TSC I485 Tracker in April 04

version 311


I scanned from 01-001 to 01-235.
and also added piscarus's file 02-140

Current april count is : 1739

my laptop has excel 2000, i did not realize till i completed the scanning. Hopefully this should work with excel 2002.
if not take the 310 and start from there.

gccare, when you do scanning and upload the zip file, increase the version number. you and patienceless both posted version 310.

Also both of did not change version # on excel file. the xl spreadsheet has version 309 on its name.
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Re: Re-scannes

Originally posted by joemama

SRC02-029, 03-031 and 03-054

see attached file, please incorporate.

I also posted some re-scannes yesterday, which have yet to be incorporated into the freedom file.

joemama, instead of indivudal files, can you help in scanning new data for feb 02 ? src02-111,or 02-112.
since the scan you posted had data which had not changed much, no one shd interest in incorporating your scan.
i will put them in next version, thanks.
Pradha, oh i am sorry, I already rescanned Nov 01.
ALso i have added the files from JoeMama.
The total approval count is 1773

Next person can take it from 02-056

once pradha, very sorry.
Though I am not sure if my current file will work for all??
if it doesn't pradha, please post your rescanned file.
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I am not in your league. My excel crashes trying that. Only you, Braves, Pradha, or Goastros can do that now

I am not either. I can save and get going, but my saving does not mean the format is changed. If you had a problem with the file I continue to carry forward that. To my knowledge the only one who fixes this is Braves2003. If he takes a file which is not compatible across and post, it becomes Ok. I do not know the magic though.
I know for sure version 313 will not work for patienceless as I can feel the diffrence most of the time when I save also.

May be that breakup file would alleviate the problem a bit. That way only a portion becomes incompatible. Like even if 02 file cannot be saved 01 and 03 would be Ok ( can even make 02 to 02a and 02b). But last time we tried it did not sell well due to the additional complexity.

Merging of rescans--
My openion : It is not worth merging the rescans. It inadvertently causes more problems occasionally. It will take care when someone rescans that range next time anyway.

Hi All

Looks like TSC is processing basedon the FP Date, they are not following feb 02, mar 02, apr 02....., Is there is anyway to track based on FPed order in our spreadsheet ?
It looks like ther are two streams of processing. One the normal backlogs based on RD/ND and another to avoid Re FP ing and it 's associated overheads (may be that is thought process) . Most approvals of Dec/Jan 2003 cases have their FP recieved in the later part of Jan or early part of Feb or just shown as recieved. I think those recived cases are also FP expiring cases but not updated. If that is the case many in even Feb /Mar/ Apr 2003 and so on will be unduly lucky at the cost of Early 2002 filers in the months to come.

Here is a file which has the counts changed to Fp resumed instead of Approved. those counts are showing FP resumed cases instead of approved cases. Ignore the charts % etc.. Look at those counts Most Fp Recieved in
Feb is from Dec 2002 ND
Mar is from Jan2003 ND
May is from Mar 2003 ND
Jun is from Feb/Mar 2003 ND


You did it again. Thank you for the hard work.

This files reveals that TSC started processing (not equivalent to approving) all SRC01 cases since Jan 04.

A question is that we do not see similar scale of FP/resume activity on SRC02 cases. But cases filed around Nov 01 to Feb 02 do get approved. The only answer would be that their online status was never updated until approved or transferred.
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Since there's a lot of FPs for Jan 03 cases. I recanned the sheets in Jan 03. The number approvals in Apr 04 reachs 104 alone for Jan 03 cases!

Please someone who can save the sanned file, add it to the consolidated file.
Originally posted by pradha
Most approvals of Dec/Jan 2003 cases have their FP recieved in the later part of Jan or early part of Feb or just shown as recieved. I think those recived cases are also FP expiring cases but not updated.
There is another case:
If you have a child younger than 14 (at ND ) he/she doesn't need FP ;)
In that case the status is changed from Received to approved directly.
This all sounds real fair :confused:

And when you ask CIS they say ONLY cases before 9/17/01 are being processed.

It is the old break up files, If you need to play around on those , you should make three copies of current file, name as cons_01,2,3 delete the other year sheets (or at least the summary and count sheet to avoid too much of calculation) and leave in your directory.

You can copy any of the status group messages to row 1 to get the count for those .

Version 314

I scanned from 02131-02139 (March 2002).
7 approvals in last 10 days for this range.

Latest April Approval count is: 1803

next person can start from 02-140

March count is 2230, seems we may have chance to beat that number this month.

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TSC update from Murthy.com

TSC Update : April 2004

The backlog of cases at the Texas Service Center (TSC) is a significant problem,
with processing times measured in years in many instances. This affects many
readers of MurthyDotCom and the MURTHYBULLETIN. We, therefore, provide the
following update on procedures and plans at the TSC, released in April 2004. The
information was provided by Evelyn Upchurch, Director, TSC, and Ninfa Luna,
Assistant Center Director for Documents, in response to questions from the State
Bar of Texas.

Staffing Levels

The TSC presently is experiencing a personnel vacancy rate in excess of 25
percent. It has significant problems in obtaining security checks for potential
employees. These security checks take up to 200 days. Because, in many cases,
people cannot wait that long to start a job, the prospective employees accept
other offers of employment before the security checks are cleared and the job at
the TSC can be finalized. The TSC also has high rates of attrition, due to
positions that are for a set term rather than being permanent. Because people
are seeking permanent positions, there is high rate of employee turnover. Of
course, as with any business, having many vacant positions reduces productivity.

Immediate Relatives and I-824

The TSC has an enormous backlog in I-130 cases. Even immediate-relative cases
are taking around two years, despite their having available visa numbers and
having been given priority in processing. The TSC advised that there is a plan,
both at the TSC and the Nebraska Service Center (NSC), to reduce the backlog in
immediate relative I-130 cases. The plan sets a goal of bringing the processing
times to within one year of receipt of the case.

The TSC also plans to reduce the backlog in I-824 processing for Applications
for Action on an Approved Petition. The I-824 is used to initiate
following-to-join cases for relatives who are abroad. The delays in I-824
processing often keep spouses and children in employment-based cases separated
from their relatives in the United States. Faster processing of I-824s would be
an enormous benefit in uniting families earlier, a goal of our immigration

Balancing Various Work Priorities

The TSC confirmed that it sets priorities for work completion based first upon
judicial mandates. Second priority cases are those that affect the local
District USCIS offices, and third are all other cases that are selected as
Service Center priorities for any reason. What this generally means is that
improvement in one type of case, designated as a priority based on law or
policy, results in a slow-down in the processing of a different, non-priority

Portability Only after I-140 is Approved

The TSC confirmed that they are following the August 2003 Memo regarding AC21
portability. For a detailed analysis of this Memo, see our August 12, 2003
article, "BCIS Memo on I-485 Portability after I-140 Revocation"
<http://www.murthy.com/news/UDportme.html>, available on MurthyDotCom. The TSC
verified its position that the beneficiary cannot use AC21 portability until the
I-140 has been approved and the I-485 has been pending for 180 days. It also
stated that the beneficiary must inform the service center of the change of job
when s/he uses portability. We note that, while this is implied in various USCIS
or Legacy INS Memos and is what we routinely recommend, this requirement is not
specified in the AC21 law itself.

We will continue to advise MurthyDotCom and MURTHYBULLETIN readers of any
further important updates at the TSC and any other service centers.
Total approvals for April: 1832

I scanned in May 02 and then in Dec 02 area ( 03-054).
Let's start a monthly scan for April starting tomorrow, start 01-001 all the way to 03-xxx.
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TSC update from Murthy.com

Thanks Sunny for the info,

After seeing this I feel we should be lucky to get an imigration paper processed in two/three years , if a job application takes 250 days to get a dicision that too on a temporary basis ( means at most couple of years) and 485 is the last one in the priority it looks.

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ver 317 - scanned 03-019 till 03-044

April Count: 1843

Fixed link to 03-31 sheet from summary sheet.

Total scanned in sheets: 937

Re: Jan 22, and 23rd 2003 File

the activity around this range so far is still within what pradha had predicted.

Originally posted by IndianInDallas
Please attach to cons file.

many approvals in april 2004.
