what do you mean "final"? of course, whatever the CO decides is final. isn't it?Well, in my book a possible scenario for you might look as follows: on the day of the interview the CO will look at the school certificate of your wife (you will need to present the original and a black & white copy) and try to determine whether this certificate is equivalent to an US High School degree, allowing for general University entry. Either this CO will feel competent enough about school certificates from Russia to make a determination right then and there OR she/he will put you on AP, contact the US Consulate in Moscow and ask for a formal determination of the specific school certificate your wife is holding. The latter will take some time, of course. It either will be one or the other, the determination of the CO, whatever it will be with or without AP, will be final. Sorry I don't have better news for you.
How long APs in similar situation last? do you know?