• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

What are your thoughts on this:"Visa Lottery is stupid"

People like you make me speechless to how I can live on the same Earth with such ignorant idiots..It makes me hope there are less people like you. I really hope you did not win the green card Lottery, I would hate to allow more idiots onto American soil. Have a nice day.

HAHAHA! And then the Lottery draw for him got VOID. LOL what goes around comes around. What an ignorant moron that guy was xD

Btw you must be psychic dude cancelling the lottery draw for him like that. Now he has no way in coming to the US LOL! :p
Interesting thread.
To Babydiams
A couple of friends of my husband seem to talk like you and they seem to be well off from what I can see with the cars they drive.
You don't need to come in the US. It seems like you live in Canada, it's across the borders you can come anytime and according to the UN Reports Canada has a higher standard of living than the USA. So be happy where you are. I am sure you'll do well (you probably won't be a millionaire or billionaire though lol...who knows?) but I am sure you will do really well.

To Foxygirl and GRayhat
I hope you found a job by now. But seriously, learning Spanish would help you. That is what I would do, and it seems obvious.

To LoveAmerica
Watch out for yourself when you make fun of other people's misfortune/fortune. You won the second redraw... good for you. hope it goes well... anything could also happen to you lol.

Our government should cancel the DV Program for all and focus on workers and students who have been here for a lot of years.