WAC 02 approvals


Registered Users (C)
Earlier EAD was prior to FP and it took approximately 3 months for the approval, with the current changes FP comes earlier than EAD, Can we assume that it will take the same approx. 3 months after EAD is received.
I don't see a relationship

I don't think there's any direct relationship between when you get EAD and when the 485 gets approved. All three (EAD, AP and 485) are different applications and seem to have different threads.

Even last December (I assume it is "earlier" by your definition), I got FP long before EAD approval.

FPs seem to be moving based on the local INS Service Center. I don't know for sure.

My 2 cents...
Miss Terry Solved

Here is how it is (I think, yea I'm not a lawyer).

You file AP, EAD, 485. All 3 are independent of each other to a certain stage. INS will approve AP and EAD, and your 485 follows a different route, your 485, will result in FP and tonnes of other checks possibly.

Once all your checks are complete, your application sits on a shelf collecting dust, until it comes in turn according to the WAC #, which is a function of ND/RD. So provided your App has cleared FP blah blah, your app is ready to be made decision on, irrespective of ur EAD/AP.

Now, might I mention, the turn according to WAC # is not very strict. Imagine a big building (ins's), with shelves all over and folders and bundles with lots of applications all over (yours and mine). Even the bathrooms maybe. They are put in an order with some dude's unfortunate job to make sure they are in order. Some of them are grouped in bundles, and within the bundles you have LIFO order. The bundles themselves are in FIFO order (mostly but not very strict unless some bundles fell over and killed someone and his dead body is hella stinky .. they'd avoid that bundle .. just kidding .. you get the idea).

Each bundle gets picked one by one, taken to an officer and looked at. The officer can either approve it or send an RFE, or send it to another officer. So depending upon all this, your app might be approved in 1 day of getting assigned or 1 year. therefore WAC#'s aren't a very strict order.

And meanwhile while all this happens, we keep praying hard, and our employers keep abusing us slaves. But as they say, if your only option is to get raped, you might as well enjoy it. So ENJOY IT.

Again, the above is my guess, not a hard and fast thing. use your own judgement (disclaimer). take care and good luck.
Bundle story is nice :)

Guess it doesnot work that way. have read somewhere that INS uses Workflow Distribution System which must be similar to this

WORKTYPE : I485, I140, XXX



When any mail is received it is data entered and scanned and the scanned peice is associated to the beneficiary. Then it goes to other status(Check for all the necessary information, sending to the other QUEUE-EAD,AP,FP etc.

It stays on PENDING status before it is ASSIGNED.

in PENDING status the data is received and ASSOCIATED (FP, other agency checks etc) to the beneficiary, then it goes to ASSIGNED

A work can be assigned to a group of people or individual, the selection criteria can be anything.

When the officer needs to looks at the physical file then there must be a location indicator

my 2 cents

Yea, Thats more accurate. Bundle story was just an example so u get the idea. It's gotta be more hitech than that. Heck in america if u pee a computer cleans the toilet for u .. !!
WAC # 02-099
RD: 01.29.02
ND: 01.31.02
FP Done: 04.19.02
AVM msg resumed in June.
My question is how long would it take from now for 485 approval? Iam sure PeeCee with all his expertise can answer this question. The wait is really killing me!

Your answer

goTitans, don't need PCee's expertise for this. Right now INS is processing WAC-02's (just started). WAC_02_099 are still quite a ways ahead. Unless you get lucky. So to answer your question...

Most probably still a few more months. But you never know.
WAC 02 -10 -xxx approvals seen in my company, WAC-024-xxx , IIO informed, case has been assigned

CSC is not following any pattern, some cause for concern, my brother's WAC-01-299 still pending! so no pattern that is consistent
thumb rule

guys, u can use this as a thumb rule

WAC-10 -xx approval on July 16th, , WAC-11-xx approval on 17th and so forth

safely assume one 'day' approval every working day

So if yours is WAC-02-086-xxx then u have another 76 days from July 16th !

But this is just a thumb rule, CSC following no pattern, WAC-024-XXX my boss! his case has been assigned to office, IIO says so!

I am seeing a diffeent treatment for EB 1 cases, any comments from the group?

Might I mention, INS has been stuck on WAC-02-09 and 10 for the past 7 days. I think u gotta give thumb rule plus 35% more .. and then ur luck.
my take on this...

right now approval ratings are slow, we have not seen any real stream of approval postings as we have seen it in the past. As sillyMan posted earlier, the unfortunate guy who is in-charge of bundle handling is not lost. Hope we all hear some good news and keep ourselves moving.
bang on thumb rule plus 35%

sill man

bang on, i guess thumb rule plus 40% is a good estimate, my lawyer tells me that we shd see a sudden spurt of approvals the week and the next
I like spurts

Sudden spurts are good.

Strangely enough, lots of people seem to be reporting that their WAC_02 cases have been assigned at this time. All this could mean is, INS is busy re-arranging bundles, and after this hiatus of rearranging bundles, in a week or two, we are gonna see speedy INS approvals back with a vengeance .. YEAAH BABY VERY VERY GOOD !!! :D (Austin powers opens tommorow anyone wanna come?). I suggest we WAC-02 people start stackin' up on champagne.

BTW, I like ur nick, pceefan. Pcee ur a great guy, if I were gay I'd marry you .. too bad I'm not, you missed out. :p

Talked to IIO, my case is still not assigned. I'm WAC-02-046. Damm why does INS hafta pee in my cheerios everytime !!??

Did you ask that question to IIO, SillyMan. Your day is not far from approval, relax and enjoy your weekend(go watch GoldMember).
talked to iio

I was able to talk to IIO just now (7/26 at 10:25 am). I asked about my case she said it will take 5-6 months. And when I asked about the slow pace of approvals, she barked and told me how do you know the rate of approvals is slow. The approvals are coming in at an "regular rate".

Silli and Desi

I spoke to the IIO on Thursday, she told me that my case will be assigned this week , I am WAC-02-086 , i thanked her profusely , am not sure to beleive her, coz it was 5:30 when i called and maybe she wanted to go home! and get me out of the way :)

well, anotehr update is my collegue is WAC-02-051 , his case also had the same response from an IIO, saying that it would be assigned this week

I will post regular updates , coz am in HR and oversseing a lot of GC for my employees!

So Austin Powers it is ...Mojoooooooooooooooooooo
IIO responses are conflicting...

Two three weeks back I called (WAC 02-045) and IIO told that both spouse and mine cases are assigned and felt happy. Since I am in a critical situation right now, due to lay-off issues, my spouse called again to confirm. Then the IIO said that cases are not even assigned and Now they are doing July 01 cases and it will take about 2-3 months to approve. Both times they verified first and last names.
Note that I am hearing Processing resumed from Feb 02. I don't know which of these statements are correct and don't have the courage to call again! Let's wait....
Assigned ?

Next time when you hear the word ASSIGNED, ask them if it is assigned to the IIO or to the BUNDLE BOY :)

Its going to be party time soon for all of us, keep hanging!
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