US citizen parents sponsoring over 21 son..

Actually, you can comtinue your education in the US. Just show them your I130 approval, and if possible, have your lawyer call your school.


If I were able to continue my education in US I would never care about GC or PD's. After doing all the hard work I am unable to do any thing in except to wait for gc.
I agree. I guess we all have been playing this waiting game for too long....10 years in my case :(


I guess we should just be happy they at least MOVED forward. :rolleyes:
If it keeps moving 1 week per month then you will be able to adjust December 2008 or January 2009. For me it would be 2011.
Actually, you can comtinue your education in the US. Just show them your I130 approval, and if possible, have your lawyer call your school.

Are you sure if I show them I-130 I would be able to do that, I have never heard this thing before. If it could be possible all of my problems would be solved. What visa I would have and how I will maitain my legal status till my PD becomes current. Can you tell me what's your current visa status and how you are maintaining it?
It's kind of ridiculous when they call it "first preference" now. It is actually the "last preference". Any preference category moves faster than the first. Aren't we supposed to come first when it comes to allocating visa #s:" whatever not used by the first goes to 2nd category.... etc". If that's the case, how come F2A moves one million times faster than first! So unfair!!!!!!!!!!!

I am thinking about writing a letter to an immigration official to find out about this situation, but I don't know who to write it to. Does anybody have any idea?
If there is any movement in cutoff date its is going to be small as NVC had already predicted at the start of this fiscal year that cutoff dates would keep on moving in the first quarter of fiscal year and might slow down or even stop after first qurter.

xerostomic, I never checked the NVC website for anything actually. where do you see such a quote? Could you provide a link? I only use USCIS website.
It's kind of ridiculous when they call it "first preference" now. It is actually the "last preference". Any preference category moves faster than the first. Aren't we supposed to come first when it comes to allocating visa #s:" whatever not used by the first goes to 2nd category.... etc". If that's the case, how come F2A moves one million times faster than first! So unfair!!!!!!!!!!!

I am thinking about writing a letter to an immigration official to find out about this situation, but I don't know who to write it to. Does anybody have any idea?
I will be the first one to sign a petition with you, but its not going to make any difference becuase the visa numbers have been allocated by law long before and there won't be any change unless there is some reform in immigration law, which seems unlikely in recent future. on the top of delay in green card for first preference there is another irony that pply like us cann't get nonimmigrant visas. Their parents in most cases are elderly and they have to be with them.
They don't have visas in this category, but they are wasting visas in things like DV lottery. When I surf different forums on internet the most complaining group of ppl I see are the ones with emplyoment based GC's. Dates are current for most of the EB categories, except EB2 india which just now became unavailable and even in the other EB categories have very less waiting times than us. FB1 is the most pathetic group of immigrants in the entire immmigration systme becuse they are the first degree relatives, but some times have to wait more then ten years.
They should either given some temporary visas like they had once for FB2a or they should allocate more numbers, I don't care if they have to pick those numbers from employment categories where waiting time is much less or current. EB's can wait longer because they are free to work and purchase property etc.
Actually it goes by "immediate relative" determination. And what I find really dumb is that your parents are immediate relatives to you, but if you are over 21 yo you are not an immediate relative of your parents according to the immigration law. Does anyone see any logic in this??

Another thing that bothers me is that someone who gets married to a USC is considered an "immediate relative" even if they only knew each other for 1 day, however you are not an immediate relative of a USC parent who gave birth to you and lived with you their whole life or most of it at least....

I think these immediate relatives by marriage should at least be made to wait in line for visa number availability like we do for 5 - 10 years.

FB1 is the most pathetic group of immigrants in the entire immmigration systme becuse they are the first degree relatives, but some times have to wait more then ten years.
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Actually it goes by "immediate relative" determination. And what I find really dumb is that your parents are immediate relatives to you, but if you are over 21 yo you are not an immediate relative of your parents according to the immigration law. Does anyone see any logic in this??

Another thing that bothers me is that someone who gets married to a USC is considered an "immediate relative" even if they only knew each other for 1 day, however you are not an immediate relative of a USC parent who gave birth to you and lived with you their whole life or most of it at least....

I think these immediate relatives by marriage should at least be made to wait in line for visa number availability like we do for 5 - 10 years.

You are 100% right. Signing a marriage contract makes one immediate relative, be it a fraud, but over 21 son or daughter is not an immediate relative. current immigrantion system need to be over haulled, atleast ppl coming after us don't have to go through this painful process. I don't know why they call it first preference when they are allocating it the least number of visas and have a lenghty waiting time than second preference.
xerostomic, I never checked the NVC website for anything actually. where do you see such a quote? Could you provide a link? I only use USCIS website.

Here is the link and I cut and paste it as well, see the bottom portion of bulletin.


During recent months the cut-off dates in several of the Worldwide Family preference categories have moved very quickly. It is expected that such cut-off date movement will continue during the first quarter of fiscal year 2008. Should the level of demand begin to increase at a significant rate, it may be necessary to slow or stop such movements at some point later in fiscal year.
Yes you can (I think). If you graduated with a BS degree from a US university and have all the necessary stuff: an Alien number, a SS number and a driver's licence, and want to attend a private university, there shouldn't be a problem.

I attend a private medical school and all they asked was my Alien # and an I130 approval. I'm not sure about public schools.


Are you sure if I show them I-130 I would be able to do that, I have never heard this thing before. If it could be possible all of my problems would be solved. What visa I would have and how I will maitain my legal status till my PD becomes current. Can you tell me what's your current visa status and how you are maintaining it?
Right on, sister, right on. You see, according to US law, I can become "immediate relatives" with a girl picked up at for $100. And trust, me, I really can.


Actually it goes by "immediate relative" determination. And what I find really dumb is that your parents are immediate relatives to you, but if you are over 21 yo you are not an immediate relative of your parents according to the immigration law. Does anyone see any logic in this??

Another thing that bothers me is that someone who gets married to a USC is considered an "immediate relative" even if they only knew each other for 1 day, however you are not an immediate relative of a USC parent who gave birth to you and lived with you their whole life or most of it at least....

I think these immediate relatives by marriage should at least be made to wait in line for visa number availability like we do for 5 - 10 years.
Right on, sister, right on. You see, according to US law, I can become "immediate relatives" with a girl picked up at for $100. And trust, me, I really can.


Mermaid, I understand you very well. In 1997 I married USC and stayed. I had 2 sons 15 and 18 my country. Only youngest could come, because USC CANNOT PETITION STEPCHILD
18 AND OLDER. tHEY ARE ADULTS. Is any logics in it? I actually separated my kids for many, many years. So, I got my GC in 2000 july, he aged out,
then I got my citiznship, then he married... Still waiting for him.
My parents were sponsored in FB4 category by my uncle and our visa numbers became current when I was 18 years old (still derivative benificiary), but we didn't hear any thing from NVC for more than three years and then some one told us to contact the local consulate. when we contacted the counslate in islamabad they said your visa numbers were current long before and gave us packet 3 and the whole process completed in 3 months, but I had just aged out due to our own mistake. My parents got GC in June 2000, but then some one told them not to file I-30 before their citizen ship because it gonna be quick then. You can see I have made lot of mistakes in my life, but we learn through our mistakes, all we have to do is to have faith in God as He is the one who know whats best for us.
Interesting ... Hearing on: The Role of Family-Based Immigration in the U.S. Immigra

Hey guys, listen to this if you get a chance, this is a hearing about possible elimination of family-based immigration

Pay attention at 35 min of the hearing: no wonder the backlogs are lengthening in family-based categories...
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Hey guys, listen to this if you get a chance, this is a hearing about possible elimination of family-based immigration

Pay attention at 35 min of the hearing: no wonder the backlogs are lengthening in family-based categories...
Interesting! but that was a part of comprehensive immigration reform which is not likely untill the next govt comes and start debating on it again, may be a couple of years.
This is good and bad news.....mostly good news. But the US economy is in the pits, so what kind of "economic contributions" can family-based immigrants provide?


Hey guys, listen to this if you get a chance, this is a hearing about possible elimination of family-based immigration

Pay attention at 35 min of the hearing: no wonder the backlogs are lengthening in family-based categories...
April Visa bulletin

Hey everyone,
i found this
Do you think it's official? Do you know what FX stands for?

Category India Most Other Countries
F1 22 February 2002 22 February 2002
FX 1 May 2002 1 May 2002
F2A 8 May 2003 8 May 2003
F2B 22 March 1999 22 March 1999
F3 22 May 2000 22 May 2000
F4 22 November 1996 22 July 1997
Hey everyone,
i found this
Do you think it's official? Do you know what FX stands for?

Category India Most Other Countries
F1 22 February 2002 22 February 2002
FX 1 May 2002 1 May 2002
F2A 8 May 2003 8 May 2003
F2B 22 March 1999 22 March 1999
F3 22 May 2000 22 May 2000
F4 22 November 1996 22 July 1997

FX is probably F2A number excepmpt from percountry limit. We shouldn't be happy.
But the question arises, if Fx is F2A number exempt from percountry limit then what is EX in employment based category. its strange that there is no vb on on or aila web site.