TSC Tracker and Discussion - March 11, 2002

Question on I-485

Hi Gurus,
I just spoke to my lawyer, he says I can apply I-485 both CP as well as AOS. is it true? When I apply 140 as i remember I opted for AOS. Now he says for extra $500 I can go for both options. Can some one sugget me on this. Thanks for your help.
yes u can do

but i think ur layer is giving false info, while filing I-140 u say u want CP depending on ur situation after approval u can go eitherway. Read some of the chat transcripts from Murthy.com i am sure u can get some answeres regarding this question

hope this helps
Just spend 1 hour trying to gothrough 214-381-1423 to talk to an IO. But no lucky at all

How come those July/August EB1 cases have been approved, but my case filed in early May is still not approved. I feel so unfair. Any one in the same situation as I am?
Nice Joke GKing. I Don\'t think ND:Nov 2001 comes before July 24,2001.

Cases are not processed according to ND. It is being processed according to the Knowledge and Efficiency of Officer to whom your case is assigned. It also matters How many hours he takes to read a page.

This is my opinion.

Attention, EB2 case with ND around the end of July

I called IIO last Friday again, and I was told that my case is "in the transition process to an officer", and it is along with a lot of similar cases.It has been in that process for weeks. I guess that explains why EB2 cases with ND around end of July are still pending. The officer suggest me to call back a week later, at same time, my lawyer also sent an inquiry to INS. But I do not have any reason to expect that anything can be done soon.

Next, I will ask help from congressman /senator, is there anyone know who is more effective, congressman or senator? or I should write to both? any sample letters available?

Thanks in advance.

P.S. I also encourage all people with similar pending case to take action, nobody will help us except ourselves.

The IIO I talked to told me that there are many if not thousand cases is in the "transition process", no reason give to me. but She admitted that TSC currenlty processinf Sep cases. and she is not sure when my case will be assigned to an officer. Sign!
Is attorney certified I-140 still available for oversea visa processing?

I have heard that new procedure for consulate visa processing is carried out. Could anyone tell me whther or not the attorney certified I-140 package is still acceptable by oversea US consulates. Thanks.
same replied to me by IIO

I talked IIO yesterday and got the same answer like you "On Transition Process to the Analyst". I was asked to call in 2 weeks. Frankly speaking, I believe that that answer is unacceptable. I take the answer as my I-140 is scrambled somewhere. I will try to keep calling them. BlueEagle, Had your lawyer been successfull to send inquiry thru fax ? My Lawyer will not able to get the line eventhough he said that it is special fax line for the lawyer.

Agree w/ you that anybody w/ the case like ours should heep pressure on TSC and your lawyer.

Reg EB2, RD: 05/11/2001 and ND: 07/19/2001
What is the exact meaning of "transition process"? does it mean the case is going to send

Pure, if I were you, I would ask more detials of the meaning the "transition process". Tax payers paid their salary, they should answer any questions you have.

To jennifer, I am also a EB1 applicant, I am waiting too.

eb1_GC : exactly, I was so upset by the explanation.
In my opinion, my case won\'t get transferred to another service center. I even asked IIO whether my case is lost. IIO said "No".
IIO even confirmed that they are processing Sept cases. I was asked
to follow up again in 2 weeks. IIO could not explain why my case is so left behind. I guess the easy answer is "On Transition Process".
I\'ll keep calling TSC. who knows that I may get better explanation next time.
more than 4 times IIO told me...

I\'ve talked IIO at least four times and I\'ve been told mine was assigned on 2/14/02 each time, even yesterday too. She told me "wait another two more weeks..."

Thank\'s Gking

Thank\'s for your explanation.

you mentioned that by keep trying to call TSC, my case may be assigned two times. could you provide me what do you mean ?
you don\'t think it is a good idea to keep calling TSC.
I tried to call TSC for 5 days but only get thru one time.
For Pure

My laywer told me she start trying to send fax from Friday, but succeed until yesterday. I am not sure how much TSX will weight laywer\'s inquire, I would guess they will pay more ttention for congressman\'s inquiery. That is the reason I think we all sould send letter to congressman, maybe this will put enough pressure to break this deadlock.
I do it myself.


Sorry to respond to your question so late because I cannot go to the interent in my office.
To me, even without any sponsor, you can apply EB1(OR).
I applied myself. My company even refused to write any recommendation letters for me.
You can apply EB1 and NIW at the same time.
I think EB1 and NIW were examined by different officers.
Thank you for your good words.
If you need any help, I will tell you every thing I know.
EB1 takes longer if your is EB1(OR)

AS my understanding, there is only one officer to examine EB1(OR) and EB1(professor).
You should hear something this month or next month. It is normal.
However, the officer may open your file and simply write you an RFE to show you that he or she is doning something on your case.