Where do you keep your Greencard?

I've carried my green card in my wallet always but keep forgetting that its sitting there sometimes. No one has actually stopped me and asked for it though.

Also, I've sent mine a couple of times to other consulates in the US and stuff. For example, when I was applying for a UK and Schengen visa, I had to send the original GC along with the visa application via courier. Always stapled a ziploc bag in those cases to my passport and dropped the GC into it.

They've always sent me back any proof (including GC) intact to me. However, theres always the lurking fear that one time it might just disappear...:eek:


If anyone stops you and ask to see your greencard, then the appropriate question for you to ask, seek to see his federal credentials conferring on them the ability to enforce immigration laws. :eek: Unless they are from ICE, then ignoring them and call 911....:D

For most people, they forget the simple premise of the US Constitution, your bill of rights. It is prudent to invoke your 4th amendment in all cases where cops seek to search your person or your property, including your car. :(

Unless there is probable cause for them to search your car and demand to see who you are, the obvious ID to give them is your drivers licenses, not your greencard...:rolleyes: Most ignorant immigrants including US citizens, are railroad into submitting to unnecessary request or admission by cops all the time. If you have a pipeof weed laying on the floor in the backseat of your car, once a police officer sees, you are screwed because you cannot invoke a 4th amendment..:cool: However, if it is hidden under the seat of your car, the officer can suspect that you were smoking a trini-jamaican turkey...as long as it is hidden, then you can invoke the 4th amendment. :confused: If you smell weed...then the 4th isn't going work...;)

In short, there requirement to carry your greencard is naive and stupid. USCIS knows that people can be careless and lose them, and you have to refile for a replacement at the excessive fee of $370. Guess what my friends, you cannot file for a replacement at a McDonalds, but at the same agency that require that you carry the stupid card which has not been green for the last 40 yrs... So, it is self-serving to have you carry it and lose, get the money to them to replace, so that they hang your nuts to dry for two years while they are replacing it... After all, replacement card is carved out of a stone in MT Helena...it is a delicate process....:)
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GC Preservation


Here is a simple strategy to preserve your documentation, including your greenacard, so that even if you lose them, you have copies which can ensure faster and efficient replacement with relevant authories:

Copy all important documentation and use a digital scanner to convert them into PDF files and keep electronic copies in your flash drive and back-up copies in your email address. I mean the email address that you check regularly. If you house burns down, including your "black friday" bargain fire proof Walmart safe for $14,99, then you can access your email, assuming that your flash drive was consumed by fire, print all copies at a Kinko, NOT your job....:rolleyes: From there onwards, you should be set to get application forms from relevant agencies, provide original copies of all documents which were destroyed, to help the agency to verify and re-issue you new documents. :D

This strategy works well for people who lose their important documents such as passport, UNLP, greencard while they are overseas, especially in countries where there rioters and thiefs, you cannot come to the US to open your safe and request replacement documents. First of all, you don't have a passport or your gc. All that you will need will be a business center at a hotel, access to the internet and a printer. Print all your documents and go to your nearest country representative in the country, request an emergency passport, go to the US consulate and request a I-551 to come back to the US, because it might take them couple of days to verify copies of your greencard with USCIS here in the US. If you file a police report in that country, a copy will not hurt you....:( However, if you got robbed while frosting a hot brazillian woman....maybe she arranged your robbery...:) However, all copies might help you guarantee on gaining your paperwork again.:(

Make color copies with a high resolution copier...;) I hope this will help all of you guys...:)

If anyone stops you and ask to see your greencard, then the appropriate question for you to ask, seek to see his federal credentials conferring on them the ability to enforce immigration laws. :eek: Unless they are from ICE, then ignoring them and call 911....:D

For most people, they forget the simple premise of the US Constitution, your bill of rights. It is prudent to invoke your 4th amendment in all cases where cops seek to search your person or your property, including your car. :(

Unless there is probable cause for them to search your car and demand to see who you are, the obvious ID to give them is your drivers licenses, not your greencard...:rolleyes: Most ignorant immigrants including US citizens, are railroad into submitting to unnecessary request or admission by cops all the time. If you have a pipeof weed laying on the floor in the backseat of your car, once a police officer sees, you are screwed because you cannot invoke a 4th amendment..:cool: However, if it is hidden under the seat of your car, the officer can suspect that you were smoking a trini-jamaican turkey...as long as it is hidden, then you can invoke the 4th amendment. :confused: If you smell weed...then the 4th isn't going work...;)

In short, there requirement to carry your greencard is naive and stupid. USCIS knows that people can be careless and lose them, and you have to refile for a replacement at the excessive fee of $370. Guess what my friends, you cannot file for a replacement at a McDonalds, but at the same agency that require that you carry the stupid card which has not been green for the last 40 yrs... So, it is self-serving to have you carry it and lose, get the money to them to replace, so that they hang your nuts to dry for two years while they are replacing it... After all, replacement card is carved out of a stone in MT Helena...it is a delicate process....:)

Check this website, it is a good resource on your Bill of Rights: http://flexyourrights.org/
The speed limit talk is a very interesting one, this is my experience: We got a ticket once (six years ago) for driving 74 on a 65, went before the judge, didn't dismiss it, I guess we were unlucky, and had to pay the fine.
About the radar, it is my experience that they are very, very accurate, I have tested them at various speeds from 15 - 70 mph, and they always agree with my speedometer... heck, even when I am on my bicycle doing 7 MPH, the radar detects me and the speed reported is accurate!!!.

I keep my GC in the nice little envelope in my wallet, but I am considering just making a copy and carry that with me, after all the welcome guide says we should carry proof of the immigration status... not the actual card :rolleyes: does anyone know where the actual law is?

Any cop who stops you for going 5 miles over is desperate and you can go to court to dispute the petty crime...:rolleyes: The judge might even have a good laugh before rebuking the officer for wasting the court's time....:D

You only get busted for going in most cases 10 miles above the speed limit. On interstate, state trooper set their radars 20 miles above the speed limit, and they are able to pluck all drivers going 20 miles over the speed limit....:(

The radar system will not pick-up anyone going below 20 miles, because they are below the trooper's target....:eek: However,e, don't speed :eek:
The Permanent Resident Card, Form I-551, is issued to all Permanent Residents as evidence of alien registration and their permanent status in the US. The card must be in your possession at all times. This requirement means that you are not only required to have a currently valid Form I-551 at all times, but also that you must carry your currently valid Form I-551 on your person at all times. The Permanent Resident Card currently is issued with a 10-year validity. You status as a Permanent Resident does not expire with the 10-year validity. Only the card expires. The card is only valid up to the expiration date and must be renewed before it expires.

Look for the "Now That You Are A Permanent Resident" link on the uscis site
The Permanent Resident Card, Form I-551, is issued to all Permanent Residents as evidence of alien registration and their permanent status in the US. The card must be in your possession at all times. This requirement means that you are not only required to have a currently valid Form I-551 at all times, but also that you must carry your currently valid Form I-551 on your person at all times. The Permanent Resident Card currently is issued with a 10-year validity. You status as a Permanent Resident does not expire with the 10-year validity. Only the card expires. The card is only valid up to the expiration date and must be renewed before it expires.

Look for the "Now That You Are A Permanent Resident" link on the uscis site

That is what the website says, we want the reference to an actual LAW. Like the INA extract and reference :cool:
At the end of the day, it is a matter of individual choice. I carried my GC simply because it was (and still is) the law. When I was in Canada as an immigrant, I did not carry such proof since it was (and still isn't) not required by law.
Ina: Act 264 - Forms And Procedure


Sec. 264. [8 U.S.C. 1304]

(a) The Attorney General and the Secretary of State jointly are authorized and directed to prepare forms for the registration of aliens under section 261 of this title, and the Attorney General is authorized and directed to prepare forms for the registration and fingerprinting of aliens under section 262 of this title. Such forms shall contain inquiries with respect to (1) the date and place of entry of the alien into the United States; (2) activities in which he has been and intends to be engaged; (3) the length of time he expects to remain in the United States; (4) the police and criminal record, if any, of such alien; and (5) such additional matters as may be prescribed.

(b) All registration and fingerprint records made under the provisions of this title shall be confidential, and shall be made available only (1) pursuant to section 287(f)(2), and (2) to such persons or agencies as may be designated by the Attorney General.

(c) Every person required to apply for the registration of himself or another under this title shall submit under oath the information required for such registration. Any person authorized under regulations issued by the Attorney General to register aliens under this title shall be authorized to administer oaths for such purpose.

(d) Every alien in the United States who has been registered and fingerprinted under the provisions of the Alien Registration Act, 1940, or under the provisions of this Act shall be issued a certificate of alien registration or an alien registration receipt card in such form and manner and at such time as shall be prescribed under regulations issued by the Attorney General.

(e) Every alien, eighteen years of age and over, shall at all times carry with him and have in his personal possession any certificate of alien registration or alien registration receipt card issued to him pursuant to subsection (d). Any alien who fails to comply with the provisions of this subsection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction for each offense be fined not to exceed $100 or be imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both.

(f) 1/ Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Attorney General is authorized to require any alien to provide the alien's social security account number for purposes of inclusion in any record of the alien maintained by the Attorney General or the Service.


INA: ACT 264 FN 1
Thanks for the section in the law, asPapi. I shall immediately reconsider my decision not to carry the GC. :D

$100 fine doesn't sound so bad but the words "misdemeanor" or "30 days imprisonment" are more compelling.

However, here's what I got off of a university website (of course they are not the authority on immigration, but interesting to read different interpretations):

DHS has generally not strictly enforced the "at all times" language. In practice the law has been satisfied by an expectation that you would be able to produce your documents within a reasonable time – to get them from your apartment or safe deposit box, for example.

When you travel away from [... wherever you live ...] , there is not a reasonable expectation that you could just pop home and grab your documents. You need to carry them with you for domestic travel.
Let's say I keep it in my car ... does that mean I "carry" it? With my motor vehicle, if that's my usual mode of transportation and it goes wherever I go, and it is under my control (since I have the only car key) therefore I retain personal possession?

If I have it in my jacket that I hang on my chair and I happen to step away from it, do I still carry it? Or do I truly have to stick it up my ... uhhh, wallet? ;)
Would any of you walk around with over $300 cash on you every time you stepped out your house?Because that's what this requirement is all about.Getting YOUR money!...So if I walk a couple houses down to chat with my neighbor,I need to have my gc with me?Get the heck out of here...If you live in an area,or more importantly work in an area where more than likely the relevant authorities are likely to conduct searches/raids,then by all means you need to have that card on you at all times.But if not use some common sense!!!

I just did a google search of dumb laws,and in my state,check this out,it is illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket if it is Sunday,lol!...Donkeys may not be kept in bathtubs,lol,uhh really...All sex toys are banned,ahh,haha...Again people common sense!
Would any of you walk around with over $300 cash on you every time you stepped out your house?Because that's what this requirement is all about.Getting YOUR money!

Oddly enough, most people are quite capable of going about for years without getting important things like credit cards and drivers' licenses lost. I somehow doubt that immigrants are less capable in this area.

...So if I walk a couple houses down to chat with my neighbor,I need to have my gc with me?Get the heck out of here.. ..... But if not use some common sense!!!

As should you. I don't take my GC when I drive to the neighborhood pool, or my DL for that matter. But anywhere else, I take both. It's just plain common sense, as you like to say. :)
Would any of you walk around with over $300 cash on you every time you stepped out your house?Because that's what this requirement is all about.Getting YOUR money!...So if I walk a couple houses down to chat with my neighbor,I need to have my gc with me?Get the heck out of here...If you live in an area,or more importantly work in an area where more than likely the relevant authorities are likely to conduct searches/raids,then by all means you need to have that card on you at all times.But if not use some common sense!!!

I just did a google search of dumb laws,and in my state,check this out,it is illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket if it is Sunday,lol!...Donkeys may not be kept in bathtubs,lol,uhh really...All sex toys are banned,ahh,haha...Again people common sense!


Good points all around!!! I agree, it is illegal in some states to pass gas on a Sunday... :D So, you then hold your gas till you explode to pieces..:rolleyes:
Oddly enough, most people are quite capable of going about for years without getting important things like credit cards and drivers' licenses lost. I somehow doubt that immigrants are less capable in this area.
In all my years of walking around with my wallet i've never lost or had it stolen,so I am not saying anyone else is incapable of doing so.But guess what,if I loose my wallet tommorow I won't be applying for a gc!Because it will be at my home in my safe!

As should you. I don't take my GC when I drive to the neighborhood pool, or my DL for that matter. But anywhere else, I take both. It's just plain common sense, as you like to say. :)
So you don't take your gc or your dl when you drive to the neighborhood pool,interesting.I didn't see anything in my welcome notice,or from my driver's manual that states i'm excused from carrying these documents if i'm driving to the pool.So could it be you excercised some common sense:eek:

And as far as driving anywhere without the dl,that's not common sense at all;)...Let me ask you this,when you had your gc,how many times were you asked to show it,besides the obvious times(Job,dmv,ssa,airport,etc)?...I was out of status for a little over 6yrs,and not 1 time was I asked to show proof of my status!So why would all of a sudden I need to have proof with me at all times.


Good points all around!!! I agree, it is illegal in some states to pass gas on a Sunday... :D So, you then hold your gas till you explode to pieces..:rolleyes:

Thanks,great minds think alike!
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Whatttt???, they ban sex toys in your state?, oh no!!! LOL what's the penalty for being caught in possession of a sex toy? I'm glad I don't live in your state, I'd be in jail :eek:

By the way Aspapi, thanks for posting the actual law, seems like my GC stays in my wallet.
Would any of you walk around with over $300 cash on you every time you stepped out your house?Because that's what this requirement is all about.Getting YOUR money!...So if I walk a couple houses down to chat with my neighbor,I need to have my gc with me?Get the heck out of here...If you live in an area,or more importantly work in an area where more than likely the relevant authorities are likely to conduct searches/raids,then by all means you need to have that card on you at all times.But if not use some common sense!!!

I just did a google search of dumb laws,and in my state,check this out,it is illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket if it is Sunday,lol!...Donkeys may not be kept in bathtubs,lol,uhh really...All sex toys are banned,ahh,haha...Again people common sense!
Now that I know the details of the law, I'm also considering carrying it whenever it makes sense, at least on weekends when I go visit my wife in a different city! I'm tending more and more towards keeping it in my car. I don't usually like keeping "valuables" in my car but it'll get less wear than if I'm sitting on it all the time (wallet is usually in back pocket of my jeans) and less chance of misplacing it (it'll be easier to misplace my wallet than my car). As far as it getting stolen, I guess that would probably happen if my car gets stolen, then I have a bigger problem on my hand anyway than merely getting a new GC. Any other issues about having it in the car, besides the obvious one that I might be away from my car at times?
Now that I know the details of the law, I'm also considering carrying it whenever it makes sense, at least on weekends when I go visit my wife in a different city! I'm tending more and more towards keeping it in my car. I don't usually like keeping "valuables" in my car but it'll get less wear than if I'm sitting on it all the time (wallet is usually in back pocket of my jeans) and less chance of misplacing it (it'll be easier to misplace my wallet than my car). As far as it getting stolen, I guess that would probably happen if my car gets stolen, then I have a bigger problem on my hand anyway than merely getting a new GC. Any other issues about having it in the car, besides the obvious one that I might be away from my car at times?


You will be served well by a thief carjacking you or your car being stolen, and losing your greencard in the process. Oh...how about this, involve in a car accident and you are disoriented and have to be taken to the hospital... Oh... i know...you are going to tell EMS that you need to get your greencard in your glove compartment...:rolleyes: I know you will do this even when you are unconscious....

The law is naive and outdated, because I don't know many state troopers who know the law governing your greencard...:eek: I mean, they have enough problems figuring out if they should taser you once or two times, but only to realize that after tasering your twice, you die....:mad: So, I wonder...

So, what are the chances of them knowing that if you don't have your greencard on your person then you are doing to be fined $100 and jailed for a couple of days..:confused: Please... give me a break... You only have to inform the officer that he is not authorized to enforce federal immigration law, and he should cite a statute conferring him the policy...:(