• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Upcoming month's visa bulletin: December 2013 (Coming Soon)

Again, I leave for a few hours and miss lots of interesting posts...

OK I am glad that Pitbull has said he will call and get all the numbers. Its a pity it needed explaining over and over again but whatever.

I would like to say this... It DOES matter how you treat people in life and if you make a mistake you need to apologize. As Susie said earlier, respect is earned. Everyone makes mistakes but apologizing is an important part of earning respect. Earlier, I pointed out that Pitbull needed to apologize for his earlier comments and he came back with some childish and crude comments that were utterly inappropriate for this site. Sorry, but that is not OK behaviour. He would never think it was ok to say those things to my face (believe me, he really wouldn't) but to sit behind a keyboard and say things like that is cowardly. However, this is the internet and cowards are commonplace on the internet so I won't lose any sleep about one fool.

So, to the newer members who may not understand how out of place those comments are, let me explain something. This site provides FANTASTIC help and information. The information provided here is accurate, timely and available FREE OF CHARGE.Those of us that help out don't expect thanks or adulation, but just a little silent appreciation and courtesy. I would guess that 90% of the information provided here comes from less than 10 members, none of them paid, all of them spending their free time helping others when in most cases the helpers have already got their visas. So when someone comes in insulting anyone and especially one (or several) of those 10 members then an apology and better behaviour should be the expected standard, and that standard should be made clear BY ALL. These 10 members are quite honestly the lifeblood of this forum and whilst some of those will come and go over time, which is expected and natural, the forum as a whole should want to protect those assets for this community. So, don't be ambiguous or unclear in your support of the standards we should see. This forum is a friendly and supportive forum - let us all work to keep it that way...

Hello guys, I'm not here regularly because pretty busy but reading certain threads like this one I MUST SAY that simon has it all right from top to bottom. Glad there's someone like you simon and others here to "pave the way".
Who in their right mind wouldn't agree with his message , who? ... yes you! I'm looking at you :D
Anyway, on a lighter note, time is really flying, almost the end of 2013... good things are coming hopefully!!

See, you're craving for attention.. 'if there will be anybody who will reply'... Do you want people to beg you to make the call or what? Either do it for everyone without asking, or don't do it at all. As simple as that. And do not call yourself the new Gabam, have some respect for the guy and the tremendous job he's been doing here! This forum is a place to share experiences and help one another, it's not a platform for someone to cure self-consciousness... get over it!

Not sure what's wrong with that guy. Every trained monkey can call KCC, maybe he is one :D

Well said, all of you.
Indeed, not sure what is wrong with a guy who uses the excuse of making a phone call anyone can make to act like a child throwing a temper tantrum and insulting people constantly, and trying to get the regulars to leave. Definitely a less enjoyable forum than it used to be. It would be a real pity should any of the regular helpers get fed up and leave because of this.
Dear peeps, you all probably know this already, but just in case any of you don't you can get the Visa Bulletin automatically emailed to you when it gets released each month. Then you have all that important information about cut off numbers direct from the source. These are the instructions:

To be placed on the Department of State’s E-mail subscription list for the “Visa Bulletin”, please send an E-mail to the following E-mail address:


and in the message body type:
Subscribe Visa-Bulletin First name/Last name
(example: Subscribe Visa-Bulletin Sally Doe)

Hope that helps.

PS- Stop feeding the trolls. :rolleyes:

Well said, all of you.
Indeed, not sure what is wrong with a guy who uses the excuse of making a phone call anyone can make to act like a child throwing a temper tantrum and insulting people constantly, and trying to get the regulars to leave. Definitely a less enjoyable forum than it used to be. It would be a real pity should any of the regular helpers get fed up and leave because of this.

Hey Regular Helpers,

Let me introduce myself, I've been following this forum on and off, since May this year when I learnt i was selected for the DV 2014. I've been a silent observer and very much value the contributions provided, by the regulars and in fact the quality and the accuracy of the provided information. Your contributions here guys has actually helped me prepare my documents properly and wait my turn.

The reason i broke my silence, registered an account and posting this comment, is to let regulars like SusieQQQ, Britsimon, Gabam, Tazmania, and all the unsung heroes, that your contributions and input is an asset and actually are the confidence for many people who value your experience. Please don't let attention seekers demotivate you. Many people like me will thankful and appreciative of your work guys.

a tiny advice for you pitbull, Mate, if you want attention and appreciation for everything you do in life, you are in the wrong industry!
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...33238274.17081.102313776537930&type=1&theater.... see this all of u I think affidavit of support is not needed for DV

Read it again. It is not required in all cases. This is nothing new. As the letter states it is up to the discretion of the consular officer what to ask for. If the CO is not otherwise satisfied that you won't be a public charge they can still ask for one. Again, this is nothing new. The issue in your photo seems to be that Algeria was asking for them from everyone, now they won't. I don't see how this has any bearing on your case, as you come from somewhere where, like almost all posts, it is not required as a standard document. It is not required as a standard document at my post either, but I am aware of a couple of cases where people have been asked to provide one before they are issued visas.

Yes I agree with Susie, it is nothing new, although it is good to see the Algerian embassy have been redirected in their expectation regarding affidavits of support. However, there are two types of document called an affidavit of support - one is the I-134 that we always discuss and is sometimes used in DV cases and the other is the I-864. The I-864 is a legally binding contract of support for the immigrant that would allow the government to force the supporter to support the immigrant financially or recover the costs of doing so. That is the document that the letter refers to, so that is the one that this letter covers and that has never been the aos that anyone here has recommended that anyone use - it is specifically NOT to be used in DV cases.

The I-134 is NOT legally binding on the person who signs it, although the person is liable to perjury charges if they lie on the form. Because it is not binding, it is not treated with the weight that the other document could carry, and is usually used as part of a combination of proofs that the immigrant can overcome the ineligibility grounds regarding public charge.
Yes I agree with Susie, it is nothing new, although it is good to see the Algerian embassy have been redirected in their expectation regarding affidavits of support. However, there are two types of document called an affidavit of support - one is the I-134 that we always discuss and is sometimes used in DV cases and the other is the I-864. The I-864 is a legally binding contract of support for the immigrant that would allow the government to force the supporter to support the immigrant financially or recover the costs of doing so. That is the document that the letter refers to, so that is the one that this letter covers and that has never been the aos that anyone here has recommended that anyone use - it is specifically NOT to be used in DV cases.

The I-134 is NOT legally binding on the person who signs it, although the person is liable to perjury charges if they lie on the form. Because it is not binding, it is not treated with the weight that the other document could carry, and is usually used as part of a combination of proofs that the immigrant can overcome the ineligibility grounds regarding public charge.

I heard from past interviewees that in US Embassy Abu Dhabi I 864 is must no matter how much bank balance you may have. Now I am almost regretting choosing Abu Dhabi over Kathmandu….  however since I have ample time to arrange documents hopefully I will manage to get I 864.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...33238274.17081.102313776537930&type=1&theater.... see this all of u I think affidavit of support is not needed for DV

I heard from past interviewees that in US Embassy Abu Dhabi I 864 is must no matter how much bank balance you may have. Now I am almost regretting choosing Abu Dhabi over Kathmandu….  however since I have ample time to arrange documents hopefully I will manage to get I 864.

NO - NOT the I-864 - that is NOT for DV cases. If you want to provide an affidavit of support it should be the I-134
NO - NOT the I-864 - that is NOT for DV cases. If you want to provide an affidavit of support it should be the I-134

Simon, I raised the same point in the Egyptian thread yesterday hoping that some one could clarify it for me since the American embassy in Abu Dhabi states clearly (Proof of the petitioner's financial support for the visa applicant and the petitioner's domicile in the United States, including Form I-864, Affidavit of Support, U.S. Federal Tax Returns for the three (3) most recent years, and proof of employment) and here is the link http://abudhabi.usembassy.gov/immigrant_visas.html, while the link for American embassy Embassy in Egypt http://egypt.usembassy.gov/consular/iv.html is showing the following ( All prospective immigrants except for DV candidates must have a petition filed on their behalf. The “petitioner” is the person or company who files the petition and the “beneficiary” is the prospective immigrant.

While the main site http://www.travel.state.gov/visa/visa_4760.html don't mention any thing about the affidavit of support.It is really confusing me as my Interview will be in UAE and I need to understand and to be assured if it is required or not.
Simon, I raised the same point in the Egyptian thread yesterday hoping that some one could clarify it for me since the American embassy in Abu Dhabi states clearly (Proof of the petitioner's financial support for the visa applicant and the petitioner's domicile in the United States, including Form I-864, Affidavit of Support, U.S. Federal Tax Returns for the three (3) most recent years, and proof of employment) and here is the link http://abudhabi.usembassy.gov/immigrant_visas.html, while the link for American embassy Embassy in Egypt http://egypt.usembassy.gov/consular/iv.html is showing the following ( All prospective immigrants except for DV candidates must have a petition filed on their behalf. The “petitioner” is the person or company who files the petition and the “beneficiary” is the prospective immigrant.

While the main site http://www.travel.state.gov/visa/visa_4760.html don't mention any thing about the affidavit of support.It is really confusing me as my Interview will be in UAE and I need to understand and to be assured if it is required or not.

Check with the Abu Dhabi embassy if that page is relevant to DV. The extract you posted from Egypt makes perfect sense because DV is the only immigrant category in which you don't have a petitioner - for all others the petitioner is the person, usually a family member, who files the immigrant petition for you.
Check with the Abu Dhabi embassy if that page is relevant to DV. The extract you posted from Egypt makes perfect sense because DV is the only immigrant category in which you don't have a petitioner - for all others the petitioner is the person, usually a family member, who files the immigrant petition for you.

Correct. I am 100% sure that the I-864 is not used in DV cases.

FYI, at the same level as the immigrant visas info from which you posted there is a link for the DV visas. http://abudhabi.usembassy.gov/diversityvisas.html
NO - NOT the I-864 - that is NOT for DV cases. If you want to provide an affidavit of support it should be the I-134

I know for certain that last year two people (colleagues of my cousin) were kept AP due to non-availability of I-864 and visa was issued later when they provided it....

I think the process they are following in Abu Dhabi is not right, in the meantime I sent an email inquiring about the same topic to embassy.
I know for certain that last year two people (colleagues of my cousin) were kept AP due to non-availability of I-864 and visa was issued later when they provided it....

I think the process they are following in Abu Dhabi is not right, in the meantime I sent an email inquiring about the same topic to embassy.

Ultimately it is up to the consular officer to decide what is necessary and what isn't....
I know for certain that last year two people (colleagues of my cousin) were kept AP due to non-availability of I-864 and visa was issued later when they provided it....

I think the process they are following in Abu Dhabi is not right, in the meantime I sent an email inquiring about the same topic to embassy.

Hi I Hjkark, I have asked one of my friends whose brother migrates through DV2013 and he informed that he didn't provide this form, only the bank statements, please could you post their answer once they reply you? Thanks and good luck
Guys, please keep this thread for Jan cut-off and cut-off related discussion. I see a lot of questions and discussions happening in this thread. Create a new thread for any new topic to be discuss, please.
Guys, please keep this thread for Jan cut-off and cut-off related discussion. I see a lot of questions and discussions happening in this thread. Create a new thread for any new topic to be discuss, please.

You are quite correct but I think that horse has bolted! :rolleyes: