TSC I485 Tracker in May 04

One more try

It looks to be the file size rather than the user limit. The first one was over 2Mb and it failed. I made it less than 2 and it is thro ..
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Address change


any body has the address to send the change of address form at TSC ?

I am sending AR-11 to KY address and also called
customer service number.

the customer rep says, i dont need to mail the AR-11 to TSC.
but i just wanna be safe..

look at this

this is I saved before

"Change of Address:

For Naturalization Applications:
Customers with pending applications for naturalization (Form N-400) may report their change of address to the NCSC toll-free at 1 (800) 375-5283 instead of submitting the change in writing. Currently, only applications for naturalization may change their address by phone.

For All Other Applications:
Customers may report a change of address for any other application submitted to this office by sending a letter to this Service Center. Please use the following address:
P.O. Box 850891
Mesquite, TX 75185-0891

Please include in the letter:
Your name as it appears in the application
Your 8 or 9 digit A-number
Your OLD and NEW address
Clearly mark your letter "ATTENTION: CHANGE OF ADDRESS"

All persons reporting a change of address must file Form AR-11."

but now the TSC website update to call the 1800 number and file AR-11 not writing.
thanks tsc

I called NSC number and they changed the address
and they told me i will get confirmation..

I am going to send AR-11 also to KY address.

I hope this will kick of FP for me atleast..

ND: 0ct 26, 2002

version 326

Scanned from 02035 to 02080 (1980 cases).

I was able to use the proxy and do 990 cases twice..
but with proxy scanning is very slow ;.... i would say 5-10 times slow. I have cable modem connection..

Latest april count is 2110

March count is 2220. Hopefully April over takes march.
Are there any approvals in May 2004

Hopefully they have not stopped processing 485 in May.

We did not see any approvals for the past 2 days in this forum so far...........

which is scary...........
Groan, when I tried to download the zip file was only 1.3 MB and it seems like the zip file was incomplete.

I am going to try to post ver 328, scanned upto SRC02-197 55611
Next person, please take it from there and scan it all the way.

Not many approvals in the May-June 02 period, so the approval count went up by a measly 2.

Maybe wehn we rescan Dec 02 period, the approval count will go up and beat March approvals.
Please post approval count


Please post approval count so that people get an idea of progress wihtout opening xl file.


version 329

Scanned from 02191-02243.

No change in approval count.

April approval count : 2112

March 2220

CASES for 02-270 missing

Hello All

I was checking through the consolidated file, there are cases from 02-270 missing. IF anyone has run a macro, I was wondering if these cases got missed due to some error?

Appreciate your feedback.


Re: CASES for 02-270 missing

Originally posted by krao-CA
Hello All

I was checking through the consolidated file, there are cases from 02-270 missing. IF anyone has run a macro, I was wondering if these cases got missed due to some error?

Appreciate your feedback.


Krao, no one has scanned 02-270 as yet and hence it is not part of the consolidated file. would you like to run the macro for it and post the results ?
version 331

It gets boring.. no approvals.. from 02097-03003

next person can start from 03004

April count stays at 2117
where is the zip file ?

hi gc031502,

where is the zip file ? you are not able to post ?


I am attaching the sheet for SRC02-141. Next person to post the consolidated file, please add this sheet. Thanks.

There are more than 70 approvals in the range of 03-060 to 03-067.

Unfortunately I was not able to save the file.