Who is coming for party?

Please keep your footer info so as to encourage others to keep trying all the way to the last mile.
First of all many Congratuation to you and Family. :D

I believe we all very glad to hear about ur case result. Congratuations again. and you deserve that. we all understand that the pain you went through. and also glad to hear that u decided to be around here and would continue ur valiable advise and help.

Well, hope ur case would encourage many ppl to keep their hope and be opitmestic.

And the about party....ummmm sure...... that would be my honer and would visit Atlanta, and Lunch would be due at "Mirch Masaalat" (I remember that that was Restaurant name)

Realy very happy to see ur approval. :D

Good Luckk
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longgc, Congratulations, from another folk from Atlanta. Thank God, yours was not transferred to ADO from TSC!!! Awesome news it is. Celebrate.
CONGRATULATIONS longGC!!!!!! A very well deserved victory indeed!! You are an inspiration to the rest of us, not to ever give up !! This system sucks but looking at you, we know there is still hope!! I am sure most of us who know of your tremendously long journey will be very happy for you. Our best wishes to you and your family!! Enjoy the day and the rest of your life!! Your long wait is finally over.

Congrats LongGC..or should I now say just GC! Your follow-through and perseverance are just awesome!!! Enjoy well-deserved celebrations!
Conratulations, LongGC!

I'm very happy to see things finally go your way! Enjoy your freedom and best of luck!
Congratulations man...U've waited so long..

Goodluck with everything else..

err...where is the party?

Good to hear this great news. I am following all your postings. You are a great man, you are deserved for this, you are set to a examplary to all the waiters. Any way Congratulations maan, enjoy....
Hearty Congratulations!!!

Hi LongGC,
Congratulations!!!!!! I've been reading your postings all the time. I was all the way eager to hear about your approval....I'm sooooo happy!!! I'm genuinely happy for you...... You and your family deserve a GREAT treat for yourself....
Enjoy your freedom.... Hope your child's will be approved soon too... All the best!!!!
Thanks to all well wishers. There are many of you to list here.

A few minutes ago, I got another set of e-mails. It was my child's approval. I am now relieved.

You are all invited. For those in Atlanta, please tell me a convenient location :p

I wish all the best for all of you.