Virginia SESA Tracker

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After they complete April cases,we will be able to use the projection formula.If they process RIR MAY cases after they complete April RIR cases,it may be approximately 4 months from now or if they they take nonRIR April cases after RIR cases,we dont know the timeframe..
yep! VA2001

Let\'s keep our fingers crossed and test our \'10\' day time period!

Three more days to go...... 02/22/02


Don\'t forget that yesterday was President\'s Day and the offices were closed. The adjusted value should then be 2/25. :)
Received receipt from SESA

My Case RIR was filed with SESA in Feb and there system has keyed it into their system on Feb 13th (Receipt Date). The nice lady told me that it will be a while before they will get to my application. She also told me they were working on applications filed on April 26th.

So it is a long wait...............
Good Luck

Good luck Dude!!
  U are New born baby now, You will lot of Mumbo Jumbo in coming days......Have a great time here
Welcome to our world

The wait is long.....

Dependent if you have not seen some of the earlier postings then do check them out the SESA is not supposed to stop RIR processing while they process Non-RIR it is in the regulations and DOL at Philly is informing VA SESA of this so they will have to move onto May RIR after April RIR.
I realize that I am new at this

Hey you all I know I am new at this and know probably nothing about the processing times and stuff. But I have been reading all your postings and stuff and realize that these are trying times for the Lc processing. But just keeping my fingers crossed and hope things keep moving at their steady pace.
You guys it is ok till 27th

but then comes 30th and no one knows how long will that take. But we all are hopeful that it will move forward on a steady pace and be done in a couple of months.

VaLabor_02 !! Wish you good luck.Buddy!!!!
Hope all our proceedings will be sooner than we are projecting in this forum.... Good Luck...

Samya!!!!! I am going thru every forum and keeping the same message about the SESA NON_RIR
Processing and SESA influence over DOL. but so far I could not get any reliable answer from any group as you said neither of the states are adopting the concept of holding the RIR processing as SESA Callers at Richmond are saying..
Hope everything will go as per planning and we could see some light at the end of the Tunnel...
Calling SESA

Next time anyone calls SESA can you ask the lady following questions. As when I called and asked she just said I have a long wait.

1) How many applications they have pending for the Month of April (26,27 and 30th)?

2) How many applications do they process every day?

It will give us some way or guesstimating the time frame for the processing.

Samya,where did you see this info

It is really interesting to hear that SESA are not supposed to stop RIR processing completely and process non RIR.
If this is the case ,In march they did RIR first and after completing the non RIR cases of March,then only they moved to April.
If they really move to May after RIR ,we may have atleast some hopes.

Hello All,
I am new to this and have been researching the virginia LCA delay and hit upon this forum. I have obtained so much information from you guys. Thanks a lot. Have been tracking the dismal progress of Virginia for my LCA, but am at the least better informed from this forum and all your postings.

Meanwhile, I read somewhere on other forums about premium processing for I140 (pay more and get 15 day response) but there was a question about it being extended to cover LCA..anybody heard anything in this regard?...


looks like April 26th and 27th should be done by Mid March.......the main hurdle is 30th April and after that still we need to keep our fingers crossed whether they will start May RIR or April NON-RIR.
SESA working on April 27th

Called SESA right now and they informaed me that they have started April 27th but the guy also told me that it would be quite a while before they will move forward to May RIR as they have received 8000 applications on April 30th itself.............(I know many people are aware of it though)
Are they all RIR applications

I mean all 8000 applications.......r they RIR or its a mixed bag of RIR and NON_RIR
Good question Caamin

I have been asking that question for a while now but the SESA officers are not very helpful on that and just say they have received about 8000 applications on 30 blah blah blah......
I tried asking him how long would it take to move on to May RIR he just said quite a long while.
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