Travel to Brazil on EU Passport for US Citizen


New Member

I will be travelling to Brazil in a couple of weeks time, and need to know if there are any oddities with using 2 passports, and what the sequence of use should be.

I've read that it's possible to do this, though there have been arguments both ways to the validity of it.

Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated, and may save me the $500 that it would cost to get an expedited visa.


The important thing when booking your flight is to make sure to register under your EU passport. Once at airport check in, the airline may ask you about your status in the US to which you would answer US citizen. If the agent tries to tell you that you need a visa to enter Brazil tell them you are entering as a EU citizen, not a USC. Ask for a supervisor if the agent refuses to accept your position.
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Thanks, I just called the airline and had them put my UK passport into their system.

What's the procedure for using 2 passports - check in with UK passport and clear Brazilian immigration with it? What about travelling back to US - check in with my US passport?

Thanks for your help.

The OP is an EU citizen, and requires no visa under that passport probably ( as opposed to the $131 visa required for US citizens ). Leave the US on your European passport and show the US passport if asked. Since there are no I94W forms anymore, the absence of one might not raise a flag. Enter and exit Brazil on your EU passport, and then re-enter the US on your US one, and show the EU passport if asked about it.
Thanks, I just called the airline and had them put my UK passport into their system.

What's the procedure for using 2 passports - check in with UK passport and clear Brazilian immigration with it? What about travelling back to US - check in with my US passport?

Thanks for your help.


Use EU passport to enter and leave Brazil. Enter US with US passport.