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UP coming visa bulletin of month February:

Good question ! I'm still thinking there is may be some hidden # !!!

I don't think there is any hidden #. I think it might be a 2nd draw. Which mean the application count is not enough which is a good news to all 1st draw selectees. Let keep hoping. :)
Can you Let us know when you know you are selected?

i think question like this make me foolish one , and i feel you are dis qualified me ? just know i am tilling you you are expert dont let me change my mind about you i found a lot of valuable info on this site , valuable info connected to valuable team , but i think you should rise your attitude little bit , another foolish question i suggest they should remove you from the forum , and put qualified one ,
I don't think there is any hidden #. I think it might be a 2nd draw. Which mean the application count is not enough which is a good news to all 1st draw selectees. Let keep hoping. :)

Exactly my point kayend ; hidden # kept one side
Than 2d draw that's where they come from ! Its just a theory !
i think question like this make me foolish one , and i feel you are dis qualified me ? just know i am tilling you you are expert dont let me change my mind about you i found a lot of valuable info on this site , valuable info connected to valuable team , but i think you should rise your attitude little bit , another foolish question i suggest they should remove you from the forum , and put qualified one ,

Abbas, don't get me wrong. I wanted to know whether you were in the 1st draw or not. That will help us improve our prediction for Asia.
I've seen 1 person in Turkish forum. He says on May 1st when he checked he was not selected but when he checked couple of weeks back he saw he was selected. Was there a 2nd draw?

Exactly my point kayend ; hidden # kept one side
Than 2d draw that's where they come from ! Its just a theory !
I've seen 1 person in Turkish forum. He says on May 1st when he checked he was not selected but when he checked couple of weeks back he saw he was selected. Was there a 2nd draw?
If we get few more testimonies like yours than its true they drew twice !
When we checked on May 1st we were not selected. But then when we checked on May 3rd we were selected. Of course, because my wife had used DV-2013 numbers to check the first time! :) Good thing I have OCD.
I have the same thinking. What is going on with this DV14. Slow processing but high case #, especially in Asia.

It really is odd. However, as Sloner has pointed out, it is believed that new software was used. That software controlled the selection and numbering of selectees, so the fact that we are seeing high numbers perhaps should not be too big of a surprise. HOWEVER, once the selectees are notified and start submitting forms, the new software has no effect - so what we should be able to do is track the likely selectee to visa issued ratio (the response & success rate).
It really is odd. However, as Sloner has pointed out, it is believed that new software was used. That software controlled the selection and numbering of selectees, so the fact that we are seeing high numbers perhaps should not be too big of a surprise. HOWEVER, once the selectees are notified and start submitting forms, the new software has no effect - so what we should be able to do is track the likely selectee to visa issued ratio (the response & success rate).

Simon don't you think since there is high numbers appearing- there will be some huge wholes somewhere somehow ?
Not that since last week I understood that countries has been given allocated numbers compressed between such a number to such ! And the discussions with raevsky indicate that those lost far numbers that's popping out are people living a broad or claiming chargeability from such and such country ....
But now the fact is they have the same criteria as the ''compressed'' ones ! So there must be an explanation a logical one!
otherwise the my whole understanding is out !