Unresolved Traffic ticket

I was asked, but I am pretty sure that was because I had disclosed a $70 citation.

It is possibel some traffic violations can turn up in FBI name check. FBI database just accept voluntary report from state and local
law agencies. It goes without saying that local police will more likely to report to FBI if the offense are more serious but they can report traffic violatiosn too just like they can forget to report serious offense. So one can not exclude the possibility one's traffic violation turn up in his FBI name check report obtained bY USCIS


The FBI's compilation of an individual's criminal identification, arrest, conviction, and incarceration information is known as the Interstate Identification Index, or "Triple-I" for short. This is basically the FBI's rap sheet (Record of Arrest and Prosecution). It contains information voluntarily reported by law enforcement agencies across the country, as well as information provided by other federal agencies. It contains information on felonies and misdemeanors, and may also contain municipal and traffic offenses if reported by the individual agencies. Each individual who has an entry in the Interstate Identification Index has a unique "FBI number" that is used to identify a specific individual.
This is why I have always been a member of the disclose all citations camp.

Many have got traffic tickets before getting the GC. Although the I485 form clearly say "exclduing traffic violations" but the
OF 156 ask "Have you ever been arrested or convict?" without excluding traffic violation clause. And many had experienced of applying
for nonimmigration visa between trafic violation and getting the GC. I am not sure the USCIS can go back to your OF 156 and check if you
disclose trafiifc tickets or not on OF 156.
Thanks all!!

After reading all your comments carefully, and although we desparately want to avoid delaying our citizenship/oath for which we have waited so long, my husband has made up his mind to go for the interview without paying the ticket and explaining the situation to the IO if asked. Rest he wants to leave it to the good sense of the officer.

We'll keep you posted on the outcome.


You have two choices:

1) Don't bother disclosing it (unless specially asked) since most IOs don't care about minor traffic citations.

2) Disclose it and risk having IO make an issue out of it if you haven't paid the ticket. Another poster who had their interview at Seattle reported his IO made an issue out of traffic citation, so it's been confirmed how Seattle DO may handle traffic tickets.

From your experience, do you know if immigration officers specifically ask about pending traffic violations?

From My interview experience ( Newark) , I don't think it is a problem as long as it is speeding/moving violation tec. the IO interviewed me told speeding tickets are not a issue.
Tom - I have my interview at Newark as well. Did they ever ask you about traffic violations (paid or pending), if yes what did you answer
Tom - I have my interview at Newark as well. Did they ever ask you about traffic violations (paid or pending), if yes what did you answer

The IO didn't ask anything I have mentioned two tickets in the application and also mentioned that "fines paid". He just looked at it and said traffic tickets are not a problem, didn't ask enything but written on the application with his red ink pen "No arrest" , also made some comments on the difference between Arrest and convition. PLs. read the full inkterview experience on Newark forum
You have two choices:

1) Don't bother disclosing it (unless specially asked) since most IOs don't care about minor traffic citations.

2) Disclose it and risk having IO make an issue out of it if you haven't paid the ticket. Another poster who had their interview at Seattle reported his IO made an issue out of traffic citation, so it's been confirmed how Seattle DO may handle traffic tickets.


Unfortunately not disclosing is not an option for us since we have already declared the ticket on the N400 form. Reading your posted link has got me very worried. I think I'm in for a big fight with my hubby tonight, forcing him to pay the ticket tomorrow and get this behind us and not risk anything at the interview. $350 already given to the lawyer wasted + increase in premium for several years........ US immigration certainly takes its toll.....
