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What are your thoughts on this:"Visa Lottery is stupid"

What??? i always thought Vancouver was kinda safe... thanks for this link and the information.

Vancouver is I would say 92% safe, you got to take into account the "regions" of Vancouver. Most of the time all of the crime linked is in Surrey (which is an hour away from Vancouver) or east hastings which is a dangerous suburb 20 mins east of downtown. It relitevly is safe, you can't trust news sources all the time. I've lived here all my life and never seen gang violence, muggings or anything bad happening. But then again I haven't lived in the two bad areas Surrey or East Downtown (which you really don't need to go to). Everywhere else in Vancouver is very safe and care free!
I mean I can say New York City is rough because I hear drive by shootings and muggings all the time in New York. Infact on the news there was a case in a suburb of New York City a gang of black people beat a take away chinese guy to death because they felt like it. Same thing can be said about Las Vegas, it has had it's fair share of drive bys and muggings put aside the casino scene now that is a dangerous city, the State it's located in "Nevada" has been proven that it's the #1 state with the most crime compared to any other state in USA, FACT. The house prices in Las Vegas are incredibly low because it's such a dangerous city!
Now Houston I can't say much about but I see nothing wrong that city but once again it will have crime just like any other city.

Post: There is no city in North America that is 100% safe.
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I agree
i dont know how you did with the puma shoes... but my timbaland did not help much... went for a winter carnival and was out for 2 hours i could not take it anymore. FEET FROZEN.. let s just say "stay way for quebec if you don t like the cold."
The more I think about, the more I concider new york for a start.
Lot of oportunities if you are smart
Me I will resume my studies.
those are all "good" cities, it depends really on the industry where you in. i think we have to take that into account. Orlando is big for tourism. houston, i would say petroleum and gaz but i am not too sure on that i know texas is known for that. Washington Dc for politics.... in which industry are you currently working in.

Me the BIG APPLE. i lived there, i love the city and i know the city. I dont know if it s only me but the city smells opportunity. ROUGH as hell... you gotta be really smart if not people will hustle you.but it makes you smarter. and it s also the industry i am in. Business, real estate and Entertainment. New york is also big for Finance and like they say. " IF I CAN MAKE IT HERE I CAN MAKE IT ANYWHERE" :)
Vancouver is I would say 92% safe, you got to take into account the "regions" of Vancouver. Most of the time all of the crime linked is in Surrey (which is an hour away from Vancouver) or east hastings which is a dangerous suburb 20 mins east of downtown. It relitevly is safe, you can't trust news sources all the time. I've lived here all my life and never seen gang violence, muggings or anything bad happening. But then again I haven't lived in the two bad areas Surrey or East Downtown (which you really don't need to go to). Everywhere else in Vancouver is very safe and care free!
I mean I can say New York City is rough because I hear drive by shootings and muggings all the time in New York. Infact on the news there was a case in a suburb of New York City a gang of black people beat a take away chinese guy to death because they felt like it. Same thing can be said about Las Vegas, it has had it's fair share of drive bys and muggings put aside the casino scene now that is a dangerous city, the State it's located in "Nevada" has been proven that it's the #1 state with the most crime compared to any other state in USA, FACT. The house prices in Las Vegas are incredibly low because it's such a dangerous city!
Now Houston I can't say much about but I see nothing wrong that city but once again it will have crime just like any other city.

Post: There is no city in North America that is 100% safe.

Yeah i think it s like in NY. i lived there, took the subway at 4am and never had any problem. so it must be the neighborhood you are living in. but probably the news must have been taking in account the percentage. they are probably like for this population the number of crimes is kinda high. even though it s still a low number compared to the US cities.
it s funny when i talk to people and i say i lived in brooklyn, first thing they say is "isn t it dangerous there?" i kinda smile. i depends where you stay at in brooklyn... some part of brooklyn are way clean (like park slope or dumbo) some part i would not go there.
First when it comes to Vancouver you say to not trust the news but when it is for new york you cite the news? Double standard... New york ain't dangerous at all... I was walking late night in some suposed bad areas of queens & brooklyn without seeing anything...
Vancouver is I would say 92% safe, you got to take into account the "regions" of Vancouver. Most of the time all of the crime linked is in Surrey (which is an hour away from Vancouver) or east hastings which is a dangerous suburb 20 mins east of downtown. It relitevly is safe, you can't trust news sources all the time. I've lived here all my life and never seen gang violence, muggings or anything bad happening. But then again I haven't lived in the two bad areas Surrey or East Downtown (which you really don't need to go to). Everywhere else in Vancouver is very safe and care free!
I mean I can say New York City is rough because I hear drive by shootings and muggings all the time in New York. Infact on the news there was a case in a suburb of New York City a gang of black people beat a take away chinese guy to death because they felt like it. Same thing can be said about Las Vegas, it has had it's fair share of drive bys and muggings put aside the casino scene now that is a dangerous city, the State it's located in "Nevada" has been proven that it's the #1 state with the most crime compared to any other state in USA, FACT. The house prices in Las Vegas are incredibly low because it's such a dangerous city!
Now Houston I can't say much about but I see nothing wrong that city but once again it will have crime just like any other city.

Post: There is no city in North America that is 100% safe.
If you fed up working part time jobs and not speaking Spanish, that s your own fault. One thing would be to speak Spanish, and the other would be to get your skills up and being in demand. That s all you got, people are being successful in the conditions you are living so why can t you?

I don t accept illegals. but i won t be complaining about what they do and what they don t do. its not getting me anywhere. i focus on the solutions. those at the bottom of the ladder complain about illegals taking petty jobs. you won t hear Oprah complaining about illegals. why??? she doesn t care and it s not taking care her anywhere or making her life better. FOCUS ON THE SOLUTION> WHAT CAN YOU DO RIGHT NOW TO CHANGE YOUR SITUATION? DONT COMPLAIN
Change your attitude and you will see things in a better light. TRUST ME, BEEN THERe.

I strongly disagree with your statement. This is one of the most idiotic things I have ever heard on this forum, and I have read a lot of idiotic remarks. First of all, you speak from only one stand point, disregarding the scenarios and situations of other people. I for one live in South Florida, I am a highschool student who works at part time jobs to save up enough money for college. How can I "get my skills up and be in demand" If I have yet to recieve my college education due to me still being a highschool student? I think your brain can't comprehend that a "part time job" is a job for someone who is usually going through schooling and works on the side to save up money, you yourself even called it a part time job. Hence, I am being out sourced for jobs due to the fact that I don't speak spanish, a language that 99% of American's do not speak. Your solution is to learn spanish? Are you an incompetent moron? Why is it my responsibility to learn a language because spanish employers are discriminating against non-spanish speakers? Not to mention the root of the problem is that they are trying to only hire spanish people. How dare you insinuate that a highschool student needs a broader span of job skills to compete with the illegal immigrants who are only being hired for these jobs by other spanish employers (prejudice). You sir are a very ignorant person who completely miss-interpreted who the the spanish speakers are out sourcing for jobs. They are not out sourcing middle aged people who depend on that job because that is all they can do. No, they are competiting with teenagers and college student's who need to earn money to open the future doors of success. Please don't comment on these forums if your IQ is lower than 100, k thnx bye!
First when it comes to Vancouver you say to not trust the news but when it is for new york you cite the news? Double standard... New york ain't dangerous at all... I was walking late night in some suposed bad areas of queens & brooklyn without seeing anything...

Umm I said if you were to believe what they said in the news about Vancouver crime being bad then that means I can believe about crime in New York being bad too if I saw it on the news, learn 2 read. You got a lot of English comprehension to catch up on dude. I myself can also walk the streets of Vancouver at night early hours of the morning safe just like any other city out there. If you visit Vancouver and instead of believing the news you will see how safe it is. All city has crime, saying a city has 0% crime is very naive. You sir are probably thee most stubborn and ignorant person I have met in ages... Damn lol
I didn't read the full post...
I've seen the worst place of london, paris, bruxelles a liege (which would easily be in the USA top 10 most dangerous cities if liege was in usa in term of murder & assaults)... Do you realy think I'm fearing Vancouver? the news loves to say bs after bs because bs sells... Liege (belgium) has a murder rate of 25 per 100 000... way above chicago, miami... only Detroit, DC & Baltimore (big cities) surpasses Liege murder rate so vancouver for me is a walk in disneyland
Umm I said if you were to believe what they said in the news about Vancouver crime being bad then that means I can believe about crime in New York being bad too if I saw it on the news, learn 2 read. You got a lot of English comprehension to catch up on dude. I myself can also walk the streets of Vancouver at night early hours of the morning safe just like any other city out there. If you visit Vancouver and instead of believing the news you will see how safe it is. All city has crime, saying a city has 0% crime is very naive. You sir are probably thee most stubborn and ignorant person I have met in ages... Damn lol
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I strongly disagree with your statement. This is one of the most idiotic things I have ever heard on this forum, and I have read a lot of idiotic remarks. First of all, you speak from only one stand point, disregarding the scenarios and situations of other people. I for one live in South Florida, I am a highschool student who works at part time jobs to save up enough money for college. How can I "get my skills up and be in demand" If I have yet to recieve my college education due to me still being a highschool student? I think your brain can't comprehend that a "part time job" is a job for someone who is usually going through schooling and works on the side to save up money, you yourself even called it a part time job. Hence, I am being out sourced for jobs due to the fact that I don't speak spanish, a language that 99% of American's do not speak. Your solution is to learn spanish? Are you an incompetent moron? Why is it my responsibility to learn a language because spanish employers are discriminating against non-spanish speakers? Not to mention the root of the problem is that they are trying to only hire spanish people. How dare you insinuate that a highschool student needs a broader span of job skills to compete with the illegal immigrants who are only being hired for these jobs by other spanish employers (prejudice). You sir are a very ignorant person who completely miss-interpreted who the the spanish speakers are out sourcing for jobs. They are not out sourcing middle aged people who depend on that job because that is all they can do. No, they are competiting with teenagers and college student's who need to earn money to open the future doors of success. Please don't comment on these forums if your IQ is lower than 100, k thnx bye!

You hit the nail right on the head! This is exactly how I feel at the moment. Right now I am studying Pre-Med at college hoping to become a doctor and it's just not possible to support myself here with part time jobs with all the illegal Spanish talking people taking all the jobs here! This is also why I'm reconsidering moving to Canada for Med School since the tution fees over there are cheaper then here and that there are actually demand for doctors over there! It's just a shame so many ignorant people are on these forums. You're one of the good intelligent Americans I like, if only we had more people like ourselves huh? Hope you get a good job in the future out of you're education, you seem like a nice hard working intelligent guy. :)
You hit the nail right on the head! This is exactly how I feel at the moment. Right now I am studying Pre-Med at college hoping to become a doctor and it's just not possible to support myself here with part time jobs with all the illegal Spanish talking people taking all the jobs here! This is also why I'm reconsidering moving to Canada for Med School since the tution fees over there are cheaper then here and that there are actually demand for doctors over there! It's just a shame so many ignorant people are on these forums. You're one of the good intelligent Americans I like, if only we had more people like ourselves huh? Hope you get a good job in the future out of you're education, you seem like a nice hard working intelligent guy. :)

I can understand that you want to move to Canada because it seems safer and because of low tuition fees. but i just think you go about the wrong way in bashing spanish speaking people or blacks. everywhere you will go there will always be some bad things you won t like... trust me Vancouver even though it s the best city in the world to live according to MErcer ranking is not the paradise. living expenses in Vancouver are really expensive .... more expensive than New York. and New York is probably the more expensive city in the USa.
For the last 10 years, i probably lived in 7 different cities in 4 different countries. and trust me wherever you go , there will always be some bad stuff. the thing is to focus on the positive and the outcomes that you want. if you feel like moving to canada for you is the right choice, please do so. you probably know better than i do about your situation. but i think it will help if you see the glass half full than half empty.
I strongly disagree with your statement. This is one of the most idiotic things I have ever heard on this forum, and I have read a lot of idiotic remarks. First of all, you speak from only one stand point, disregarding the scenarios and situations of other people. I for one live in South Florida, I am a highschool student who works at part time jobs to save up enough money for college. How can I "get my skills up and be in demand" If I have yet to recieve my college education due to me still being a highschool student? I think your brain can't comprehend that a "part time job" is a job for someone who is usually going through schooling and works on the side to save up money, you yourself even called it a part time job. Hence, I am being out sourced for jobs due to the fact that I don't speak spanish, a language that 99% of American's do not speak. Your solution is to learn spanish? Are you an incompetent moron? Why is it my responsibility to learn a language because spanish employers are discriminating against non-spanish speakers? Not to mention the root of the problem is that they are trying to only hire spanish people. How dare you insinuate that a highschool student needs a broader span of job skills to compete with the illegal immigrants who are only being hired for these jobs by other spanish employers (prejudice). You sir are a very ignorant person who completely miss-interpreted who the the spanish speakers are out sourcing for jobs. They are not out sourcing middle aged people who depend on that job because that is all they can do. No, they are competiting with teenagers and college student's who need to earn money to open the future doors of success. Please don't comment on these forums if your IQ is lower than 100, k thnx bye!

Mate, I would say that i have more experience than you so here is the plan.
here is where having a good attitude would have help.
why should you learn spanish? i don t think that the question should have been asked. but anyway, if you want to get a job where you are then you need to learn spanish. it will make you more competent and above those that don t speak spanish. if you say 99% of americans don t speak spanish that s a lie... as about 20% of americans have a latin heritage. Sure probably some will discriminate and hire more spanish people but others will be willing to hire you if you know how to speak english and spanish.

and also learning spanish, will open your mind. you will be more willing to travel to latin countries, know about their culture, be more sophisticated.

one other thing is i dont know if you travelled enough overseas or lived in another country for a while, if you did you would see things from another perspective. a lot of americans take things for granted. i was an international student in the us and international student don t get loans or scholarships for school. and you know the tuition fees. (25000-40000) per year. are we complaining? a bit but it doesn t get us anywhere so we focus on the positive and things we can change.

many have succeeded in america with a high school education. why don t you learn from them?

How can I "get my skills up and be in demand" If I have yet to recieve my college education due to me still being a highschool student?
the hard truth is you don t need to go to College.

the question is how much do you invest in yourself.? how many books do you read a month? and i am not talking about fairy tales.
the truth is if you work hard on your job you make a living, if you work hard on yourself you make a fortune.

America has the biggest number of millionaires and billionaires and most of them are self made. they have not won the lottery or herited money (steve jobs, gates are probably the most known... richard branson also has a high school education.) look for what they did and how they did. you probably won t be a billionaire but you will be far better off than the average american. It s the only country that give you the opportunity to make something out of nothing, that has so many opportunities. look for the opportunities. BE HUNGRY
You can learn from Marc Cuban (american Billionaire) who paid for college while in high school by collecting and selling stamps, and once gained about $1,100 from starting a chain letter.

how much do you invest in your education for personal finance, personal development, productivity, entrepreneurship, business, sales, leadership... my guess would be none. if you rely on corporate america for security you would be REALLY DISAPPOINTED. TRUST ME BEEN THERE. and ask the people who have masters and phds and out of job... like i said above i dont know which field you want to go in but one thing is sure you have to invest in yourself.

Now below are 5 ways to make it in America, if you don t know

1- build and start your own business.. achieve well through entrepreneurship ...Entrepreneurs
Exemple: 4 men work at 75 different business and found the one they like and were millionaire by the age of 35

2- Senior executive. join a company and stay with a company for a long time... CEO

3- professional people
doctors, lawyers, architect, engineers and business consultant

4- Professional sales people
if you are in sales you are in one of the very best occupation in America to become financially wealthy and independent and self made millionaire
Real estate sales, car sales, insurance sales, pharmaceutical sales.

5- all rockstar, movie actor, authors, singers (who are less than 10%, if am not wrong only 2%, of all millionaires)..forgot where i read it.

Ask the right questions. what can i do to change my current situation? who can i emulate that made it? what do i have to learn to succeed? and go to work.

I will end with a quote from Steve Jobs.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. — Steve Jobs, 2005
Stanford University Commencement Speech


Exactly, be Hungry and stop complaining.
I strongly disagree with your statement. This is one of the most idiotic things I have ever heard on this forum, and I have read a lot of idiotic remarks. First of all, you speak from only one stand point, disregarding the scenarios and situations of other people. I for one live in South Florida, I am a highschool student who works at part time jobs to save up enough money for college. How can I "get my skills up and be in demand" If I have yet to recieve my college education due to me still being a highschool student? I think your brain can't comprehend that a "part time job" is a job for someone who is usually going through schooling and works on the side to save up money, you yourself even called it a part time job. Hence, I am being out sourced for jobs due to the fact that I don't speak spanish, a language that 99% of American's do not speak. Your solution is to learn spanish? Are you an incompetent moron? Why is it my responsibility to learn a language because spanish employers are discriminating against non-spanish speakers? Not to mention the root of the problem is that they are trying to only hire spanish people. How dare you insinuate that a highschool student needs a broader span of job skills to compete with the illegal immigrants who are only being hired for these jobs by other spanish employers (prejudice). You sir are a very ignorant person who completely miss-interpreted who the the spanish speakers are out sourcing for jobs. They are not out sourcing middle aged people who depend on that job because that is all they can do. No, they are competiting with teenagers and college student's who need to earn money to open the future doors of success. Please don't comment on these forums if your IQ is lower than 100, k thnx bye!

where should you learn spanish.

1- check the university of miami.

2- your local library.

3- buy used books on learning spanish (rosetta stone and others)... probably 1cents ($0.01) on ebay and shipping about $4 (exactly $3.99) and no taxes or garage sales.\

4- go on craigslist and post that you will teach someone english if he teaches you spanish...

5- Join a meetup group at meetup.com

99% of these things you would not do it in another country... this just show you how many options you have available. AMERICA

THINK . hope it helps
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i was an international student in the us and international student don t get loans or scholarships for school. and you know the tuition fees. (25000-40000) per year.

How can I "get my skills up and be in demand" If I have yet to recieve my college education due to me still being a highschool student?
the hard truth is you don t need to go to College.

Then why did you go to college and pay such ridiculous fees for it if you're so damn sure you can make a living with just high school education? Some of us are actually studying subjects that require college education for a job we want in the future and most of the time at graduate level, Doctors/Engineers/Psychiatrists the list goes on.

1- build and start your own business.. achieve well through entrepreneurship ...Entrepreneurs
Exemple: 4 men work at 75 different business and found the one they like and were millionaire by the age of 35

Not everybody in the US become millionaires by just opening a business. The harsh reality is most people don't become millionaires by just starting up a business. Instead they don't make as much money as planned or they just make enough to pay for their bills and what not. Becoming millionaires by starting a business in the Usa is just a fantasy dreamed of by millions people who do not actually live in America and It's "example" not exemple.


Heres an article for you to read. It's about Africans who go to America thinking they would be rich by starting up business in America. Since I see your region is Africa I thought you could relate.
Then why did you go to college and pay such ridiculous fees for it if you're so damn sure you can make a living with just high school education? Some of us are actually studying subjects that require college education for a job we want in the future and most of the time at graduate level, Doctors/Engineers/Psychiatrists the list goes on.

that was my ticket to enter America. it s expensive but it won t change. so i wont complain.
i don t like schools. i think school is boring. i like hands on experience. and starting things from scratch . that is just me. i have two master degrees ( one is a mba). but i am not planning to work in a corporation just because i think it s boring. but i can relate when you are talking of becoming doctors/ lawyers/ psychiatrists. for most of those i agree you need to go to school
i think school is a good way to work on someone' s character through the people you get to meet, and activities you get to do.

here is one thing. i know a friend of a friend who wanted to go to college. he knew school was expensive, and his parents did not want to pay for it. so his only option besides saving for school was to apply for scholarships. he sent letters to all scholarships he could apply for. by the time he was about to go to school, he had $200,000 in scholarships and was admitted to Standford U.

Not everybody in the US become millionaires by just opening a business. The harsh reality is most people don't become millionaires by just starting up a business. Instead they don't make as much money as planned or they just make enough to pay for their bills and what not. Becoming millionaires by starting a business in the Usa is just a fantasy dreamed of by millions people who do not actually live in America and It's "example" not exemple.


Heres an article for you to read. It's about Africans who go to America thinking they would be rich by starting up business in America. Since I see your region is Africa I thought you could relate.

Not everybody in the US become millionaires by just opening a business.

I know that. the question is how many of those try again. it won t work for the first time. if you learn from your failure and come back around and do it better, that s the way to go.

Starting a business will probably not make you a millionaire. but with a lot of effort you can make a high six figure income and not worry about being fired.
i dont think it s really a fantasy. in some other countries, as in african countries, you don t have the freedom to open a business (you can t open a business) there are so many red-tapes.
so having the opportunity to do so is what people are mostly looking for.

and yeah it s example...i wrote it in french... wasn't thinking and typing too fast.
Then why did you go to college and pay such ridiculous fees for it if you're so damn sure you can make a living with just high school education? Some of us are actually studying subjects that require college education for a job we want in the future and most of the time at graduate level, Doctors/Engineers/Psychiatrists the list goes on.

Not everybody in the US become millionaires by just opening a business. The harsh reality is most people don't become millionaires by just starting up a business. Instead they don't make as much money as planned or they just make enough to pay for their bills and what not. Becoming millionaires by starting a business in the Usa is just a fantasy dreamed of by millions people who do not actually live in America and It's "example" not exemple.


Heres an article for you to read. It's about Africans who go to America thinking they would be rich by starting up business in America. Since I see your region is Africa I thought you could relate.

About your link on BBC, it s not because that some failed that will all fail. i don t have to take an example on starting a business.
day to day life in America is ROUGH> it s nothing like in other countries. and i know a lot of people who are like" i am going back home". and i am like if you want to go home , go home. if you are not really to fight and be hungry, learn the system then what can we do?
Mate, I would say that i have more experience than you so here is the plan.
here is where having a good attitude would have help.
why should you learn spanish? i don t think that the question should have been asked. but anyway, if you want to get a job where you are then you need to learn spanish. it will make you more competent and above those that don t speak spanish. if you say 99% of americans don t speak spanish that s a lie... as about 20% of americans have a latin heritage. Sure probably some will discriminate and hire more spanish people but others will be willing to hire you if you know how to speak english and spanish.
Your ignorance knows no bounds, I feel a bit stupider just by reading your ridiculous opinionated crap. Not to mention all your childish and grammatical spelling errors, sure you have more experience than me. You still type like an elementary school student. This already shows me how much experience you lack in the real world, you can't even type a proper sentence. Now, back to the main issue. "it will make you more competent and above those that don t speak spanish." First of all, how dare you assume a second language would make someone more competetant, Plenty of people speak two langauges and lack self-esteem. Second, "Puts you above others who don't speak spanish". Now you're trying to say those who speak a second language are superior and those who lack a second tongue are inferior? You have the logic of a five year old. Begin your sentence's with capitals too please, idiot. "If I say that 99% of people don't speak spanish that is a lie, about 20% of American's have spanish heritage." Yes, a large portion of American's have spanish heritage, but this is where your ignorance shines again "mate"! Just because you have spanish blood does not mean you can speak Spanish. I guess when you look at an asian person you assume they can speak one of the Asian languages too? Ignorant idiot. Lets pick apart all your sentences, because you're just that stupid. You have more experience than me? You make me laugh.
Again, Learning about a new langauge would open my mind and make me more interested in spanish culture and make me willing to travel there? That is pure opinion, not fact. I for one speak 3 languages already, spanish NOT being one of them. So according to your logic my mind should already be opened and I should be superior to those who can not speak a second language. But, the 2 languages I have learned I am still not willing to travel to those countries, another flaw in your idiotic made up logic. I was also an international student in England, so don't tell me I have not traveled enough over seas, you don't even know me, I have no idea where that comment came from. I guess that was your attempt to try and insult me without even knowing me, childish. You live in America? That's laughable considering you can't even type a proper sentence in english. Open your mind and learn english properly, it would make you respect the culture better ;). Many have succeeded in America without a high school education? Holy shit, you are an idiot! Yes, this is true, back in the past in America it was possible to succeed without a college education, but from the 1990s times have changed, now it is crucial to obtain a college education, even athelete's have to go to college before they can go pro now. Only a small handful can make it rich without proper schooling, and that number is dwindling now. For you to assume I am one of those 12 people makes you psychic, or a complete moron, I go with the latter. "the hard truth is you don t need to go to College." That statement shows me how stupid you truly are, you don't know how society works now a days AND it shows me how much you hate schooling. You can say you got whatever degree, but I know that would be a lie. "the truth is if you work hard on your job you make a living, if you work hard on yourself you make a fortune." Why are you giving such a ridiculous unnecessary quote? The topic of discussion is trying to get a part time job while paying for college fees, not working hard to make a living, you're so stupid..."You can learn from Marc Cuban (american Billionaire) who paid for college while in high school by collecting and selling stamps, and once gained about $1,100 from starting a chain letter." Again, times have changed...How low is your IQ? You obviously don't understand how cheap stamps are now, and you could never compete with walmart or any other company with you selling stamps on the street...How stupid can you be to not realize you NEED a college education in this day and age.. "
how much do you invest in your education for personal finance, personal development, productivity, entrepreneurship, business, sales, leadership... my guess would be none. if you rely on corporate america for security you would be REALLY DISAPPOINTED" I Have no idea what you just said here, you made absoulutely zero sense. Considering I have business classes. I rely on corporate America for security? Everyone knows corporations are only out there to gain money and most of the peopel are crooks, how am I relying on them for security? You spew garbage about me personally without facts to back it up. I have to invest myself? Thats why I work part time jobs to pay for my classes, wow, what the hell are you talking about?"
1- build and start your own business.. achieve well through entrepreneurship ...Entrepreneurs
Exemple: 4 men work at 75 different business and found the one they like and were millionaire by the age of 35" Again, examples from the past, society doesn't work that way anymore. And you obviously don't understand that those 4 men made it big, but the THOUSANDS of other people who tried to make a business lost everything....Again, you are not thinking logically. "2- Senior executive. join a company and stay with a company for a long time... CEO" How can I join a company when I am still a college student? Companies only higher people with degrees, not to mention they don't hire people who only want to work part time, they want full time employees which is impossible for a college student. This is why foxygirl was complaining, because the only job she can get is a part time job like me, yet in south florida they only hire spanish people. "4- Professional sales people
if you are in sales you are in one of the very best occupation in America to become financially wealthy and independent and self made millionaire
Real estate sales, car sales, insurance sales, pharmaceutical sales" You obviously don't know the statics... I'm not even going to reply to this one if you assume being your own boss and being in sales is the easiest way to be rich...Wow. On an end note, People like you make me speechless to how I can live on the same Earth with such ignorant idiots..It makes me hope there are less people like you. I really hope you did not win the green card Lottery, I would hate to allow more idiots onto American soil. Have a nice day.
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Your ignorance knows no bounds, I feel a bit stupider just by reading your ridiculous opinionated crap. Not to mention all your childish and grammatical spelling errors, sure you have more experience than me. You still type like an elementary school student. This already shows me how much experience you lack in the real world, you can't even type a proper sentence. Now, back to the main issue. "it will make you more competent and above those that don t speak spanish." First of all, how dare you assume a second language would make someone more competetant, Plenty of people speak two langauges and lack self-esteem. Second, "Puts you above others who don't speak spanish". Now you're trying to say those who speak a second language are superior and those who lack a second tongue are inferior? You have the logic of a five year old. Begin your sentence's with capitals too please, idiot. "If I say that 99% of people don't speak spanish that is a lie, about 20% of American's have spanish heritage." Yes, a large portion of American's have spanish heritage, but this is where your ignorance shines again "mate"! Just because you have spanish blood does not mean you can speak Spanish. I guess when you look at an asian person you assume they can speak one of the Asian languages too? Ignorant idiot. Lets pick apart all your sentences, because you're just that stupid. You have more experience than me? You make me laugh.
Again, Learning about a new langauge would open my mind and make me more interested in spanish culture and make me willing to travel there? That is pure opinion, not fact. I for one speak 3 languages already, spanish NOT being one of them. So according to your logic my mind should already be opened and I should be superior to those who can not speak a second language. But, the 2 languages I have learned I am still not willing to travel to those countries, another flaw in your idiotic made up logic. I was also an international student in England, so don't tell me I have not traveled enough over seas, you don't even know me, I have no idea where that comment came from. I guess that was your attempt to try and insult me without even knowing me, childish. You live in America? That's laughable considering you can't even type a proper sentence in english. Open your mind and learn english properly, it would make you respect the culture better ;). Many have succeeded in America without a high school education? Holy shit, you are an idiot! Yes, this is true, back in the past in America it was possible to succeed without a college education, but from the 1990s times have changed, now it is crucial to obtain a college education, even athelete's have to go to college before they can go pro now. Only a small handful can make it rich without proper schooling, and that number is dwindling now. For you to assume I am one of those 12 people makes you psychic, or a complete moron, I go with the latter. "the hard truth is you don t need to go to College." That statement shows me how stupid you truly are, you don't know how society works now a days AND it shows me how much you hate schooling. You can say you got whatever degree, but I know that would be a lie. "the truth is if you work hard on your job you make a living, if you work hard on yourself you make a fortune." Why are you giving such a ridiculous unnecessary quote? The topic of discussion is trying to get a part time job while paying for college fees, not working hard to make a living, you're so stupid..."You can learn from Marc Cuban (american Billionaire) who paid for college while in high school by collecting and selling stamps, and once gained about $1,100 from starting a chain letter." Again, times have changed...How low is your IQ? You obviously don't understand how cheap stamps are now, and you could never compete with walmart or any other company with you selling stamps on the street...How stupid can you be to not realize you NEED a college education in this day and age.. "
how much do you invest in your education for personal finance, personal development, productivity, entrepreneurship, business, sales, leadership... my guess would be none. if you rely on corporate america for security you would be REALLY DISAPPOINTED" I Have no idea what you just said here, you made absoulutely zero sense. Considering I have business classes. I rely on corporate America for security? Everyone knows corporations are only out there to gain money and most of the peopel are crooks, how am I relying on them for security? You spew garbage about me personally without facts to back it up. I have to invest myself? Thats why I work part time jobs to pay for my classes, wow, what the hell are you talking about?"
1- build and start your own business.. achieve well through entrepreneurship ...Entrepreneurs
Exemple: 4 men work at 75 different business and found the one they like and were millionaire by the age of 35" Again, examples from the past, society doesn't work that way anymore. And you obviously don't understand that those 4 men made it big, but the THOUSANDS of other people who tried to make a business lost everything....Again, you are not thinking logically. "2- Senior executive. join a company and stay with a company for a long time... CEO" How can I join a company when I am still a college student? Companies only higher people with degrees, not to mention they don't hire people who only want to work part time, they want full time employees which is impossible for a college student. This is why foxygirl was complaining, because the only job she can get is a part time job like me, yet in south florida they only hire spanish people. "4- Professional sales people
if you are in sales you are in one of the very best occupation in America to become financially wealthy and independent and self made millionaire
Real estate sales, car sales, insurance sales, pharmaceutical sales" You obviously don't know the statics... I'm not even going to reply to this one if you assume being your own boss and being in sales is the easiest way to be rich...Wow. On an end note, People like you make me speechless to how I can live on the same Earth with such ignorant idiots..It makes me hope there are less people like you. I really hope you did not win the green card Lottery, I would hate to allow more idiots onto American soil. Have a nice day.

well well well here goes the little smart boy... Good luck to you anyway... :)