Who is coming for party?

A warm Congratulation !

Hi man,
You made my day tody, we all have been waiting to see this thing to happen.I am very very happy for you , people like you don't deserve to go through hassle, but any way it's over.Thanks for letting us share your happiness.I wish I could come see you at your place , I am far way but I with you man.
Long GC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're a great volunteer!!!!!!

You already helpd other people with your valuable messages.
I guess I am not invited but congrats anyway!

Long GC congratulations! Hopefully this long experience will not totally destroy your belief in justice and relative efficiency of the US democracy. May be one day you will tell your children that there is no greater country than this.

Enjoy! Michal.
Rough Ride

Wow, congratulations LongGC! You've had a long and rough ride, but now a good reason to party! (take the cab home!)
Man Where is the party ? We all wish you and your family have good time ????

Enjoy free bird after long time....Free...Free...Free...Free...Free...Free...Free...Free...Free...Free...


BaSh :D
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Congratulations, LongGC!! I think you are the most famous person in this forum based on so many responses you got in such a short time. Unfortunately you are not in Houston or I definately will party together with you snce I was approved several days ago.

Your experieces always inspire me since your PD is 1 year earlier than me when I thought I am already unfortunate since it's been more than 5 years before I started GC journey. You are still hanging there fighting while going through all this pain.

But at least all these show that America is still Great country and it is still fair to all of us who deserve GC, although taking longer than usual. Anyway, let's celebrate together and enjoy our freedom.
Hearty Congradulations ..............

Real long journey with lot of anxiety and worries , but now looking back it should all excite you, that you went thro all that ...


Congratulations longGC!!

It was really very nice to see your approval. We have been following your case through your postings and it was nice to see your approval finally come through. Go enjoy ...have a big party ....our best wishes to you and your family.

Congratulation.. Man 'o' Man, what a ride you been through..Good to see your GC approved..


sometimes i believe it is our karma that keeps some waiting long some short. I think tide has turned in your favor...take it easy. do some deep breathing..I can only think how stressful it could have been

best of luck
Long GC, your nightmare is over. Congrats!

Have fun. Don't drink and drive.

Michal, I assume you will be invited too. It is natural that there will be differences in opinion, but at the end we all are waiting for GC and do believe in this country.
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