Trcker Waiting for approval APR/MAY/JUNE

Added couple more today

Does anybody believe couple of APR and one May approval that we\'ve seen here and
may be possible

sometimes INS process couple of RD months together.
Good for us, hope it is not a fake entry.
add me to list

RD -7/3
ND -8/20
FP -11/17
FP collected on dec 6th and pending review per AVM
EB3 - India

I think

I saw it in one of the message boards ( or
May be I wasn\'t looking at SC, but it is definetly a MAY case.
Let me add sugar too, tony1234

your AD will be 1/(1-31)/2002, I guarantee it.
Have fun guys
milk - tumharey moo mein ghee shukkar

milk - tumharey moo mein ghee shukkar

I\'m in the same boat as u . Let\'s hope that we get approved soon...