Virginia SESA Tracker

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They are still on 24th and I think by the time they start 30 th itself it could be MArch second week. So it will take until Oct for April 30 th itself. Then we have non RIR..After that I believe we can count processing of 1000 per month so we should be completing each subsequent month in less than 3 weeks.
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If they introduce premium processing (so far supposedly announced only by California) they should be completing in 15days irrespective of 245i applicant also seeking the same. i doubt for them also 1000 would be a barrier as they would be even more desperate to get legalized.
VA labor update??

Did any of U get Ur labor approved lately(with PD April)??
or do U know any of Ur friends who got their labor approved??
Any issues??
VA sux!!!

Apparently, states like CA, IL, etc which supposedly had received the \'bulk\' of the 245(i) filings seem to have gotten through that bubble (CA is processing June \'01 and IL, Oct \'01 while VA is still stuck on April 23rd or 24th).

Whats up with VA SESA? Why the hell are they so slow? And to make things even more ironic - Philly is one of the fastest centers for DOL level processing.

Seems like a consiracy theory scenario, but I wonder if VA is genuinely backlogged, or if there is something else happening that we are not aware of?

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It is truly getting slow. They have completed 20th on Dec 13th and moved to 23 on Dec 14th. Since then we have moved only 23rd and it is almost the end of this month. At this rate by the time they start 30th itself it might be April.
Sheer bad luck that we ended up with this State SESA
25 April as of 25th jan 1.45 PM

I called Richmond office 804-236-2708 and she confirmed it is 25th. I asked about the processing of May filed cases and she told be so far no decision has taken and will take some decision only after finishing April cases only....anyway there is some progress they started doing 25th now
April 24th applications

It took 10 business days to process April 24th applications. Does anybody have a breakdown of the number of apps that SESA
has received for the rest of April (25,26,27,30) ?

One thing i fail to understand is VA is not one of the centers which received a large no of 245 cases definately would be lower than CA how come they seem to be so slow I read the stat.. in some post CA , NY,MI,TX,GE and FL received 60 % of the 245 cases why is VA so slow

any comments
They received 6000 plus in 30th April

As per VA SESA, they received 6000 plus applications on 30th April.They exactly donot know how many have been received on 24th to 27th. But they must expedite the SESA process otherwise it will take forever to clear April cases. Infact all big 245(i) states have moved beyound 30th April and it is shame that VA has no plan to deal with it. Instead they give long explanation as to why they are not able to process faster.They also mention that they will do April Non RIR cases before moving to May RIR. I sincerely hope they process May RIR otherwise it will be more than a year for RIR application to get a labour clearence. Unless they are asked why they cannot do what California has done to expedite the process,they will continue to give same old answers as we are in helpless position.In fact we should start giving them data about other states and let them find out what they need to do. Let us all write e mail to them. Because otherwise this backlog will hurt us even at I 485 when dates will retrograde.

I hope someone takes a lead in conveying our concerns.
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It is quite possible that other states have received more Non RIR applns among 245 i. So they were able to complete RIR APril cases easily
some thing goffy about virginia

i think some thing is strange VA on the first place could not have received so many 245 cases if they received many then so many cannot be RIR and if so how come DOL is not back logged now they say they got 6000 odd applications just for april time line .pretty sure some thing does not add up here and they say they they would processess N- RIR after april - guesss what the wait is going to be 1 yr+ meanwhile all 245 cases would be ahead of us in 140 and 485 that is if priority dates are still open - think we all should try some thing i dont know what but what i can think is count the serial no from some one in april to may be dec or nov and reach an estimate as to how many there are

really desperate here

Yeah!!! You are Right something has to be done; I remember some of our folks in this forum was talking about sending group mails to the senator and governor of the Virginia. Do anyone of u aware of this lobbying stuff if at all u are sending (or already sent) messages to them can u please advise all these fellow folks at this Virginia Waiting group how to proceed and what sort message to be sent to them. I even remember bunch of people forming group and planned to meet officer at labor department why can’t we do it.
Lets act now guys otherwise it will be a “WAIT FOR EVER” for all of us. I request someone with leadership qualities come and lead this group from front…
Spoke to VA SESA

I spoke with VA SESA. They are still on April 24. I asked if they were planning to finish all April non RIR\'s before they go on to May RIR\'s and the response was NO. To the best of their knowledge there are no plans to completeley stop processing May before they finish all non-RIR from April.
Also there are only 600 applns. in MAy. So it should move a lot faster once April is done.
I can\'t believe it is still 24 th

I called them on 25th jan 1.45 PM And officer answering my call told me that they are working on 25 April Now Where this 24 has come from...Can u please call them back and can confirm this I will also do it now....
it is 25 th of FEB 1st 12.00

I just called again and it is april 25th and there is some shocking news...its going to be Non-RIR for April after this then comes the May Processing as per the person who answered my call its gonna to be atleast 7-8 months for the April Non-RIR cases so this is update.
Can u please post if any Updates
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