Virginia SESA Tracker

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How long it will take time for Canadian GC Process ?

Did anybody know how long it is going to take the canadian GC Process
at the present conditions?
Another alternative

I applied for Canadian green card ( as my back up plan), 11 months ago
and till now I didn\'t hear anything from them.
Good lawyer for Canadian Immigration


Does anyone knows any good lawyer for Canadian immigration in Northern VA area.

update from VA_LC

I spoke to my attorney today. They checked with VA_LC at Richmond and they are almost done with the April 30th RIR, but they want to first clear up the Non-RIR back log before they proceed further. As I requested them earlier, he said they contacted them several times and requested to proceed with RIR applications irrespective of the Non-RIR backlog, but they do not seem to have a clear stand on what they want to do. He said they always say that they will concentrate on clearing the back logs. According to him, we cannot do anything but wait.

Please go ahead and send the letter. Let us not waste anymore time.
Rumors about VA Labor halting RIR after April 30th

Rumors have been circulating the internet that VA intends to halt or slow down processing of RIR cases after they finish the April 30th backlog in order to concentrate on Non-RIR cases.

I had the opportunity to try to confirm this with Certifying Officer Richard Panati last night. He was surprised to hear this rumor, which was also corroborated by another attorney present. Mr. Panati said that they are not supposed to be halting or slowing down RIR cases like that and he promised that he will speak to VA about this issue.

So there you have it folks. The official stance is that VA is not supposed to be slowing down RIR cases according to rumors. Hopefully, the Regional office will have a chat with VA either today, or next week to ensure that VA RIR cases are not halted or slowed down.

I\'ll try to keep everyone updated on this..but ONLY in this thread, so check back late next week for any updates.

Rich Chang, Esq.
Wasserman, Mancini & Chang, P.C.
update 51 people signed.

Alexey, Syomichev,
Anil, Narla,
Avnish, Goel,
Chen, Zhiping email:
Feng, Xing,
Hui, Chao,
Jin, Tong,
John ,Thomas
Lalitha, Setty,
Liping, Zhang,
Meiqing, Zhang,
Mingmin, wu,
Naga, Rao,
P., Ghosh,
Padma, Damidi,
Pavel, Veriovkin,
Praveen, D,
P T, Rao,
Rajesh, Chilambi,
Ravi, Vathaluri,
Sandeep, Dalal,
Saravan, Ramachari,
Soumitra S,
steven, zhu,
Suhaib, Khan,
Uma, Sundaresan,
Vijay, Kumarasamy,
Vinod, Kandula,
vinod, palikala,
Vladimir, Mikhaylov,
Weiqing, Yang,
xiaomin fu;
Yao Liu,
Yi, Xin,
Young-suk, Kim,
Zhaoqian, Chen, email:
Zhengrong Xi
MD DOL is not going to stop RIR after 30 th april

Did You see this
Posted By: odreda 5/17/02 9:24 AM
(#280 of 292)
I talked to MD DOL and asked them your question. They will *not* follow VA DOL procedure. They will keep processing RIR cases after April 30 without considering the backlog of non-RIR cases.
Best Regards,

hsteven29!!!!!!!!!! any updates on your wife\'s case

Can u please tell exact dates of that application...Mine was mailed may 15 and SESA recived it on 16 th can u please share the news with us
Check with SESA in a different way

I am new to this forum. As hstevens29 mentioned in his last message that he sent the papers of his wife to SESA on April 30, 2001. May be he can call SESA and ask if his wife\'s case is cleared. Then he can ask what was the receive date on his wife\'s case.
Yes ..Hstevens29 please find out the PDate for ur file ..that would give us some hope.

We are confused with the processing dates
Question??? Anybody know how LC officer assigns RD,

Just want to know how LC Officer processes our applications:
Once they receive our application, what they do ??? (Do they need to open our application , check whether the application is completed or incompleted, and require to send the application again if incompleted; OR they just stamp the receipt DATE and assign RD without opening the application and then send ND to the lawyer (RD: Receipt Date && ND: Notice Date). Those questions will help me figure out what they are doing now. Thanks.
Another version of the letter...Please review...

I have taken the liberty to draft another version of a letter. Please review it, we might want to consider taking sections from this or the other /merge,adopt any one and send it asap.
Your thoughts are welcome.

Dear ABC(put the correct title of the officer here),

We are a group of people who are currently in the process of our Residency application/Green card process and are in the initial Labor certification stage. We wanted to highlight some of our concerns as regards the process of labor certification and also get some clarification about the existing and future LCA processing policies at the Virginia center.

Our primary concern is about some rumors/conversations that have occurred between some of us and employees of the virginia SESA center. It has been communicated to many of us that the Virginia SESA intends to stop processing RIR applications after April 30th Priority date and start on Non-RIRs\' filed previously. As you may be aware the 245(i) rule has brought in a very large number of applicants who fall primarily in the Non-RIR category. If the Virginia SESA center adopts the policy of processing NON-RIRs\' and stop RIR processing, then a lot us will be effected. We believe that the Virginia SESA should not adopt such a policy as it will harm the interests and lives of all the people who have diligently followed the process for Permanent Residency(Green Card) and are wiating to hear from their Labor applications.
Most of these people are highly educated, talented, hardworking, tax paying professionals with families and whose lives, and professional careers might be abruptly halted following the expiration of their Six year H1B limit on their visa. If the SESA adopts the NON-RIR processing policy, all the RIR people on this forum stand a good chance of NOT being able to proceed with the residency process(Labor LCA) because of the sheer volume of applications that have resulted from the 245(i) and reaching the maximum 6 year limit of their visa before their residency process gets completed.

In our sincere opinion, we collectively feel it to be unfair, that Legal, law abiding, tax paying working professionals who are contributing to the mainstream american communities and businesses with their valued skills, be sidetracked and their lives and careers be subjected to uncertainty and hardships and preference be given to other 245(i) applicants who have basically overstayed and have been given the opportunity to apply. To that end, we needed to seek assurances from you and voice our strong opinion of not stopping the current RIR processing.

To that end, we have not had any clear information if SESA is going to pursue a NON-RIR processing, Could you please assure us that that is not the intended policy of the Virginia SESA center. From our research with other centers, we have found that they are not interrupting their ongoing RIR cases.
Also, there is currently no clear information availability and the Virginia Helpdesk has different feeedback from various employees adding to our concerns.

Below/Attached are email addresses of all of us who support this initiative of RIR processing.We would highly appreciate it if you could clarify the same for us, a lot of us have our lives and careers depending on your decision.

Yours Sincerely,
1 Key person\'s Email and contact address AND
The undersigned
All Emails.
No Title

Well, this is a good draft.I have noticed couple of errors.
In the second para,line # 8 , word "waiting" is misspelled.
How about replacing the word "lives" with something else
may be with careers.Just think about it , this is my thought.
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