WAC-02-046 stats


Finally an approval. Here is the current tally.

Approved/Completed Count	199
Denied/Withdrawn Count		4
FP sent Count			10
Misc Count			7
Received Count			48
Resumed/FP recvd Count		154
RFE recvd Count			36
RFE sent Count			19
Transferred Count		39
Grand Count			516
That's great. CSC begin to work. It is better than no one. At this end week we perhaps can find more. Because they don't input data to computer system (?). I hope so.
Thanks your work.

Ok the freeze has been over for 2 weeks, and we've had one approval.

Todays activity, two changed from RFE Sent to RFE Received.

Yea the freeze is over, but the speed of approvals is inifinitesimaly slow.

No this system is not fair, no this is not a land of justice, but what choice do we have?

Depressing @ best ..
Here is my case number, could you please do a scan for me?

WAC 01-218-5xxxx

Thanks a lot.

Here is my story, I have submitted I-485 in Apr 2001, and received the receipt in Jun 2001. But I never receive and FP notice. When I called CSC, they would always reply it is very normal, I should just wait.

I wait until Feb 2002, and then decide to give up, and at that time my wife started her I-484 application, and I applied with her again. (The lawyer said that is ok, and my first I-485 applicaiton has some A number which I put on my second I-485 application)

The New case number is
WAC 02-124-5xxxx
Could you please scan that number for me too? If that is not too much trouble.

I have two case number, I am not sure if I have doulbe hope or have double pain.

Anyway, the FP notice for my wife's case arrived, and we have the FP done in May 2002.

After a while, I found my first case status now is FP received, the process is resumed. (Is that wonderful?)

The second case with my wife is now FP received and pending review. (I hope that is backup)

Please feel free to give me any encouragement. I am really really frustrated. So many co workers applied after me already got their GC.

Look at the bright side, I have I-485 submitted, there is still hope.

Thanks for the help,
impatient_one, that is one extreme case you got there. Starting a new series involves a huge scan. I'll do it on the first upcoming weekend night.
Thanks SM,
I also tried to run the script that provided by off-patient, but I have difficulties to set the proxy server.

After I gave up setting up the proxy server, I tried to run the script, and it ends up that INS web site has the security check, it blocked me out after a while.

Now I can not even check my own status on line.

What a poor guy:mad:
impatient, you gotta be more patient, atleast with that script. I say try scanning in smaller peices (rather than the whole range). Like 500 a day. it's a painfully slow process, but thats all we got.
1/22 update

Weird status updates,

Approved/Completed Count	199
Denied/Withdrawn Count		4
FP sent Count			10
Misc Count			11
Received Count			45
Resumed/FP recvd Count		153
RFE recvd Count			39
RFE sent Count			16
Transferred Count		39
Grand Count			516

A case changed to On Jan 13,2003 we received ur app for 485 (DUHHH .. they received it 1.5 years back).
And one changed to Misc. Undeliverable. .. So this is hella weird. Also it is getting hard to track what changed to what, since the movement is getting so random. :mad:

I tell ya, INS gets away with just anything, I am simply amazed that this crap goes on in this country.
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Notice date -> When INS put your app in their system.
Receipt date. -> When INS physically got your app.
1/26 Update

Seems like INS has started issuing redo of fingerprints.

Two cases changed from RFE Received to,

"On January 24, 2003, your fingerprint fee was accepted as complete, and processing of your case has resumed." (Weird, never seen this status b4, this came under Misc status).

One case, RFE Recvd -> Transferred.

Two more, from Received to Resumed/FP Received (Indicates fingerprint). Date was 1/14/03.

So I guess INS has started issuing repeat of fingerprints .. just as I had thought. They would not speed up approvals to prevent sending FPs, they will just send FPs, which they did.

Final tally (score),

Approved/Completed Count	199
Denied/Withdrawn Count		4
FP sent Count			10
Misc Count			9
Received Count			48
Resumed/FP recvd Count		154
RFE recvd Count			39
RFE sent Count			13
Transferred Count		40
Grand Count			516
1/30 update

No damned approvals yet. Goddamit CSC *&#^$*&^@@&*#. Why were they ever put on the face of this earth.

1/28 .. one rfe sent to received
1/29 .. two rfe sent from resumed.

Vermont and nebraska have started full pace again. That is encouraging in a way, I hope CSC starts full swing ASAP. Statistically, CSC receives the largest number of apps.

And I hope they give approvals instead of RFE's. IDIOTS.
One quick question on the repeat finger printing. It is taken electronically, so they should have our FP in file which they need to resend it to FBI again. Correct me if I am wrong. Why they have re-finger print us. Does finger prints in our hands change?

I was just wondering the logic behind re - finger printing
I was asked to submit additioal evidence for I-485

WAC 02-046-xxxxx (employment-based)

I-485 application date: 11/08/01
Request for additional evidence (tax, employment letter): 10/15/02, submit the requested doc the dame day to lawyer

When checking the case status from

It says:
On November 5, 2002, we received your response to our request for evidence or information. It is taking between 160 and 180 days for us to process this kind of case. However, because preliminary processing was complete before we requested the additional material, the remaining processing time for this stage of your case is approximately 999 days. You will receive a written decision on this case.

1. What's the effect of the request for evidence on my case?

2. Has anyone of your 02-046-ers got approved?

Thanks. I am brand new to this site. I wish I find it earlier.
Immigrate me, usually INS should respond in 90 days of their getting your RFE response. But due to the freeze etc. they are taking longer. We are all hoping they will start giving out approvals soon. You can call IIO, but I fear if you push them too much, and they are not really giving out "approvals", just pray that to get you off their backs, they don't transfer your case for interview. So sit tight & wait is Silly man's advice.

Regards if any 46'ers have gotten approved? YEAA !!!. Like u can follow this thread u posted in .. u will find a complete breakup of 02-046 application people .. and their statuses.

Have any gotten approved recently? Only one, so it can be considered an exception. This was on January 14nth, before which the last recorded approval was on Nov 19nth.
2/13 update

Posting update after a long time. Good to see 4 approvals today .. really .. *WOW*.

Anyway 02-046 has seen zero movement, this includes RFE/Sent/Received/ all statuses.

Here is the standing now, hopefully CSC's woken up and we'll see something SOON :)

Approved/Completed Count	199
Denied/Withdrawn Count		4
FP sent Count			12
Misc Count			6
Received Count			47
Resumed/FP recvd Count		152
RFE recvd Count			43
RFE sent Count			12
Transferred Count		41
Grand Count			516
Small bug found in script

When case status changed GetStatusDate subroutine looks for new date. If date string is 9 chars length, everything is OK.
But for 8char strings (date like1/01/2003) it isn't evaluated.
So case status changed but date don't

Just for case if your script has the same bug.