Traffic tickets and naturalization (threads merged)

TODAY,saturday i received my oath letter for wednesday 11 february oath ceremony. I was totally honest with IO about my traffice tickets. I provided her proof of case dismissal and paper from county clerk office suggesting that at the time of interview , i am contesting one more traffice ticket under $500.

My time line roughly

priority date:07-21-2008
interview date:01-27-2009
oath letter received:02-07-2009
oath ceremoney:02-11-2009

at oakland park,fort lauderdale,florida office.
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Simple traffic accident & DA's notes - NC

I am getting ready to file my N-400 and wanted to make sure I'm doing this right.

Some 9 months ago while returning from work, I rear-ended into another car (she abruptly stopped in front of me on a 55mph highway) here in NC. I had a stellar driving record until then. I believed it was the other drivers mistake, and even though the cops sympathized with me, they issued me a ticket for "failure to slow down to avoid a collision".

On court date, I met the District Attorney (DA), explained the situation and he "dismissed" charges. I did not pay anything. Last week, I met him again and explained that I was applying for citizenship, and he gave me a
copy of the "dismissal notice". He wrote on it
- No alcohol
- Simple traffic accident
- Civil matter
- Insurance letter

In the application, he said I should write "Voluntary Dismissal" for disposition of citation. There was no points on the drivers license. The DA's assistant tried to look up my information on her computer and said there was no record on me. My insurance however went up 50%!

In part 10 D-16 of N-400, I am checking "yes" for being cited by a law enforcement officer, and in the box below, I'm writing Traffic Ticket/citation - "Voluntary dismissal".

I plan to take the DA's notes for the interview.
Sounds good? did i miss anything?
thanks guys for any input
So I pulled my credit card statements from two years ago and found transactions that pertain to my tickets.I actually found only two of them and I had three tickets.Will this be good enough? Can I just print out my statements and show to IO in case I am asked for proof of payment? This is better than nothing,any ideas?
Traffic Citation - Known Citations Not Shown On DMV Record

Sorry for yet another traffic citation redux.

I am very clear on the requirement to note any traffic citations on my N400, to which I applied to the DMV in both states that I have lived and have my official complete DMV records for both myself and my wife.

My wife had a traffic citation which does not show up on her complete open ended record. It was a minor matter, less than $200 fine, however, my question is since we have no idea of exactly when it was, it would be hard to enter on the form. My feeling is to exclude it from the N400, then ensure she mentions it if asked. Honestly I would prefer to reference it, I just do not know what to say.
My wife had a traffic citation which does not show up on her complete open ended record. .

Did your wife get the citation in the same state that issued your wife
driver license at that time? If one with State A Driver license get a ticket in State B,
State B may not send the report to DMV of State A maybe because
they doin't have such thing in their standard procedure or simply did not do
it due to negligience or whatever reasons.
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Same State

No we were living in Oregon at the time, with Oregon driver licences and the citation was given in Oregon. It was certainly more than 5 years ago, however there is nothing on the DMV transcript or their web site that mentions a time limit.
Safe Speed Photo Radar Program same as Traffic Citation by Law Enforcement Officer?

I got several speed photos from the county where I live. I know it's a citation but it's done by the county speed photo radar program, is it the same as by any law enforcement officer.

I would like to disclose them but want to make sure. I am worried it has negative impact because I got several of them in a week when I first moved into a new area.

IMO, it's not the same as regular traffic citation since there is no evidence it was you who was actually driving the vehicle at the time of the incident. Plus, it's been posted that the majority of the time USCIS does not care about minor traffic cases.
Depends on your state, and if they are classified as criminal charges or civil charges. Here in Texas automated tickets are civil no need to disclose. If they are criminal charges...then yes need to be disclosed
The citation said it's a civil penalty and it says "payment of the penalty amount for the violation will not result in points and cannot be used to increase your insurance rates".
Addresses and Traffic Tickets

Hello everyone!
I tried to find the answers to a couple of questions that I have in previous posts and guides, but I was unsuccessful. Can anyone please help??

Re: Traffic Tickets
I had a few speeding tickets 9-7 years ago but I can't remember the dates. What do you do in such a situation?

Also, I got a couple of tickets left on my car for not have a front plate, do these need to be included in my application too?

My last question is about moving while waiting for an interview date. I'm going to be moving soon, but don't want to wait to apply for citizenship. Does changing your address with USCIS work (so that you receive your notices) or would you guys recommend using a PO box??

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Hello everyone!

Re: Traffic Tickets
I had a few speeding tickets 9-7 years ago but I can't remember the dates. What do you do in such a situation?

You can give estimates of dates or you can order a driver record
from the state DMV to find out exact dates. I don't think it is a big deal

My last question is about moving while waiting for an interview date. I'm going to be moving soon, but don't want to wait to apply for citizenship. Does changing your address with USCIS work (so that you receive your notices) or would you guys recommend using a PO box??

I believe A PO box should be OK because N-400 does have both address and mailing address you can fill if they are different. I assume you move in the same service area of the same USCIS district office
Thank you for your reply.
I did call the DMV but they said that there was nothing on my record and since I went to traffic school for each, they were technically dismissed.
Thank you for your reply.
I did call the DMV but they said that there was nothing on my record and since I went to traffic school for each, they were technically dismissed.

If tickets were issued in yoru current area, you can still go to courts to
ask if anything is still there. Get certified court docuemnts. If they don't keep record or you just don't remmeber and can not find what courts handle teh case especially if they are in a far away state, you can just disclose them
without providing documents. Since they were minor tickets, USCIS should
not ask for further evidence. If they do insist upon your providing
docuemnts then you have no choice but tell them you can not
due to justified reasons. What USCIS want todo is up to them
Just spoke to an I/O about traffic tickets

Called the 800#, said that I didn't have a receipt number and they forwarded me to an immigration officer.
I asked him a couple of questions about my pending I-751 and then I just popped THE question, playing a little dumb.

I told him if traffic tickets should be disclosed and therefore answer yes to the "ever arrested, detained, cited" question.

He started to laugh and he said: "unless your traffic ticket led to an arrest, absolutely answer no".
Called the 800#, said that I didn't have a receipt number and they forwarded me to an immigration officer.
I asked him a couple of questions about my pending I-751 and then I just popped THE question, playing a little dumb.

I told him if traffic tickets should be disclosed and therefore answer yes to the "ever arrested, detained, cited" question.

He started to laugh and he said: "unless your traffic ticket led to an arrest, absolutely answer no".

It actually depends on how you define an arrest. One imagines that an arrest is when you are being told that you are placed under arrest by a police officer. However, aren't you technically under arrest when a police officer pulls you over since you are not free to go on your way until he tells you to?