• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

What are your thoughts on this:"Visa Lottery is stupid"

i think that the author of the video is stupid. although, i haven't seen it. lol. but if what you are saying is true, it is ridiculous. it's like saying "don't come to play in my sandbox."
US as a country is build on immigration. was and probably always will be. so saying "lottery is stupid" is like saying "we don't want any immigrants here."

i am thinking the same as you. i think where some people get angry at the DV lottery it is when they compare it to the h1b visa. where with the h1b visa, people with higher school education wait for years without a green card. i think they should smooth out the process to get the green card from a h1b visa. but to call the dv lottery stupid is like you said a bit over the top.
well, don't know about the H1B visa, but i do know that people wait for YEARS for family based visas. and come on, it's a family. so yes, there is definitely a place for improvement but it's a far cry from calling something stupid simply because you don' t like it. I don't like some people, but i don't call them stupid. same thing.
you will think the DV is stupid until you win... then it is the best thing that ever occurred to you if you wanted to come to the US legally!
America only want more ignorant slaves to join the mass of ignorant Americans who actually believe the government tells the truth.

shadowlaw44b 4 months ago 25 +

Win your lottery to live in hell, also knows as United States of America!

ZeroEightySix 4 months ago 23 +

Lol it's funny because it's true.
The interviewer and the executive director of immigration lack charisma and intelligence.

This interview right here just shows how ignorant and stupid Americans can be, seriously just look at the women who was interviewing.

"Now a large percentage of people that come here are Muslims and there are few security issues with that. So should we only let white Christians come here?"

Yeah because all Muslims are terrorists aren't they? I'm ashamed to be American...
America only want more ignorant slaves to join the mass of ignorant Americans who actually believe the government tells the truth.

shadowlaw44b 4 months ago 25 +

Win your lottery to live in hell, also knows as United States of America!

ZeroEightySix 4 months ago 23 +

Lol it's funny because it's true.
Then why are those are the two highest rated comments and not negative comments my ignorant friend? Oh wait you're ignorant. My bad. Just like most Americans.

Take it from somebody already here and not some dirty french guy who can't even speak proper english... lulz.
Don't you have better things to do in your life? Is your life that empty? No wonder you're a failure, all you do is crying & hating...Come on, do you realy have nothing better to do than going online bashing the usa? I imagine how tough can it be being you since all you do is just going online bashing people & prospect immigrant. Do you think that hating will make your life better? Like peoples will see how a fat hater you are & they will come to cheer you up giving you money... **** no, your life will be better if you stand up & work hard but hey, hating for his own failure is easier... Too bad stupidity ain't a federal crime.. Have a good bashing & hating day my dear.
Come on,
Then why are those are the two highest rated comments and not negative comments my ignorant friend? Oh wait you're ignorant. My bad. Just like most Americans.

Take it from somebody already here and not some dirty french guy who can't even speak proper english... lulz.
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Hmm America seems to be having trouble lately with immigration and the economy, so I think I'm glad I wasn't selected this year. I got accepted in UBC so at least that's something else to look forward to. I might move over to the US and do my masters when the economy has improved and what not over there. I admit the DV lottery is pretty stupid and I did do it for an experiment but I guess it's a way to let as much immigrants from different countries come in legally. So if it's ok with America and everybody else fine with me. In the mean time I'm pretty much enjoying Vancouver and why not since it's #1 most rated city worldwide but the thought of having dual residency would of been sweet but living in Canada is just as nice (maybe even better).

So good luck to all DV entries in the future ;)
Don't you have better things to do in your life? Is your life that empty? No wonder you're a failure, all you do is crying & hating...Come on, do you realy have nothing better to do than going online bashing the usa? I imagine how tough can it be being you since all you do is just going online bashing people & prospect immigrant... Too bad stupidity ain't a federal crime.. Have a good bashing & hating day my deat.
Come on,

Dude, don't bash it's not cool. You're just showing pure ignorance the way you're responding to people on here. You won great, but have some knowledge that people have it hard in the USA as many others do in other countries. The USA is not perfect in anyway.
Because the economy has been suffering for a while people are looking for solutions and naturally their focus would be on the immigrant levels since so many believe that immigrants suck away at the limited jobs, welfare etc. I've read where people have call for an outright halt on immigration until things get better. America is a nation of immigrants but in the long run the 50,000 visas of the Lottery is really a drop in the bucket in the whole scheme of things.
Read the whole discution & you will see who is bashing... I just advise you to read all post by foxygirl & u'll see why... clic on her name & look at her post history & u'll se... basicaly she doesn't want any immigrant coming into the usa... Some peoples have it hard? Hell who doesn't know that, news flash? Only thoses from mars don't know, but she just doesn't want any immigration to the usa, if you look at all her post, all she does is bashing the usa & telling people not to come & you defending her without knowing the full story is feeding her with her troll account
Dude, don't bash it's not cool. You're just showing pure ignorance the way you're responding to people on here. You won great, but have some knowledge that people have it hard in the USA as many others do in other countries. The USA is not perfect in anyway.
You can't have a dual residency if you stay in canada, you will lose your green card if you stay more than 6 months outside the usa... well leaving by bus, the us goverment won't know that you left but after 10 years when it will be time to extend your Gc, they will see that you haven't worked long enough... The canadian residency by the way has no restriction
Hmm America seems to be having trouble lately with immigration and the economy, so I think I'm glad I wasn't selected this year. I got accepted in UBC so at least that's something else to look forward to. I might move over to the US and do my masters when the economy has improved and what not over there. I admit the DV lottery is pretty stupid and I did do it for an experiment but I guess it's a way to let as much immigrants from different countries come in legally. So if it's ok with America and everybody else fine with me. In the mean time I'm pretty much enjoying Vancouver and why not since it's #1 most rated city worldwide but the thought of having dual residency would of been sweet but living in Canada is just as nice (maybe even better).

So good luck to all DV entries in the future ;)
You can't have a dual residency if you stay in canada, you will lose your green card if you stay more than 6 months outside the usa... well leaving by bus, the us goverment won't know that you left but after 10 years when it will be time to extend your Gc, they will see that you haven't worked long enough... The canadian residency by the way has no restriction

Dual residency I mean as in it will be no sweat to go in and out of the United States. It would be nice to visit every few months without the occasional hassle of immigration and to work in the US but eh what ya gonna do, US is a nice place to go on holiday I'd say but never to live.
Anyway the government can't simply decline your GC. if you followed the rules and stayed in the US every 6 months no matter how many days you stayed you will still be able keep it. Many people I know whose main homes are in Europe use their green card for business in the US once or twice a year for a week or two have not lost their green card at all.
Dual residency I mean as in it will be no sweat to go in and out of the United States. It would be nice to visit every few months without the occasional hassle of immigration and to work in the US but eh what ya gonna do, US is a nice place to go on holiday I'd say but never to live.
Anyway the government can't simply decline your GC. if you followed the rules and stayed in the US every 6 months no matter how many days you stayed you will still be able keep it. Many people I know whose main homes are in Europe use their green card for business in the US once or twice a year for a week or two have not lost their green card at all.

Be careful my friend, i think when it would come time to renew they might have a few issues... well who knows we ll all have to see..
You can't have a dual residency if you stay in canada, you will lose your green card if you stay more than 6 months outside the usa... well leaving by bus, the us goverment won't know that you left but after 10 years when it will be time to extend your Gc, they will see that you haven't worked long enough... The canadian residency by the way has no restriction

The Canadian residency has a restriction. The canadian residency is of 5 years instead of 10 like in the US. and In those 5 years you have to live at least 2 years in Canada to keep your residency.
If it's true then the Quebec consul was lying big time at the canada information day... They said that the residency is life time, you just have to enter Canada within a year after recieving your residency, after that, it has no restriction & last all your life
The Canadian residency has a restriction. The canadian residency is of 5 years instead of 10 like in the US. and In those 5 years you have to live at least 2 years in Canada to keep your residency.
If it's true then the Quebec consul was lying big time at the canada information day... They said that the residency is life time, you just have to enter Canada within a year after recieving your residency, after that, it has no restriction & last all your life

I don t know when and where they had this information session. Laws change often. but i can assure you that you have to live 2 out of 5 years in Canada to remain a permanent resident.

"A Permanent Resident in Canada is someone who is not a Canadian citizen but who has been granted permission to live and work in Canada without any time limit on his or her stay. A permanent resident must live in Canada for two years out of every five or risk losing that status."

The above is a quote from Wikipedia... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permanent_resident_(Canada)
They also have it on the CIC website (Citizenship and Immigration Canada) Pretty legit source or should i say most legit source you will find about Canadian Immigration ... http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/faq/pr-card/pr-card-faq01.asp

"A permanent resident is a person who has immigrated to Canada. To keep permanent resident status, a permanent resident must live in Canada for at least two years in a five-year period. Learn more about being a permanent resident of Canada in the Related Links section at the bottom of this page."

and also i am currently living in Quebec, Canada. So i kinda have an idea about this permanent resident thing.