Pidarasy. Finnocchi. Masturbanti mentali. Ca fait chier, l'ins! Chupavergas!
I find it extremely baffling to even begin to understand what it is that they are doing. They have to be doing something, don't they? What? They show up at work, supposedly. EADs have not moved a day in the last several months. AOS approvals, one or two, if any, are usually posted around Fridays. It will take a lifetime to clear one day's worth of applications. TPS? Bullshit! There are not enough people in El Salvador to warrant so much time for processing. They were not even able to process those, had to issue iEADs (there was a news post on this site).
Nebraska and Vermont guys have been flooring it, though! I had a choice of filing in Vermont, but my lawyers said it was so much faster in CA. Fast my but.