What to wear to the interview?


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Hey guys,

I know this is a silly question but I am going straight to work after my interview tomorrow and I do not have time to change. Do you think it would be ok to wear medical scrubs to the interview? Or should I make a plan to change after?

Thanks for your replies in advance.
I do not think they can say no ... but I would change if I were in your place. On the other hand, if you have any issues with your case, you might get some sympathy allowance.

Do come back and let us know how it went.
I wore formal clothes but there were people there wearing sweat pants. So I guess it really does not matter.
I would wear casual clothing, but since I need the IOs full respect for my case, I might wear a suit. Do you think that would be good, from a psychological perspective?
Hey guys,

I know this is a silly question but I am going straight to work after my interview tomorrow and I do not have time to change. Do you think it would be ok to wear medical scrubs to the interview? Or should I make a plan to change after?

Thanks for your replies in advance.
Would you show up in medical scrubs for a funeral? Moral of the story is dress for the occasion..business casual is fine.
You can't compare a funeral to this, Bobsmyth. Casual clothing is a big part of the American lifestyle, and going to your citizenship interview that way isn't disrespectful, in my opinion. I am going to be wearing a suit ONLY because I want to manipulate the situation as much as possible, hehe.
cafeconleche, I wouldn't consider medical scrubs to be casual clothing. That's very specific work gear and would be considered odd to wear at such an important interview. In the end, the OP made a good call by going formal.
You can't compare a funeral to this, Bobsmyth. Casual clothing is a big part of the American lifestyle, and going to your citizenship interview that way isn't disrespectful, in my opinion. I am going to be wearing a suit ONLY because I want to manipulate the situation as much as possible, hehe.
You missed my point. The comparison to funeral was to show what to wear for a given occasion. You wouldn't wear medical scrubs for a funeral..you'd wear a suit. Likewise, you wouldn't wear medical scrubs to a naturalization interview..you'd wear business casual.
If you consider that as uniform of doctors, would taht become a positive thing to wear? I believe military personell
wear their umiform to citizenship interview
If you consider that as uniform of doctors, would taht become a positive thing to wear? I believe military personell wear their umiform to citizenship interview

How many people have we seen walking the streets with military uniform? A lot ... although it depends on the area you live in.
How many people have we seen walking the streets in scrubs?
I realise wearing scrubs to most places is not done, but I wish to protest. I hope more people break the mold and wear scrubs EVERYWHERE!
I hope more people break the mold and wear scrubs EVERYWHERE!

... And lose faith in the medical profession? "I know you said the hospital is a sterile environment, but did I not see you wiping your hands on these scrubs last night in the restaurant?"
Just as much you do not like to see a doctor performing surgery in a suit. What is wrong with wearing appropriate attire for an occasion. Citizenship interview is serious matter, not a halloween party; you are willingly giving up your native country citizenship and taking on US citizenship.
Just as much you do not like to see a doctor performing surgery in a suit. What is wrong with wearing appropriate attire for an occasion. Citizenship interview is serious matter, not a halloween party; you are willingly giving up your native country citizenship and taking on US citizenship.

Halloween party is not serious to you ?? C'mon !!
Like I said earlier I wore formal clothes as I thought that it was more appropriate. I changed into my work clothes in the car. Thanks for all the input.
Like I said earlier I wore formal clothes as I thought that it was more appropriate. I changed into my work clothes in the car. Thanks for all the input.

I would not have responded except for this ... don't worry - we have a habit of discussing issues threadbare when it interests us. Don't be surprised if you return next week, and we are still debating this.