Traffic Tickets do not count!

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JoeF said:
There is nothing more to discuss.
"for any reason" means exactly that, and not "for any reason except x".
Anybody who claims otherwise needs to get his head examined, and should go back to elementary school to learn proper English.

No, there is more. The next topic would be how you fail to understand basic questions in N400 and make wrong interpretations out of it. You can curse other people all the way you want, but it does not prove anything for you.
qili said:
JoeF, just calm down and be polite to your fellow members. We just cannot keep allowing you behave this badly in a civil discussion.

Usually when one has nothing to argue anymore he will resort to cursing and name calling. We can see here that JoeF is not an exception.
naturalizer123 said:
No, there is more. The next topic would be how you fail to understand basic questions in N400 and make wrong interpretations out of it. You can curse other people all the way you want, but it does not prove anything for you.

You are required to ANSWER the questions truthfully - not INTERPRET them truthfully. You talk 'interpretation', we talk 'answers'. That's about it.

AlexanderG said:
You are required to ANSWER the questions truthfully - not INTERPRET them truthfully. You talk 'interpretation', we talk 'answers'. That's about it.


No that is not true, you interpret "traffic ticket" in your arguement. You cannot deny that.
JoeF said:
Obviously, you are completely insane. Only a madman can claim to have the authority to "interpret" the questions.

Cursing people simply means that you are the one who is insane. You intepret "traffic violation" yourself yet you fail to recognize that fact.
I know you guys are going to hate me for this, but after I've seen over 135 posts in a thread in a single day I couldn't help it to ask myself:

What did you guys (JoeF and naturalizer123) answered to the Part 10 question #7

Have you ever been declared legally incompetent or been confined to a mental institution within the last five years?

I believe this question should be changed like the one in dispute here, and instead of last five years should be ever been :D :D
JoeF said:
Spoken like a real madman. My logical posts have failed on you, and that's no surprise since mad people are incapable of following any logical thought.

Your logic posts? What a joke. There is not even a piece of plogic in your argument except garbage.
JoeF said:
There has only been one madman in this thread, who has proven to be incapable of logical reasoning...
I indeed wonder what he listed on his N-400 for this question.

I know what you have listed in this question. You must have said: Do I include parking ticket here?"
Suzy977 said:
I know you guys are going to hate me for this, but after I've seen over 135 posts in a thread in a single day I couldn't help it to ask myself:

What did you guys (JoeF and naturalizer123) answered to the Part 10 question #7

I believe this question should be changed like the one in dispute here, and instead of last five years should be ever been :D :D

JoeF's answer will be a resoundingly "yes" to this question. Given his train of thoughts.
naturalizer123 said:
JoeF's answer will be a resoundingly "yes" to this question. Given his train of thoughts.

Hypothetically speaking for both of you:

JoeF, a honest man as he is, answered "Yes" to that question; Assuming that you answered "No" was that a straight answer or based on the previously discussed assumption that since a fact may not be relevant it shouldn't be disclosed
:D :D

Note: What is funny is that both of you answered for...the other one :D :D
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It's time for celebration :D :D

These days we witness historical events in our forum:

1. A member, for the first time, is going to reach his first 100 post in the very first day of his membership :D :D

2. Our senior member here, with a few more "productive" days like this one, will reach the incredible milestone of 20,000 posts...and the sky is the limit...or at least a couple of millions :p :eek: :D

Congratulation to the happy contenders, and Happy Posting :D :D
naturalizer123 said:
No that is not true, you interpret "traffic ticket" in your arguement. You cannot deny that.

No, I don't interpret that ... it is called as a matter of fact a 'citation' (check it out) . A 'ticket' is just cute talk. Maybe that's the problem (?) You were looking for the word 'ticket' and did not know that drivers get 'citations' for speeding from a law enforcement officers.

The USCIS does not ask for traffic 'tickets', alhtough it would help you, because then you would feel you have to list every movie you saw in the theater and every flight you booked.

So, it just a misunderstanding and we can put this to rest.

JoeF said:
LOL. That's how you get that number up :) Try it some time ;)

You have an average of 7.39 posts per day, I have God, I'm on a dangerous path :eek:
...besides the fact that ocworker who's trying hard to keep up with you may get jealous on me :D :D
I should stop before is too late
:D :D
Oh! My god!!! This is awesome!!

This is totally spectacular! I came home from work and logged in to check this thread...15 pages of essentially the same thing. Honestly I have never had this much fun on any immigration matter.

I am not even going to try and comment on who is right and who is wrong because there is totally no point :D

Only thing I can say is that JoeF, you bit the bait that naturalizer123 was feeding you all day. You snapped before he (or she) did. I thought you might hold out for a bit longer...LOL!

But all in all, an amazing day of developments or should I say non-development!
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