Virginia SESA Tracker

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Norfolk moved to May1.

It seems that they have temporarily stopped processing non RIR and they are processing only RIR applications which may speed up the process a little.And also,Norfolk has moved to May1.Based on what,our applications are sent to Norfolk and Richmond?.
Please let me know if anyone has idea on that.
status at philly DOL

Hi Guys,

  When i send email to Philly DOL , for my case status, it says the case is not there.But my case has been moved to DOL a 5 days back.Even when i query using my company phone it does not list mine.Any idea why this.Any phone number to call will be helpful

Virginia not in the list for the BIG 245(i) filing

Read the article at in the Breaking News Section. Virginia is not in the BIG 245(i) filing. Which is great atleast that means that processing will not be as slow as in some of the big states like CA, NJ, NY, IL and TX phew......
Guys just keep your fingers crossed that VA will move forward fast after 30th April in Richmond.

DOL released that in fiscal year 2001, DOL received over 106,000 new regular permanent labor certifications nationally. In addition, over 235,000 245 (i) labor certifications were received prior to the April 30, 2001 deadline. The 245 (i) cases impacted heavily in New York, New Jersey, Texas, Illinois and California where 65-70% of the 245 (i) cases were filed. In these states, the current processing times do not factor in the 245 (i) cases because the SESAs have not reached these cases yet. In New York current processing for permanent cases is about 5 ½ years with RIR cases taking from 10 to 12 months. In Texas, regular cases are being processed in about 2 ½ years with RIR cases taking about 1 year. In California, regular cases are being processed in about 2 years with RIR cases taking 7 to 8 months. When the states with the most serious backlogs reach the 245 (i) bubble, the processing times will increase greatly. Some smaller states such as Vermont, West Virginia, Illinois, Oklahoma, Iowa, Nebraska, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming and Hawaii have actually passed the 245 (i) bubble and consequently processing in these states will be quicker. Chronic staffing shortages at the SESAs and DOL regional offices will reportedly continue.
It is not a good news for VA GC applicants

I just talked with VA SESA office and here is the update

They are currently processing for RD April 24 for RIR. It will take 6-7 months to complete processing RIR applications for the month of April and then process non RIR for April 2001. They estimate that will take 5-6 months before going on to May 2001 cases. That means people who have filed for labour application in May 2001 will have to wait for 12-13 months before SESA starts processing their cases. It is really frustrating.
Question for Rose


Thanks for the update.

When you say May 2001 applicants have to wait 12 - 13 months, do you mean 12 - 13 months TOTAL (May - Jun 2002) or an ADDITIONAL 12 - 13 months from now (Jan - Feb 2003)?Could you please clarify? I\'m in that boat (PD May 24 RIR).
It is additional 12-13 months from now on

What he meant was as of now it will be 12-13 months. I am also in same boat. My PD is 5/17/2001. You can expect to hear from them only in Feb of 2003 at earliest.

It is going to be a looooong wait!!
The VEC expects to move slowly through the filings received in the last week of April 2001

I spoke to VEC they are working on 24 th april RIR. Once all April 2001 RIRs are completed, the VEC will move to April 2001 non-RIRs....
he is not sure when they are going to work on RIR cases after april it is really PD is 05/15/2001...
Labor Certification Backlog

  Recently my friend made an interesting comment and said that due to recent layoffs the labor certification backlog is going to vaporise and the worst situation that appears may ease a little bit.
 Although I agree that there are a lot of applications but we definitely have to factor in those people who filed the application but left US completely - I think this will definitely minimize the time.
  I was wondering as to what opinions/ideas/thoughts you folks have as I tended to agree with my friend but do wanted to get some opinions from a greater community.
LC backlog - my two cents


I think that the backlog is caused by the 245(i) \'bubble\' and not by an increase in regular applications. I agree with your friend that, after Apr 30 is cleared, that the wait time for LC will be less than it was before the bubble because of the reduction in the number of regular applications. However, I don\'t think that as Richmond works through the 245(i) applications that they will find that most of the people have left the country (they filed en masse prior to 4/30 in order to stay in the country).
This is a policy and Sheila murthy also wrote in Murthy Bullettin

This is a summery. You can read the details on

"In a continuing effort to keep our MurthyBulletin and MurthyDotCom readers apprised of labor certification processing dates throughout the U.S., we report this week on the processing dates in Virginia, issued on December 21, 2001.

According to the Virginia Employment Commission (VEC), INA Section 245(i) filings have created a substantial backlog. The Section 245(i) filings were explained in last week\'s MurthyBulletin article on Maryland labor certification backlogs entitled, Maryland Labor Certification Processing Dates. In essence, these are the labor certifications that were filed with local labor offices before April 30, 2001, to be eligible for adjustment of status benefits despite the beneficiaries\' being out of status or illegally present in the U.S.

As of December 21, 2001, the VEC was processing Reduction in Recruitment (RIR) cases filed on April 23, 2001. The processing date for non-RIR cases is March 2001. The VEC states that they will process April 2001 non-RIR cases once they have completed RIR cases for April 2001.

The VEC reports that they expect to move slowly through the filings received in the last week of April 2001, due to the large volume filed as a result of the April 30, 2001 Section 245(i) deadline."

I hope some one takes this matter with the appropriate authority.It is rediculous to wait for 2 years to get Labour certification under RIR.
All the estimates VA gives are just appproximate

I had filled my application in VA-SESA on 20th April, then VA was processing march 1st, the officers at VA gave all these types of answers that it will take spring/end of 2001 to get to April applications and we are going to process March NRIR after March RIR and everything. They even said that they process ony 5K a year and April had like 17K! But I have got my labor cleared in SESA & DOL by Jan 03, so it is going to be slow like it was 2 months in SESA for pre 245 era and mine took 8 months in SESA!! So past April it should be better if not fast.
 Babba Patel, regarding your question, look into my prev posting there is a DOL number, call that number and press option 6 to leave a message, leave ur phone number, the DOL officer will call you back. The officer who called me was are very polite and very helpful.

Best of luck guys, I am moving to the next monster!!
Attn: VA_waiter2001 - mailbox \' \'

You had indicated that by writing to this mailbox, the system sends you back everyone filed by your employer.

Just wanted to confirm that this is indeed for only the DOL stage, and separate from the SESA stage. In the reply I recieved, I could not find any info related to myself (salary, designation) for the date the law firm indicated that they have a receipt date for (SESA, I guess).

Was just trying to find out the significance of this. Basically it might just mean that my app has yet to make it to the PHilly DOL (still in VA SESA). Looking for confirmation.

TIA for your reply.

How many are approved everyday ?

Does anybody know how many got approved daily in SESA or how many apps are procesed daily?

How does SESA/DOL intend to validate an app if the applicant has left US for good ? Removing these applications can certainly help in reducing the number.
The email system is only for applns in DOL

Only when your application has been cleared from the SESA and transfered to Philly DOL, it is listed there with in a week. In other words if you check with the SESA and it is cleared and confirmed then it will be listed in the email system under your employers phone number. ( Also this should be the number mentioned as the business phone number in your labor filing form ).

  The rct date in SESA will not be mentioned in the email system, it will list a case number according to the date in which it has recvd from the SESA. Note that Philly recvs appls cleared from DE, VA, DC, PA SESA\'s so the case number is general to all SESA on a FIFO.

Right if you don\'t find it there then its in SESA.
Thanks for giving hope but.........

It is nice to hear a cheer though it looks that you got your case approved as they mentioned only in Jan 2002. As I understand from VA SESA, they received bulk of 245(i) applications only in the last week of April 2001 and out of which around 7000 applications are received on 30th April alone. Therefor now on it will move very slowly and they will be stuck on 30th April for pretty long time.They took 9 months to clear applications from 1st March to 20th April and may take same or more time to complete April.They arenot doing anything differently to move fast and keep mentioning staff shortage without any action plan to deal with the situation.

I am sure, if they have the intent they can also have the solution.

Thanks and good luck.
No Title

A great majority of applications are supposedly under RIR category. (This is definitely contrary to common sense but this is a fact). Though initially I mean we have been following up with SESA since May ) they have been inconsistent about estimates but later on they proved to be quite close to their estimates. It is too difficult to estimate processing times but logically it should
take another 10 months to clear April based on 10000 remaining!. The forum is getting long becuase everyone is trying to contribute ! Pl hold on to your anxieties and only if there is any additional information share it to forum.
VA SESA is not too off the mark

I just wanted to let you know that there are lot of RIR applications filed under window of 245(i).I only hope that we can get our labour certification in next six months. Of course I -140 backlog is another story and hope the PDs remain current till our turn comes.
Yes we need a new link. please post the latest approvals from VA DOL
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