• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Upcoming month's visa bulletin: December 2013 (Coming Soon)

YA u are right here but i too have joined this forumn quite early this year and what i see here is here many people are just busy on disgracing other if u post some thing instead of giving the suggestion they dig out some line from that and will try to down that person its my bitter experience I had felt in this forumn so my concept about many people now got changed as here many feel they are the onle one who know all even in pitbull case ya he was little agressive to some point but he was first to give numbers of europe before than anyone did even before he was new so gave only of europe,, we sholuld suggest him to provide all region but we just did trying disgracing him as child crying bla bla...

Well luckboy, if you think it's ok that slinging insults around (many times) at a bunch of regular users is ok as long as the same guy gets you numbers maybe an hour early, that's fine. Interesting indeed to see the different attitudes people have here. For me, I'm happy this forum has an ignore button.
I just called KCC, they checked (so the numbers should be available soon) but they said they don't have the numbers yet.
Will call again at 3 pm
It's not a good idea to have so many people call them when only one person can get the information for all.

We do not want to pester them too much or they may stop giving us the numbers before the official release.
Well, I'm from SA, so I need to call because NO ONE ELSE is going to get the numbers for my region for me. And I don't mind ask for the other's region's cutoff as I have plenty of credit in my phone. Anyway, if there is nothing published by 3 pm, I will call again.

I guess they are A LOT of other people not in this forum that want to know and calls them... just not sharing the info with us.

It's not a good idea to have so many people call them when only one person can get the information for all.

We do not want to pester them too much or they may stop giving us the numbers before the official release.
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I'm sure we can agree on one person to call and get the info for everybody. If they can't do it for everybody, somebody else may be able to volunteer.

If already many people outside this forum call them, we don't want to make it too many.
I'm sure we can agree on one person to call and get the info for everybody. If they can't do it for everybody, somebody else may be able to volunteer.

If already many people outside this forum call them, we don't want to make it too many.

I said I'll do it. Nobody else needs to call.
i think there are few people on this forum that registered in more than one user's name.Thats is reason why you will always see some selfish user supporting advice or comment that does not make sense.
Again, I leave for a few hours and miss lots of interesting posts...

OK I am glad that Pitbull has said he will call and get all the numbers. Its a pity it needed explaining over and over again but whatever.

I would like to say this... It DOES matter how you treat people in life and if you make a mistake you need to apologize. As Susie said earlier, respect is earned. Everyone makes mistakes but apologizing is an important part of earning respect. Earlier, I pointed out that Pitbull needed to apologize for his earlier comments and he came back with some childish and crude comments that were utterly inappropriate for this site. Sorry, but that is not OK behaviour. He would never think it was ok to say those things to my face (believe me, he really wouldn't) but to sit behind a keyboard and say things like that is cowardly. However, this is the internet and cowards are commonplace on the internet so I won't lose any sleep about one fool.

So, to the newer members who may not understand how out of place those comments are, let me explain something. This site provides FANTASTIC help and information. The information provided here is accurate, timely and available FREE OF CHARGE.Those of us that help out don't expect thanks or adulation, but just a little silent appreciation and courtesy. I would guess that 90% of the information provided here comes from less than 10 members, none of them paid, all of them spending their free time helping others when in most cases the helpers have already got their visas. So when someone comes in insulting anyone and especially one (or several) of those 10 members then an apology and better behaviour should be the expected standard, and that standard should be made clear BY ALL. These 10 members are quite honestly the lifeblood of this forum and whilst some of those will come and go over time, which is expected and natural, the forum as a whole should want to protect those assets for this community. So, don't be ambiguous or unclear in your support of the standards we should see. This forum is a friendly and supportive forum - let us all work to keep it that way...
Hello guys, I'm not here regularly because pretty busy but reading certain threads like this one I MUST SAY that simon has it all right from top to bottom. Glad there's someone like you simon and others here to "pave the way".
Who in their right mind wouldn't agree with his message , who? ... yes you! I'm looking at you :D
Anyway, on a lighter note, time is really flying, almost the end of 2013... good things are coming hopefully!!
Forget about Gabam. He retired, I'm the new Gabam. If there will be anybody who will reply to my message who needs Oceania and South America number, I will be glad to get them for you.

See, you're craving for attention.. 'if there will be anybody who will reply'... Do you want people to beg you to make the call or what? Either do it for everyone without asking, or don't do it at all. As simple as that. And do not call yourself the new Gabam, have some respect for the guy and the tremendous job he's been doing here! This forum is a place to share experiences and help one another, it's not a platform for someone to cure self-consciousness... get over it!
As I said previously, I will never apologize for helping people and getting them their numbers. I do it for everyone who appreciates what I do. If you don't, then go kick sand as they say it here in the States. You seem to be the bully of these forums and I hate bullies. If you saw what I look like, you would pee your pants and would eat your own tongue. You seem very shallow and can't get over anything. Wow, it must be so hard to be such a bitter and angry person. I am not going to get down to your level and start calling you names, unlike you I have honor. By calling me a coward and a fool, you just contradicted everything else you wrote. What a shame. This board could have been much better without some like you.

Again, I leave for a few hours and miss lots of interesting posts...

OK I am glad that Pitbull has said he will call and get all the numbers. Its a pity it needed explaining over and over again but whatever.

I would like to say this... It DOES matter how you treat people in life and if you make a mistake you need to apologize. As Susie said earlier, respect is earned. Everyone makes mistakes but apologizing is an important part of earning respect. Earlier, I pointed out that Pitbull needed to apologize for his earlier comments and he came back with some childish and crude comments that were utterly inappropriate for this site. Sorry, but that is not OK behaviour. He would never think it was ok to say those things to my face (believe me, he really wouldn't) but to sit behind a keyboard and say things like that is cowardly. However, this is the internet and cowards are commonplace on the internet so I won't lose any sleep about one fool.

So, to the newer members who may not understand how out of place those comments are, let me explain something. This site provides FANTASTIC help and information. The information provided here is accurate, timely and available FREE OF CHARGE.Those of us that help out don't expect thanks or adulation, but just a little silent appreciation and courtesy. I would guess that 90% of the information provided here comes from less than 10 members, none of them paid, all of them spending their free time helping others when in most cases the helpers have already got their visas. So when someone comes in insulting anyone and especially one (or several) of those 10 members then an apology and better behaviour should be the expected standard, and that standard should be made clear BY ALL. These 10 members are quite honestly the lifeblood of this forum and whilst some of those will come and go over time, which is expected and natural, the forum as a whole should want to protect those assets for this community. So, don't be ambiguous or unclear in your support of the standards we should see. This forum is a friendly and supportive forum - let us all work to keep it that way...
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...33238274.17081.102313776537930&type=1&theater.... see this all of u I think affidavit of support is not needed for DV

Read it again. It is not required in all cases. This is nothing new. As the letter states it is up to the discretion of the consular officer what to ask for. If the CO is not otherwise satisfied that you won't be a public charge they can still ask for one. Again, this is nothing new. The issue in your photo seems to be that Algeria was asking for them from everyone, now they won't. I don't see how this has any bearing on your case, as you come from somewhere where, like almost all posts, it is not required as a standard document. It is not required as a standard document at my post either, but I am aware of a couple of cases where people have been asked to provide one before they are issued visas.
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