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What are your thoughts on this:"Visa Lottery is stupid"

I am not saying that you're lying, you know to attract people you don't often tell the truth & sometimes you withold informations.
The information session was in 2009 in Paris.
I lived like 7 month in Montreal, left last april
I don t know when and where they had this information session. Laws change often. but i can assure you that you have to live 2 out of 5 years in Canada to remain a permanent resident.

"A Permanent Resident in Canada is someone who is not a Canadian citizen but who has been granted permission to live and work in Canada without any time limit on his or her stay. A permanent resident must live in Canada for two years out of every five or risk losing that status."

The above is a quote from Wikipedia... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permanent_resident_(Canada)
They also have it on the CIC website (Citizenship and Immigration Canada) Pretty legit source or should i say most legit source you will find about Canadian Immigration ... http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/faq/pr-card/pr-card-faq01.asp

"A permanent resident is a person who has immigrated to Canada. To keep permanent resident status, a permanent resident must live in Canada for at least two years in a five-year period. Learn more about being a permanent resident of Canada in the Related Links section at the bottom of this page."

and also i am currently living in Quebec, Canada. So i kinda have an idea about this permanent resident thing.
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I am not saying that you're lying, you know to attract people you don't often tell the truth & sometimes you withold informations.
The information session was in 2009 in Paris.
I lived like 7 month in Montreal, left last april

Yeah les lois changent je sais pas trop ce qu ils etaient en 2009.
Was that the information session au Centre Culturel Canadien? I know they used to hold session there back then.
I saw that you won this year... Congrats... you couldnt sleep...
I couldn t believe i won... pretty unreal... let s hope the ride is smooth until we get THAT GREEN CARD :)
Oui la session s'est déroulé au centre culturel à côté des champs elysés.
What crack me up is that they didn't say anything about the winter, they spoke about how beautifull the summer & the spring was but no word about the winter so I was shocked this winter... C'est pour celaa que je voulai trop gagner cette green card car je ne voulai plus passer 1 deuxième hiver à Montréal
Yeah les lois changent je sais pas trop ce qu ils etaient en 2009.
Was that the information session au Centre Culturel Canadien? I know they used to hold session there back then.
I saw that you won this year... Congrats... you couldnt sleep...
I couldn t believe i won... pretty unreal... let s hope the ride is smooth until we get THAT GREEN CARD :)
The creator of the video is a stupid for sure :)

DV lottery is the only way some people could migrate to the United states specially for people in the 3rd world who need tons and tons of documents and money to even 2 visit a country in the so called 1st world. rather than criticizing the program we should appreciate Americans for allowing others to come and prosper in their land of opportunities coz most other countries in the world would never allow this type of immigration programs which would surely upset their nationalistic elements ..

What ever others may say America unarguably is the most powerful country in the world and will always remain the same thanks to those people from around the world who have contributed to make what America is today ......
Dual residency I mean as in it will be no sweat to go in and out of the United States. It would be nice to visit every few months without the occasional hassle of immigration and to work in the US but eh what ya gonna do, US is a nice place to go on holiday I'd say but never to live.
Anyway the government can't simply decline your GC. if you followed the rules and stayed in the US every 6 months no matter how many days you stayed you will still be able keep it. Many people I know whose main homes are in Europe use their green card for business in the US once or twice a year for a week or two have not lost their green card at all.

I have dual citizen, unfortunately I was born here so I had to spend my youth days here. Moving to Vancouver asap though, It's the best city in the world to. Too perfect and I also have family over there. Too many illegals and Spanish/Africans where I live here in America, really dangerous but hey that's just about any major city in the US. You're lucky!
DV lottery is the only way some people could migrate to the United states specially for people in the 3rd world who need tons and tons of documents and money to even 2 visit a country in the so called 1st world. rather than criticizing the program we should appreciate Americans for allowing others to come and prosper in their land of opportunities coz most other countries in the world would never allow this type of immigration programs which would surely upset their nationalistic elements ..

I strongly agree with the above

What ever others may say America unarguably is the most powerful country in the world and will always remain the same thanks to those people from around the world who have contributed to make what America is today ......

I don t know if America will remain the same. History has proven that countries change over the years. But as of now, i won t complain. and I love AMERICA>
I have dual citizen, unfortunately I was born here so I had to spend my youth days here. Moving to Vancouver asap though, It's the best city in the world to. Too perfect and I also have family over there. Too many illegals and Spanish/Africans where I live here in America, really dangerous but hey that's just about any major city in the US. You're lucky!

Where do you live at? i lived in Minnesota, Florida and NEw York and spanish/africans never bothered me. in the contrary, they help give America that special flavor. i don t know if moving to Vancouver will really help. there are a lot of asians there and illegals too. so if you don t accept spanish/africans and illegals where you are, it won t happen there. i think it s a much deeper problem... I say SELF ESTEEM ISSUE. Listen to Brian Tracy, and ZIg Ziglar.
Oui la session s'est déroulé au centre culturel à côté des champs elysés.
What crack me up is that they didn't say anything about the winter, they spoke about how beautifull the summer & the spring was but no word about the winter so I was shocked this winter... C'est pour celaa que je voulai trop gagner cette green card car je ne voulai plus passer 1 deuxième hiver à Montréal

lol si ils n ont pas parle du froid, c est que ils ont aussi menti au sujet des restrictions de la residence permanente... lol how can you talk about CANADA and not mention the cold. are you crazy? it is like Siberia here. you should let people know what they sign up for. lol
Do not waste your time arguing with foxystuff there, she is just plain racist, she doesn't want any imigration, she cite Vancouver because basicaly there is no black peoples out there so in her mind = heaven but she doesn't knpw that Vancouver is the third most violent city in canada (after Regina & Saskatoon) & half of its resident are foreigners... foxycrap there is just racist, check her post history & you'll see that... She just doesn't want any imigration to the USA... because she claim to be an american citizen so why is she coming to immigrant forum to bash on the usa for...? seriously do not pay attention to her
Where do you live at? i lived in Minnesota, Florida and NEw York and spanish/africans never bothered me. in the contrary, they help give America that special flavor. i don t know if moving to Vancouver will really help. there are a lot of asians there and illegals too. so if you don t accept spanish/africans and illegals where you are, it won t happen there. i think it s a much deeper problem... I say SELF ESTEEM ISSUE. Listen to Brian Tracy, and ZIg Ziglar.
lol si ils n ont pas parle du froid, c est que ils ont aussi menti au sujet des restrictions de la residence permanente... lol how can you talk about CANADA and not mention the cold. are you crazy? it is like Siberia here. you should let people know what they sign up for. lol

§Holly molly I totaly agree, the only thing they said about the cold is this "Le canada ce n'est pas que le froid", & I swear they didn't even mention the word "froid" again... So me going to Montreal I though it was like nothern europe with some extrêmes at -20/-30 once a while & will be done starting mid february... dream on boy I was shocked... realy shocked & I sweared that I would never spend another winter in Montreal... & now i am traumatized, I want to live in Southern usa just because I fear the winter thanks to Montreal
Where do you live at? i lived in Minnesota, Florida and NEw York and spanish/africans never bothered me. in the contrary, they help give America that special flavor. i don t know if moving to Vancouver will really help. there are a lot of asians there and illegals too. so if you don t accept spanish/africans and illegals where you are, it won t happen there. i think it s a much deeper problem... I say SELF ESTEEM ISSUE. Listen to Brian Tracy, and ZIg Ziglar.

I live in Miami Florida and yeah I hate it here. But it's more than that it's the culture and lifestyle I hate. Nothing against people going to America, especially from third world countries who deserve it. I hate how here you can walk into a gun shop and buy a gun, talk about safe. I'm also fed up working part time jobs here and being complained to since I can't speak Spanish. Since yes Spanish IS the most used language down here, if you lived down here you would definitely understand where I'm coming from. If you say you lived down here and have not seen a single person speak Spanish then you're talking bs.

And can I ask how the hell do you accept illegals? Their the worst thing to any country... they are just a complete waste of space and unfair to legal residents. I'm sure Vancouver has illegals yes but not as much as South Florida or the southern states (South California, Texas, South Florida). It's just jammed packed with illegal cubans, Mexicans and what not who can't even speak English. Taking jobs and getting benefits.
I'm Asian and you hardly hear an Asian has been arrested for drug trafficing or murder. Not all crime are done by Blacks/Hispanics but most crime are done by Black/Hispanics. They are actually making America worse by the day, you don't hear that happening anywhere else.

And how is it a lack of self esteem? Do you even know what it means? You're sense of logic fails...
she cite Vancouver because basicaly there is no black peoples out there so in her mind = heaven but she doesn't knpw that Vancouver is the third most violent city in canada (after Regina & Saskatoon) & half of its resident are foreigners...

Vancouver is not actually a bad city for crime, and it's certainly not the third most dangerous city in Canada (where did you read that?). But then again all cities in the world have crime. But comparing crime in Vancouver to US cities (NYC, ST LOUIS, LA) is a bit far fetched. Of course the crime is going to be higher in major US cities for various reasons. One reason is that there is pretty much no gun law in the US another is the the variety of different races clashing can sometimes have an impact on crime. Not meaning to say Vancouver is totally safe, there is one area downtown on the east side that's bad but netherless Vancouver is pretty much a low crime free zone where I live :D
I live in Miami Florida and yeah I hate it here. But it's more than that it's the culture and lifestyle I hate. Nothing against people going to America, especially from third world countries who deserve it. I hate how here you can walk into a gun shop and buy a gun, talk about safe. I'm also fed up working part time jobs here and being complained to since I can't speak Spanish. Since yes Spanish IS the most used language down here, if you lived down here you would definitely understand where I'm coming from. If you say you lived down here and have not seen a single person speak Spanish then you're talking bs.

And can I ask how the hell do you accept illegals? Their the worst thing to any country... they are just a complete waste of space and unfair to legal residents. I'm sure Vancouver has illegals yes but not as much as South Florida or the southern states (South California, Texas, South Florida). It's just jammed packed with illegal cubans, Mexicans and what not who can't even speak English. Taking jobs and getting benefits.
I'm Asian and you hardly hear an Asian has been arrested for drug trafficing or murder. Not all crime are done by Blacks/Hispanics but most crime are done by Black/Hispanics. They are actually making America worse by the day, you don't hear that happening anywhere else.

And how is it a lack of self esteem? Do you even know what it means? You're sense of logic fails...

I know Miami. i lived in Orlando and was planning to go to Miami. and you are right about getting a job and speaking Spanish. If you are not bilingual there , you are going to have a HARD TIME finding a job. One of the reasons i did not move there and went to NEw York.

If you hate the culture and the lifestyle of Miami, i would say change the city but don t condemn the whole USA>

If you fed up working part time jobs and not speaking Spanish, that s your own fault. One thing would be to speak Spanish, and the other would be to get your skills up and being in demand. That s all you got, people are being successful in the conditions you are living so why can t you?

I don t accept illegals. but i won t be complaining about what they do and what they don t do. its not getting me anywhere. i focus on the solutions. those at the bottom of the ladder complain about illegals taking petty jobs. you won t hear Oprah complaining about illegals. why??? she doesn t care and it s not taking care her anywhere or making her life better. FOCUS ON THE SOLUTION> WHAT CAN YOU DO RIGHT NOW TO CHANGE YOUR SITUATION? DONT COMPLAIN

If you say that black/hispanics are making America worse by the day i don t know about that ... that s really pointing the finger without any proof. i dont think that the recent recession was caused by black/hispanics... it s those people at the head of Merry lynch, and all those big corporations and their greed and they are mostly white. the BIG GUY at the head of the country right now is BLACK and he s working on getting the country in shape after a WHITE GUY messed it up. i don t agree with all OBAMA is doing but if you ask me i will say he s doing a good job and the best he can. i remember when i was turning the tv on in 2007-2009 all i was hearing on CNN and fox news was people being laid off left and right. the country is probably not out of the recession but its getting there.

When i say it s lack of self esteem it s just because you are focusing on the wrong stuff... a person with much greater self esteem would not focus on that. it would have the esteem of Making things happen even though it s not easy. it s all in the attitude. moving to vancouver might probably be better for you. but with that attitude you will be competing for petty jobs in Vancouver too and complaining.

Change your attitude and you will see things in a better light. TRUST ME, BEEN THERe.
Vancouver is not actually a bad city for crime, and it's certainly not the third most dangerous city in Canada (where did you read that?). But then again all cities in the world have crime. But comparing crime in Vancouver to US cities (NYC, ST LOUIS, LA) is a bit far fetched. Of course the crime is going to be higher in major US cities for various reasons. One reason is that there is pretty much no gun law in the US another is the the variety of different races clashing can sometimes have an impact on crime. Not meaning to say Vancouver is totally safe, there is one area downtown on the east side that's bad but netherless Vancouver is pretty much a low crime free zone where I live :D

Vancouver certainly has a lower crime than most major cities in the US. Canada as a whole as a matter of fact.
§Holly molly I totaly agree, the only thing they said about the cold is this "Le canada ce n'est pas que le froid", & I swear they didn't even mention the word "froid" again... So me going to Montreal I though it was like nothern europe with some extrêmes at -20/-30 once a while & will be done starting mid february... dream on boy I was shocked... realy shocked & I sweared that I would never spend another winter in Montreal... & now i am traumatized, I want to live in Southern usa just because I fear the winter thanks to Montreal

lol Dude, i swear if i am not moving in the US i am moving way west in Vancouver where the weather is better. New york winter is decent. it s like the one in Paris, a bit colder but it s doable. Montreal forget about it. and i am in quebec city which is a little bit more north. Forget about it. you know how in Paris during the winter, everybody got their timbaland shoes and showing off. Dude you know that here if you don t have those special snow shoes you are big trouble. wearing timbaland here in the winter it s like you wearing flip flops.
this winter the temperatures were about -50 and i am talking to an old guy who s telling me that this winter wasn t cold at all.... what the hell???? lol
do you have any specific city in mind in souther USA>
Where did I compare Vancouver crime with an american city crime?
& again, Vancouver is a violent city
Vancouver is not actually a bad city for crime, and it's certainly not the third most dangerous city in Canada (where did you read that?). But then again all cities in the world have crime. But comparing crime in Vancouver to US cities (NYC, ST LOUIS, LA) is a bit far fetched. Of course the crime is going to be higher in major US cities for various reasons. One reason is that there is pretty much no gun law in the US another is the the variety of different races clashing can sometimes have an impact on crime. Not meaning to say Vancouver is totally safe, there is one area downtown on the east side that's bad but netherless Vancouver is pretty much a low crime free zone where I live :D
Yes, Orlando, Houston, Las vegas & ATL (not so much ATL since well, you know...you holla at a girl & find out that she is a dude... but you find it too late) but I also concider Washington DC & New york because of that saying "If you can make it in New york city then you can make it anywhere" so I want to take the challenge., what about you, any ideas of the cities?
by the way, I didn't have winter boots in Montreal, just my puma shoes... but wasn't that bad
lol Dude, i swear if i am not moving in the US i am moving way west in Vancouver where the weather is better. New york winter is decent. it s like the one in Paris, a bit colder but it s doable. Montreal forget about it. and i am in quebec city which is a little bit more north. Forget about it. you know how in Paris during the winter, everybody got their timbaland shoes and showing off. Dude you know that here if you don t have those special snow shoes you are big trouble. wearing timbaland here in the winter it s like you wearing flip flops.
this winter the temperatures were about -50 and i am talking to an old guy who s telling me that this winter wasn t cold at all.... what the hell???? lol
do you have any specific city in mind in souther USA>
Yes, Orlando, Houston, Las vegas & ATL (not so much ATL since well, you know...you holla at a girl & find out that she is a dude... but you find it too late) but I also concider Washington DC & New york because of that saying "If you can make it in New york city then you can make it anywhere" so I want to take the challenge., what about you, any ideas of the cities?
by the way, I didn't have winter boots in Montreal, just my puma shoes... but wasn't that bad

those are all "good" cities, it depends really on the industry where you in. i think we have to take that into account. Orlando is big for tourism. houston, i would say petroleum and gaz but i am not too sure on that i know texas is known for that. Washington Dc for politics.... in which industry are you currently working in.

Me the BIG APPLE. i lived there, i love the city and i know the city. I dont know if it s only me but the city smells opportunity. ROUGH as hell... you gotta be really smart if not people will hustle you.but it makes you smarter. and it s also the industry i am in. Business, real estate and Entertainment. New york is also big for Finance and like they say. " IF I CAN MAKE IT HERE I CAN MAKE IT ANYWHERE" :)
Yes, Orlando, Houston, Las vegas & ATL (not so much ATL since well, you know...you holla at a girl & find out that she is a dude... but you find it too late) but I also concider Washington DC & New york because of that saying "If you can make it in New york city then you can make it anywhere" so I want to take the challenge., what about you, any ideas of the cities?
by the way, I didn't have winter boots in Montreal, just my puma shoes... but wasn't that bad

i dont know how you did with the puma shoes... but my timbaland did not help much... went for a winter carnival and was out for 2 hours i could not take it anymore. FEET FROZEN.. let s just say "stay way for quebec if you don t like the cold."