Who Is with the Latinos March-Please Vote

Are you with or against the Latinos March?

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query11 said:
k i might be wrong about u saying 100%...was too involved in the other thread .
but trust me just coz americancompanies(due to employees) stop processing meat we r not going to starve....we still import a major chunk of meat from mexico/japan
Guys you are making me hungry talking about the tyson and meats lol :p
query11 said:
k i might be wrong about u saying 100%...was too involved in the other thread .
but trust me just coz americancompanies(due to employees) stop processing meat we r not going to starve....we still import a major chunk of meat from mexico/japan

Now we are planning ... although that would mean that you ship your protein dollar directly to Japan and - I had to look twice- Mexico !

Look, what I try to tell you is that the situation is a 'Catch 22', a double bind. I know you feel strongly about this issue and you would boycott all those (and many, many other) products - but when you really gain somehow inside knowledge about the food industry you'll find out that it is practically impossible. Like it or not.

The 12 million illegal immigrants have to be working somewhere, don't you think? And you probably won't find them in your post office, treating you in your doctor office or handling your transactions at your bank.

Reality bites sometimes - especially when you hear from the 'decider' himself that it is impossible to deport all those illegal immigrants. And I hear 'he knows best'.

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now u wanna move from meat to mushroom.........coz americans can survive without eating the meat processed by illegals...so americans can definitely import mushrooms too....
same with lettuce and all the produce.
btw if 80% of employees in these business are illegal aliens who are not paying taxes,why not import the stuff from foreign countries for a cheaper price and a higher import tax? it is better than no tax at all....
no matter what u say,mexicans do not have any right to cut the line,if they want a greencard they need to get back in the line and migrate legally...and if u wanna talk of same old story of poverty in mexico like i mentioned earlier there are much poorer countries in the world and they should be given a chance.....
btw i dont hate mexicans,most of my homeboys are mexicans.
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query11 said:
the link that u provided is about mushrooms and not poultry....

Come on man, potato, potatoe...what's the difference, you're getting to picky here, the guy has a point he wants to make and he'll try to shove it to your throat by any means: THE ILLEGALS ARE VITAL FOR THE POOR AMERICANS, LET'S KEEP THEM :D :D :D
query11 said:
the link that u provided is about mushrooms and not poultry....

And I thought I made it easy for you ... I picked that link because it has two colorful pictures and the source of the quote is right under one of those pictures.

It reads "Perdue's poultry-processing plant in Georgetown plans to close for the day [May 1st,2006], a spokeswoman said."

I would not expect you to read all the rest .. although if you would, you may want to toss mushrooms from your menu too. I did not want you to end up malnurist and blame it then on me.

AlexanderG said:
And I thought I made it easy for you ... I picked that link because it has two colorful pictures and the source of the quote is right under one of those pictures.


Not everything which works for you, works for others too :p :D
I understand the links with the pictures are more appealing for you
:D :D
Publicus said:
Especially the triple X stuff. :D

I wouldn't go that far, he's at the stage of chicken, mushrooms, stuff like that...and once in a while a quick "Copy" and "Paste" from Freud ;)
WOW! The kettle calling the pot black!
Where you not the guy who was out of status (Illegally present) in the US, having been admited in to the country as a student, and then you miraculously "fell in love" with a US citizen and managed to get a US citizenship? I guess "What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander too!" Or may be not?

Sony2006 said:
I am willing to avoid all foods processes by illegals.
not only that, i am willing to donate or pay little extra tax, wheather income or sales, to support the expense of jailing and deporting the lawbreakers!
brb2 said:
WOW! The kettle calling the pot black!
Where you not the guy who was out of status (Illegally present) in the US, having been admited in to the country as a student, and then you miraculously "fell in love" with a US citizen and managed to get a US citizenship? I guess "What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander too!" Or may be not?

Indeed ! Is that so, Sony ? That would be very embarassing for you. Alex
AlexanderG said:
Would you say that you personally benefit in your everday life from lower cost for services and products because the cost of running a business is less for certain industries due to their undocumented employees ?


Don't you think that once all these illegals gain legal status they will
immediately start demanding higher wages?

The social benefits they drain from this country by using forged documents etc. is much higher then the small amount they contribute by "doing jobs no American would do" and sending the money back to Mexico...
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Screaming_Eagle said:
Don't you think that once all these illegals gain legal status they will
immediately start demanding higher wages?

The social benefits they drain from this country by using forced documents etc. is much higher then the small amount they contribute by "doing jobs no American would do" and sending the money back to Mexico...

I suppose you know that 'legal status' is a very broad term - and not the same like citizenship in this context. Your 'legal status' as an immigrant could depend on the fact that you are employed, it could even be tight to an employer, profession or industry.

You think immigrants 'are sending their money back to Mexico' ? Time Magazine reports that "some 80% of what undocumented workers earn in the US stays in the US". (Issue April 10th, 2006 - Page 43)

Also, the 'small amount' you refer to, that would something like $4 Billon that illegal immigrants contribute to the North Carolina economy in 2004 (according to a study of the University of North Carolina).

yeah,genius just fyi 95% of the people in this country are migrants or their ancestors were immigrants.point is we migrated legally.we did not break the rule.....
what was the unemployment rate in nc for 2004?
employers these days tend to hire illegals coz they demand cheap wages,forget insurance and never talk of retirement plan....
the insurance is passed on to the government which in turn passes it on the legal citizens...

AlexanderG said:
I suppose you know that 'legal status' is a very broad term - and not the same like citizenship in this context. Your 'legal status' as an immigrant could depend on the fact that you are employed, it could even be tight to an employer, profession or industry.

You think immigrants 'are sending their money back to Mexico' ? Time Magazine reports that "some 80% of what undocumented workers earn in the US stays in the US". (Issue April 10th, 2006 - Page 43)

Also, the 'small amount' you refer to, that would something like $4 Billon that illegal immigrants contribute to the North Carolina economy in 2004 (according to a study of the University of North Carolina).

I am specifically referring to the ones who are here illegally. The amount you quoted that they are supposedly contributing to the economy is nothing compared to the amount in unpaid ER and medical bills which they never pay and are causing hospitals to shut down and causing sky high medical costs, not to mention food stamps, overcrowded classrooms and the costs of hiring Spanish speaking teachers and other subsidies they are taking advantage of. Most don't pay taxes and are driving with no driver licenses or insurance. How is that fair?
I still say they take much more than they give, not to mention the fact that they are breaking the law, making a mockery out of the law abiding citizens and those of us who are here legally and paying our taxes and bills.

As I stated in my last post, what do you want to bet the minute they become legal they start demanding higher wages?
yup 80% of what they earn stays here....they are not doing a favour ,they need a home to stay in, a car to get to work ,plenty of beer to drink,food to eat (this is something everyone calls basic necessities).now,u dont expect a daily laborer to work all day catch a mexican airways flight in the evening and go back home and spend the money there do u?
but what about the taxes,what about food stamps and what about health care.are we supposed to bear em?
and do u expect that these guys just coz they get assylum and become pr's are going to quit working for companies for cash instead of paying taxes...
how many ppl do u know who are working in the farms with a masters degree,forget masters who have got through high svchool
basically those poor ppl wont have much choice but to go back to the same employer who will say u know what work for me for cash and no benefits to which these poor ppl will agree and there it goes....
ok ppl where was the poll at...la?
now i remember jimmy kimmel a couple of days ago saying
" hell,yeah i support legalisation of illegal immigrants and i am against them being charged as felons"
the reason- i dont want to look for another baby sitter for my kids every other day :D
besides if you wanna go to miami and do a poll asking if cuban immigrants should be served free beer at local pubs on wekends and the government should pick the tab,
i am 100% sure 90% of the surveyed will strongly recommend such action
after reading the moderator's pm to u i figured how many guys can one guy have banned....
gimme a couple of mins as i finish a smoke and come up with a good reply to joe f in ur thread...
learn chinese :D