possibly hire undocumented illegals. the company simply is allowing it's documented labor force that sympathyze with the immigration reform issue to participate to signify unity and support for the illegals.

Also, more and more high schools grads would do that "somewhat unacceptable" kind of jobs for higher compensation instead of the cheap labor of $6 - $8 /per hour current pay !
Suzy977 said:
The legal immigrants were always welcomed in this country, and will always be, AND THIS IS THE WAY SHOULD BE.
The illegals...this is a different story ;)
Especially the ones who mock this country and its flag by waving their national flag and demanding rights here...those should be deported a.s.a.p.
Raising the Mexican flag on the US soil is a humiliation to the american citizens all over the world!

For God's sake, they are asking the government for amnesty, they are illegals, sucking the country's resources, not paying taxes, taking the day off, and on top of that, not showing any respect to the government they are asking the favor from, the United States of America! At least raise the American flags if they really feel they belong here!
They don't make any sense, that's rude, not speaking english is a slap on every US citizen's face as well !
I don't care if Latinos march... or Chinese march... or Indians march. Freedom of speech is sweet. It's when you add "illegal" next to those groups, that's what I got a problem with.

But the problem doesn't start there. It starts with employers. Did Tyson Foods just publicly admit that they have plants full of illegal workers? Great, throw their top HR man in jail. Stop with these laughable $5,000 fines. When you save $20-30,000/year by hiring an illegal but have to dish out $5,000 once in a very long while, you'd be stupid not to do it. When you save that money but get to go to jail for a few years... now that is a tougher trade off to make. Supply and demand, that's all there is to it.

Legalization of illegals isn't gonna make a difference. It's gonna be an endless loop - you legalize illegals, they get fired shortly because they become too expensive, get replaced by new illegals, become illegals again, go work for less money. It's about as effective as the war against terrorism. Not surprisingly, both were proposed by the same person.

But I gotta admit, you gotta have a pair of big ones to protest against something when you yourself broke the law. I wanna see people who got DUIs protest against MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers). We'll call it DDAM - Drunk Drivers Against Mothers.
I am a Latino, and I am against it

Hello Friends.

First, the protests involve ALL illegal immigrants, not just Latinos.

I am in the process of becoming a legal immigrant. I AM A LATINO. I have been "fortunate" enough to have the advanced skills and education to bring me up to an EB1-OR status, which some of you may also view as a shorcut to legal immigration (not having to wait 2-3 years for labor certification, while some of you have to wait for many years).

That said, I disagree with the protests and Monday's walk-out, because the original reasons for the protests have long ago been resolved. Most Hispanics protested because illegal immigrant were going to be treated as criminals. This will not happen. To protest in order to pressure Congress is a one-sided argument, and it will not benefit anyone. It will backfire.

I also disagree, strongly, about the National Anthem in Spanish. Mind you, my native language is Spanish. But I think it is totally disrespectful to do so in this country, or in any other country. I would ask those who support it, how they would feel if the Mexican, or French, or Chinese National anthems, for example, are sung in English in these countries. I do not see the wisdom in doing so, and it will backfire.

Now, I have given my opinion on the question posted in the poll. Some of the replies have nothing to do with that question. I will not give my opinion on the rights or wrongs of being "qualified" or "un-qualified". Immigration is a GLOBAL issue, not only in the US. For many, it is a matter of survival, of life-or-death, of attaining freedom. From these points of view, I can see why some people want to attain legal status even after being here ilegally for a long time.

I would support legalizing the status of illegal immigrants, but only after those who have been waiting in line for years and who have been respecting the law, are granted legal status.

Finally, I have a strong respect for Indians, who make up the majority in this board. And I work for Chinese immigrants (legal). Let us keep the racial crap out of this discussion, please...

I wish you all success and a prompt resolution to your immigration issues.
I am strongly against the legalization of illegal immigrants.

This is a country of compassion as well as a country of law. This country is built by (legal) immigrants and we should continue to support immigration. However, it needs to be done within the confines of existing laws.

In some parts of the world, illegal immigration has been a life style. In certain parts of mexico, for example, kids are given English names when you are born, in anticipation of their migrating to the US. and before the illegals leave their countries, they usually have a job lined up in the US.

The proposed legalization in the country is no different from an amenisty, it encourages illegal immigration, as the 1986 amenisty did. and we should never give up the rights to enforce our laws on our land.

What I support is

a) full enforcement of existing laws; That means deportation of illegal immigrants as outlined under the existing laws; prosecution of employers who illegally employ illegal immigrants; etc.
b) full enforcement of our borders. On this front, we will have to work with Mexico government. 40% of the illegal immigrants entered the country legally. They just overstayed their visas. So we should hold any and all organizations / persons sponsoring those individuals accountable. We can impose financial penalties, or criminally prosecute them, or ask them to fully reimburse the governments any expenses incurred in tracking down and deporting the illegal aliens.
c) full implementation of a guest worker program. This country needs inexpensive labor and there are jobs out there that americans don't want to do. For those jobs, we will actively recruit legal aliens for. And there will receive preferential treatment towards citizenship based on their track record under the guest worker program.

However, i am afraid that all the politicians want are potential votes from the illegal-turned-legal immigrants and none of the above, however sensible, will be done.
MGPY06 said:
Most Hispanics protested because illegal immigrant were going to be treated as criminals. This will not happen..

and why shouldn't they be treated like criminals? They should. They broke the law.

Anything illegal is illegal, no matter how you slice and dice it. That's the principle on which this country is built. Otherwise, we become just another lawless country.
I support the pathway to citizenship being worked out by Congress. I also support a strong border enforcement policy and a guest worker program that will make it legal for US companies to hire workers. This will allow the diversity of the US to be maintained by bringing in workers from a wide variety of countries including Africa and Europe (particularly the poorer eastern part).

There are over 12 million people who do not have an immigrant status is the country. Those who are screaming against these people need to realize that these people are not going to go back nor is it possible to deport them. The best thing is to welcome them and put them on a path to US citizenship. By villifying them no one benefits. They will be fellow americans one day and they should be screened and registered and identified.

MYGPY06 - A well articulated post from you. I hope more Latinos in the EB category would contribute on this forum, so that the stereotyping of Latinos on this forum comes to an end.

It is really unfair to take full advantage of Latino workers and then to badmouth them. Cheap vegetables and meat, lower construction costs, and hand car washes etc can be directly attributed to them. These people have a very high work ethic, family values and decent people. Let us give them a break and get on with our own lives.
JoeF said:
double standard.

Joef, how can you talk about what is legal or illegal? Explain for everybody.

Answer my simple q/s
1) Are you trained in law?
2) are you obligated to tell truth?
3) Why you waived all obligation for following your advice.
4) Are you going to defend for free for anybody who takes your advice?

Answers to above q/s are NO(based on your footnote), then why anybody care about your vivid imagination?
brb2 said:
these people are not going to go back nor is it possible to deport them.

if we didn't put them in jail, the criminals in this country wouldn't go to jail on their own.

As to it is not possible to deport them, why?

It is really unfair to take full advantage of Latino workers and then to badmouth them. Cheap vegetables and meat, lower construction costs, and hand car washes etc can be directly attributed to them. These people have a very high work ethic, family values and decent people. Let us give them a break and get on with our own lives.

it is not about badmouthing latinos. It is about badmouthing criminals.

we took advantage of inmates routinely in this country - they participate in highway construction and clean-ups for example. Should we use that as reasons to let them go free in order to be fair to them?

Putting them in jail is the only way to be fair to them and to us.
JoeF said:
But lying on an N-400, by not listing all citations, is not illegal, eh?
A typical case of a double standard.

JoeF, I don't want to pollute this thread with your endless looping argument.

Please leave this thread alone from your losing argument.

If you want, I am happy to play with you in the other thread.
JoeF said:
But lying on an N-400, by not listing all citations, is not illegal, eh?
A typical case of a double standard.

And again, you're serving your own pathetic little plans attacking and labeling people left and right. :D :D

You're trying to manipulate people but apparently is not working anymore
My opinion is that illegal immigrants should not be rewarded with citizenship. First off, they entered the country illegally, worked illegally, and may have benefited from welfare illegally and rewarding them would only give more reasons for people to enter, live, and work in the US illegally.

The government must take firm steps, such as mass arrests and deportations, before the illegal community and their supporters will realize that it is not their given right to be in this country.

Next time there's a big protest, have immigration agents sweep the crowd and make arrests. I'm sure they'll be able to pick up several thousad illegals in one sweep and deter others from coming out the next time!
Why JoeF an individual with such "strong opinions" never voted in this poll???

Is he afraid that someone may judge him/her if s/he is Pro or Contra???

S/he likes to incite people to fight, but s/he never had the courage of his/her own opinions :rolleyes:

Once again, manipulating people, lying and labeling people is the ONLY "speciality" of JoeF
i support the immigration agents to arrest those illegal / undocuments / using fake documets immigrants during May 1st protest.

if they keep doing protest, arrest the illegal immgrants again. the arrest is to make for the ppl being illegal in United States; the arrest is not to make because of the protest.

However, if those illegal immigrants just happen to come to protest, too bad.. so sad.. arrest them.
ocworker said:
i support the immigration agents to arrest those illegal / undocuments / using fake documets immigrants during May 1st protest.

if they keep doing protest, arrest the illegal immgrants again. the arrest is to make for the ppl being illegal in United States; the arrest is not to make because of the protest.

However, if those illegal immigrants just happen to come to protest, too bad.. so sad.. arrest them.
I am with ocworker,
Let's say the someone stole $5.00 worht of stuff from walmart, next thing you know he/she gets arrested, humiliated, and gets a misdemeanor on his/her records that IRONICALLY that very offence could mean the difference between staying in the US or getting Deported!!! Better yet, this offence could be the difference between that person getting the citizenship or not!

Now, whoever says that breaking an immigration law is not that serious and people who break that law are not supposed to be punished, jailed, fined, or at least get deported!???? that doesn't make any sense
Break the law=punishment ( welcome to the United States: the country of law)