Who Is with the Latinos March-Please Vote

Are you with or against the Latinos March?

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ocworker said:
i support the immigration agents to arrest those illegal / undocumented / using fake documents immigrants during May 1st protest.

if they keep doing protest, arrest the illegal immigrants again. the arrest is to make for the ppl being illegal in United States; the arrest is not to make because of the protest.

However, if those illegal immigrants just happen to come to protest, too bad.. so sad.. arrest them.

100% Agreed with you, I commend you for speaking your mind and the commonsense truth too...even though this opinion is going to label us as "idiot racists" by JoeF
4Jasmin said:
I don't think that Tyson Foods could possibly hire undocumented illegals.

You may be surprised to learn that Time Magazine in its April 10th, 2006 issue documents the condition "in an Arkansas plant where 70% of the employees are illegal immigrants" .The plants even provide "makeshift dormitories" for the workers .

Have you bought Tyson Products before ? If not, you most likely had Tyson chicken when you dined out ... they are the dominant industry leader.

I know the industry very well and I'd say that 70% illegal immigrants as employees is a very conservative number ... but either way - it could not contradict more what your perception is.

AlexanderG said:
You may be surprised to learn that Time Magazine in its April 10th, 2006 issue documents the condition "in an Arkansas plant where 70% of the employees are illegal immigrants" .The plants even provide "makeshift dormitories" for the workers .

Have you bought Tyson Products before ? If not, you most likely had Tyson chicken when you dined out ... they are the dominant industry leader.

I know the industry very well and I'd say that 70% illegal immigrants as employees is a very conservative number ... but either way - it could not contradict more what your perception is.

Tyson breaking the law by hiring undocumented workers doesn't leagalize their status nor does it make it acceptable for the US to just surrender to the large number of the illegals!

laws are all about common sense, not about emotional logic!
Does anybody here believe that the United States of America is a big weakling nation that has been outsmarted by illegal immigrants for the past two decades ... lethargic and unable to defend it's own territory?

I don't think so.

Illegal immigrants are here because their coming was tolerated - tolerated because of economical opportunism. The United States had and has the legislative tools in place to enforce a legal workforce.

Now, we all seem to agree that we don't want to have an illegal workforce, right ?

If so, in my opinion, we have to own up to the consequences of our society's opportunism and blame not only the illegal presence but also ourselves for allowing this to happen.

I think that these illegal immigrants, the ones who have been tolerated all along, have unfortunately the right to stay.

I say 'unfortunately' because we, the United States, screwed this up. The 'right to stay' does not necessarily include the right to earn citizenship one day.

After that, enforce the borders - or even easier, simply enforce legal employment by stiff penalties for employers who hire illegal workers and punishement and deportation of illegal immigrants without appeal.

But for now, the situation is what it is - and the believe that we can deport 12 Million people is so naive that one may as well write a letter to Santa Claus, asking for advice and guidance.

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AlexanderG said:
Does anybody here believe that the United States of America is a big weakling nation that has been outsmarted by illegal immigrants for the past two decades ... lethargic and unable to defend it's own territory?

I don't think so.

But for now, the situation is what it is - and the believe that we can deport 12 Millionen :) people is so naive that one may as well write a letter to Santa Claus, asking for advice and guidance.


Someone, a classic, said:

"The sleep of the Nation gives birth to monsters!"

I don't remember now who said that, but "believing" that everything is under control and going back to "sleep mode" it's a very dangerous option;)
gc4parents said:
Someone, a classic, said:

"The sleep of the Nation gives birth to monsters!"

I don't remember now who said that, but "believing" that everything is under control and going back to "sleep mode" it's a very dangerous option;)

That may be a reference to an illustration of Goya that was actually titeled " The Sleep of Reason Gives Birth to Monsters"

AlexanderG said:
That may be a reference to an illustration of Goya that was actually titeled " The Sleep of Reason Gives Birth to Monsters"


Maybe? I remember hearing this years ago when I was in school...what I forgot since then, plus what, maybe, was "lost in translation" could generate the difference ;)

Both variants work for what I meant to say.
how many actually looked into HR 4437 before voting?

H.R. 4437 (The Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005) aka "Sensenbrenner Bill," was passed by the United States House of Representatives on December 16, 2005 by a vote of 239 to 182.

I will only produce the highlights here, but be sure to google and do your own research.

Eliminates the Diversity Immigrant Visa (also known as Green Card Lottery) program. (House Amendment 650, authored by Bob Goodlatte), so if you are from an under represented country in Europe, your friends back home can kiss the visa lottery good bye

Requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to report to Congress on the number of OTMs (Other Than Mexicans) apprehended and deported and the number of those from states that sponsor terror. (Section 401) So it is not enough to deport Jose and Martha, have to fill my quota by deporting Guido, Mohammed and Serge next month

Housing of illegals will be considered a felony and subject to no less than 3 years in prison. If you are a christian and beleive in the second coming of christ, tough luck taking in a weary traveller and his pregnant wife. They could be illegals. For your charity you can loose your home and be deported, what a deal. Gee what a concept, the second coming of christ will likely happen in a fedral penetentary

Refusing to accept immigrants from countries which delay or refuse to accept the foreign country's citizens deported from the United States (Section 404) Do you realize the implication of this provision. I really like this one, the gent from Somalia cannot be deported there because there is no functioning government. Therfore we will no longer accept refugees from there or any other country that has a non functional government, let them be dammed, too bad if they cannot set their country straight.

Guys wake up, this is not about racism. Some of you may be white, others may act white. This is not about race. This is about curtailing the freedom of immigrants, illegal or other wise

Look closer this bill clearly places a burden on foreign born citizens, illegal or otherwise. The language is unambigious in that while you may be a citizen for now, your citizenship or its basis can be questioned at any time.

If you want to change your vote. Even if you don't, I hope you leave with the understanding that the problem may hit closer to home, not just the with the Latinos.
I am all in for the law....trust me there wont be any enforcements and all the hype is just for political mileage...
look at tyson foods,they openly said we give a f for the government and all the legal immigrants....we will close on may 1st.....coz they know the politicians wont do much about it......
at the most whats gonna happen? lou dobbs is gonna ask americans to stop using products of tyson food....
the solution here is throw each and every ceo/hr personnel of companies who hire illegal immigrants to prison.....
build a fence...even third world countries which have bigger border issues have dences along their border....
the politicians have let americans down big time,whether its the democrats or the republicans...a couple of days ago i forgot the name of the tv anchor but said this....
if the chinese can build a wall which can be visible from the moon along their border hundreds of years ago,why cant we do it in the 21st century?
that investment is gonna be a investment which americans wont regret whether it gones to the tune of trillions of dollars...
coz one day this fence will be the only barrier between us(the future citizens)
and the jihadis..... :(
query11 said:
coz one day this fence will be the only barrier between us(the future citizens)
and the jihadis..... :(

Those are human beings too and need to be treated with respect...reason why our "big leader" here, JoeF is going to label you as a "racist" and put your name in his b.s. signature. :D :D :D
query11 said:
lou dobbs is gonna ask americans to stop using products of tyson food....

You should not wait for Lou Dobbs ... and while you are at it, educate yourself and you'll find out that you will have to avoid all meat, chicken and fish products that have been processed in the United States.

Is your fridge already 'clean' ? Feel hungry ?

AlexanderG said:
You should not wait for Lou Dobbs ... and while you are at it, educate yourself and you'll find out that you will have to avoid all meat, chicken and fish products that have been processed in the United States.

Is your fridge already 'clean' ? Feel hungry ?

I am willing to avoid all foods processes by illegals.
not only that, i am willing to donate or pay little extra tax, wheather income or sales, to support the expense of jailing and deporting the lawbreakers!
That may be a reference to an illustration of Goya that was actually titeled " The Sleep of Reason Gives Birth to Monsters"

gc4parents said:
Maybe? I remember hearing this years ago when I was in school...what I forgot since then, plus what, maybe, was "lost in translation" could generate the difference.

Both variants work for what I meant to say.

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you." Friedrich Nietzsche

with my regards, Alex
Battle not with monsters
lest ye become a monster
and if you gaze into the abyss
the abyss gazes into you.
- Nietzsche

i dont think 100 percent of the food processed in u.s.a is from tyson...lemme research willl brb
Alex ,welcome to america.There is no way one single company can have 100% monopoly in a particular business in america...
niether will my fridge go empty...so,perhaps u need to start thinking outside the taco...... ;)



there are plenty of other food processing companies apart from tyson
AlexanderG said:
You should not wait for Lou Dobbs ... and while you are at it, educate yourself and you'll find out that you will have to avoid all meat, chicken and fish products that have been processed in the United States.

Is your fridge already 'clean' ? Feel hungry ?

Publicus said:
WOW...80% of the members are against the March in support of the Mexican flag. I am surprised. Well this is what it’s all about. Illegal Aliens from Mexico trying to short-circuit the system and get a free ride to legality.

You're a "racist" speaking bad about the Illegals from Mexico, and I request at once, our "hero"here, JoeF to put you in his kill file and to his b.s. signature, and last but not least to call you an "idiot racist"...ooops he just called you a stupid a few hours ago....well it's OK, that was then, now you're an "idiot racist" :D :D :D

Lastly, this Mexican March reminds me of the Gay Parade (guess where?) You got it: CALIFORNIA :D

Ohoooo, you're besides a "racist" also a "bigot" making fun about the Proud Gay Parade, which by the way our "hero" here attends every spring when hormons are rushing thorugh his body...
JoeF, take action, put Publicus in your signature like adequately you, "our genius" said it:

JoeF said:
You guys have already lost. Publicus latent and Suzy's open racism are an indication that this whole debate is already over.

What a pathetic looser :D :D :D
Originally Posted by AlexanderG
You should not wait for Lou Dobbs ... and while you are at it, educate yourself and you'll find out that you will have to avoid all meat, chicken and fish products . Alex

query11 said:
Alex ,welcome to america.There is no way one single company can have 100% monopoly in a particular business in america...
niether will my fridge go empty...so,perhaps u need to start thinking outside the taco......

I give you credit for the futile effort to educate yourself in 7 minutes.

However, there was no mentioning of that Tyson would process 100% of the meat, poultry and fish in the U.S. . I am somewhat surprised that you have to look that up. Pay attention next time your parents take you grocery shopping and you can answer things like that in less than 7 minutes.

I guess though that it is too complex to understand it is a characteristic of the U.S. food processing industry that almost 3/4 of the employees are illegal immigrants.

Have you really thought that Time Magazine runs part of their article because of employment issues of one (1) plant of Tyson Foods ?

So, step back and think again about your fridge.

k i might be wrong about u saying 100%...was too involved in the other thread .
but trust me just coz americancompanies(due to employees) stop processing meat we r not going to starve....we still import a major chunk of meat from mexico/japan