TSC I485 Tracker in April 04

Ver 285 was Excel2002 file


Ver 285 was Excel2002 file, that means Excel 2000 has problem with Excel 2002 file!!!

Tomorrow I am going to upgrade my home computer to Excel 2002
Version 286

I opened ver285 and scanned 990 cases in mostly Jan 2002
and some Feb 2002.

Latest approval count for April is 991.
Earlier count from ver 285 is 940.

My home computer is Excel 2002 and XP.
No problems opening and saving.

I hope atleast some people can open this file so that my changes are not lost like last time.

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Thanks suny for implementing my idea, this way we know up front whether you can change the file or not.
File Saving problems

I went to microsoft website to see if what we are finding is true?. they are saying they all are compatable.,.
So, I guess Every one using > Excel 97 ie, Excel 2000, 2002, 2003 Etc need to change the file format to Excel 97 format when they are saving...
What a confusion , I am able to save the file from Suny this time,
Goastros, where do you stand.

But then probably I have swithed side, picsarus, patinceless could not save my file.


When you save the file I am seeing so many options , if you want to save to a specific type. You think if every body pick one base type like 97 or so will help??

excel 1997

I tried to upload zip file with excel 1997.
For some reason it is twice the size of 2002 version.
it is 3.5MB. I am not able to upload. may be this site
has limitation on attachment size.

some body else can try this and see whether they can succeed .

File Size

Thats what i saw on microsoft help, they are saying if we are saving it as excel97 & 5.0 / 95, the file size is about double to the fact that it tries to save it to be compatible for both 97 and 5.0

Sorry, I Dont know what to do...!!!
I myself thinking about upgrading to Excel 2002..
Re: excel 1997

Originally posted by suny
I tried to upload zip file with excel 1997.
For some reason it is twice the size of 2002 version.
it is 3.5MB. I am not able to upload. may be this site
has limitation on attachment size.

some body else can try this and see whether they can succeed .


suny this fourm had earlier a limitattion of 1 MB which we hit during this project.

Thanks to Jaxen the moderator & nice ppl at Rajiv Khanna's office
they increased the limit to 3 MB.
Please add to the file SRC03-053 Thanks in advance

Please add to the file SRC03-053 Thanks in advance
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ver 287

Originally posted by pradha

Goastros, where do you stand.

Okay I am going by what gc031502 has written abt the excel versions.
I download Suny's excel2002 version for 286 and have added
02-108, ran a rescan from 02-127 to 02-158 & was able to save it.
not many approvals for Mar & Apr 02 as yet.

by the way, I saw 2 approvals for Sep 02 on the MSn forum.
let us rescan it all the way to Oct 02.

as per the color thing, gc031502, I added a new file 02-108,
so it must have messed the color code & 990 count.
And I didn't add 03-053 since i saw it is not in excel2002.

hopefully this shd work for all who have excel2002 and rescan it and save it. try it and let us know.
One suggestion

I am able to save version 287, but still my 6th sense says we are still not out of woods. My version of excel is 2002.
Microsoft Excel 2002(10.4524.4219) SP-2

In the mean while as we move up and down on these vers_numbers I suggest

Any body adding new data to the file please make an explicit comment in the posting, preferably highlighted or diffrent colour
(( say blue ) so that we do not miss any data in this process.

Rescanning really does not matter, as we do another rescan it will always take care by itself.

ver 287

I was able to save version 287 onto my excel 2002 .

I think we should scan our active region August 2001-Feb 2002
once a week atleast. and other months once or twice a month shoudl be enough.

It does not make sense to give same attention to 2003 cases
and early 2001 cases like active region cases.


goastros & others

you should be able to add excel 97 fiiles in to the sheet without any problem with excel 2002..
Originally posted by patiencelessTX
My coworker who filed I-485 on 09/04/02 have learnt that his case got approved. His FP date is 01/08/03.

I also saw 3-4 messages on the MSN forum where Sep 02 filers got approved.

can anyone rescan 02-259 to 02-279. we don't have lot of data covered in this month range, so any new scans in this range are also welcome.
Last night when I rescanned in march & April 02 range, I hardly found any approvals.
I did rescan 02-259 to 02-265 without finding any new approvals. Maybe data for these dates are not complete yet. We need some one to start scanning end of Aug 02 and September 02. As this region could become one of the next focused ranges.
Re: ver 287

Originally posted by goastros
as per the color thing, gc031502, I added a new file 02-108,
so it must have messed the color code & 990 count.

It is not anly when you add a sheet. If you rescan also the numbers will shift. I prefer the old way of month, which gives an idea at a glance how much data is there for a month.

It is worth getting some data beyond May. It appears TSC is moving out from Jan-Feb to the next block. Where is the end of next block (May be Sep as it looks ).
