During my interview I didn’t provide any evidence regarding my case. Second lawyer I spoked was like to submit the documents and it will be a push to my case. My case is been pending for 2 and 1/2 years now. I need someone who experienced this kind a situation to give me an idea. Is it best to submit the documents on next spring?I don't know how to submit evidence because I have not dealt with it. I heard from an immigration lawyer on YouTube that when a case gets stuck and delayed, it just means that it's sitting somewhere and nobody is paying attention to it. No ongiong investigation being done whatsoever. So, lack of evidence does not cause delay.
As to whether submitting new evidence will help your case, I should say I'm a bit skeptical. The asylum decision is made right there during the interview, based the available evidence that present and the impression that you make. The first lawyer is probably right. Save the new evidence for court in case you are referred.