TSC I485 Tracker in April 04

Originally posted by patiencelessTX
i can't save version 282 either.

goastros, how about you?

yeah , I get the problem while saving too.
I had taken ver 282,
added gc031502 's 03-063 & patiencelesstx's 02-102 & 02-103
But when I tried to save it, I ran into GPF problem..:confused:

I took ver 281, added Laava's sheet from 01-229 to 01-246
and then added gc031502 's 03-063
patiencelesstx's 02-102 & 02-103.

More than likely this version too will fail for others.

now I believe, myself, laava, braves2003, gccare,suny 's postings have a problem whereas others (pradha,patiencelesstx,picsarus,gc031502,gc_aspirant_11's ) 's postings are okay for everyone.

eb2_.. i was in fact waiting for your e-mail abt the lunch. I just need 1 day's notice. no thursday though.
Can not save

I got ver 282. Scanned all of august 2001 cases, but while saving the document, i got the same error everybody was getting.

I set the "Calculations" to manual before scanning and
also selected "Recalculate while saving".

I saw approvals gone upto 622 before it crashed.

may be we shoudl try from 281 again.


I thought you are taking people to your side. We are even now as per your list and shortly you will out number our group.

But then this is a new dimension added where you / Suny cannot save too. What you mean by GPF problem. Where do you see the message, Trying to figure out whether it is all the same problem. I have not noticed GPF so far.

I will try to put together a file sometime tonight. Lets see how it goes.

Problem Opening the file

Hi, as usual I have problem saving ver 283!!!

My system info: Windows XP home edition, Microsoft Excel 97 SR-2

Lets see if this helps any one to see whats happening,

patiencelessTX, goastros and others please post your details to see if we can find any pattern
Re: Hello All

Originally posted by gc031502
No one answered about the significance of colors on summary sheet???

no particular significance. each month has a color.
for eg - may 01 & may 02 & may 03 have the same color.
Colors in summary sheet

Can we have separate colors for every 1000(990 approximately) , so that some one starts scaning wont start randomly, instead start at the begining of the color to end.., that makes it easy for us to scan without stepping on each other..(that way we also know how many people we need to finish up the whole file)
Re: Colors in summary sheet

Originally posted by gc031502
Can we have separate colors for every 1000(990 approximately) , so that some one starts scaning wont start randomly, instead start at the begining of the color to end.., that makes it easy for us to scan without stepping on each other..(that way we also know how many people we need to finish up the whole file)

gc031502, your suggestion is making good use of color change though
The problem with that is the 990 numbers will change often.
pradha has put a column in the counts sheet, cummulative counts.
that kind of serves similar purpose.

Unless someone programs to change the colors dynamically.

But gc031502 , if you believe in the idea, please go ahead & give it a try.
I know People here are always open to new ideas and everyone owns this file equally.
Originally posted by pradha

I thought you are taking people to your side. We are even now as per your list and shortly you will out number our group.

But then this is a new dimension added where you / Suny cannot save too. What you mean by GPF problem. Where do you see the message, Trying to figure out whether it is all the same problem. I have not noticed GPF so far.

I will try to put together a file sometime tonight. Lets see how it goes.


pradha, by GPF, i mean excel crashing. sorry that Old windows GPF has got synomous with crashes.
It says excel has crashed and has generated a log file.

Pradha, we will look for your new file. please take it from ver 281
, then add the new postings and if possible, take the rescans from laava's ver 282.

At this point, i will suggest only pradha, patiencelesstx, gc031502,
picsarus, gc_aspirant to do rescans and post the complete version file.
ANyone new can also try it.

Whereas braves2003,gccare,laava,suny we will just post individual files.

what do you guys, think abt reverting back to split by year files ( 3 + 1 file) format ?
Please update...

EB3 Concurrent filing

PD: 1/14/1998
RD: 12/7/2001
FP: 4/15/2003
RFE: 2/19/2004
AD: 3/24/2004
One Other Idea to reduce the file size

One Other Idea to reduce the file size, is what if we take out all approvals and put them in a separate file.., and use only the counts from that file and change the formulas in our file to add the static approval count + any new approvals

That will reduce the file size to more than half i belive and that way i hope it will take out many of out problems(i hope!!!.), any inputs ??
Re: One Other Idea to reduce the file size

Originally posted by gc031502
One Other Idea to reduce the file size, is what if we take out all approvals and put them in a separate file.., and use only the counts from that file and change the formulas in our file to add the static approval count + any new approvals

That will reduce the file size to more than half i belive and that way i hope it will take out many of out problems(i hope!!!.), any inputs ??


I am not sure filesize is the current issue, I copied one file posted last week by goastros 250kb not even zipped, and it gave me exactly same problem.

However any attempt to reduce the file size is worth pondering over. It has become so big, these days I do not upload or down load from my dial up connection at home. It is taking over 10 mins.
There must be others experiencing the same.

New Version

Here is Ver 285

I was finally able to Make Changes to the file(save it!!), i bet that is some thing to do with the version of excel we are using, at work i dont have any problem saving it and @ home i have problems..

I Made the following Changes:
** Colored the summary sheet, Try to use the Tot- tr-appr count to come up with 990 count but i still need to work more on colors.

** Re scanned SRC02-103 to 02-122
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Originally posted by picsarus
pradha - I guess it had to happen sometime. I cannot save your v284 :confused: :(

Man, I never thought you will defect to goastros camp...

Seriously Do you get the same kind of exception while saving ..
Then we need to build a complex matrix now to map who is compatible to whom ..

by the way, I am still afloat with gc031502 file
Ver 285

Hi all,

I got Version 285 and i was able to save it at my work desk top.

I am using Windows 2000 and Excel 2002 wiht SP-2.

I will try at my home computer some time in weekend.
If i can, i will do some scans and post the new version.

About colors, i like the old method only. Different color for each month. Now if we put one color for 990 cases, then it keeps on changing when we add new sheets. you have to readjust all the colors. It is unnecessarily adding more pain.

Even if you select more # of case, it scan, any way it will stop after 999 with out any damage. i dont understnad what is the advantage with this change.


Hello All

I finally Came to the conclusion about some of us not able to save the file in some instances.

The Conclusion is:

If you have a file created in Excel 97 you can do any thing with Excel 2002, 2003 etc..,

In the reverse if it is created with Excel 2002 or 2003
Excel 97 has problem saving the document,

I confirmed this today when i was able to save it with Excel 2002 and i cant save the same with Excel 97.

We may need to post Excel 97 or Excel2002 etc., as part of file name

for instance Excel2002_ver285 or Excel97_ver285 or
Ver285_Excel97, Ver285_Excel2002

Any comments??
i was not able to save either 284 or 285 version. how about you guys? my configs are win2000 and excel 2000
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