Traffic tickets and naturalization (threads merged)

How do I end probation by paying extra fine? Is it possible? I do not have upcoming court dates or any of those legal issues. The original fine was 80 dollars excluding the court fee. I got out of the court with probation by paying 50 dollars including the court fee.
If I was given 1 point or two points, applying I400 now would not be an issue since I would not be on probation.
The only reason I went to the court was to avoid possible increase in insurance premium. I received probation in lieu of points. Now I feel like I made a mistake going to the court.

Go ask the judge who put you on it. Not clear if you can do that now. If you can't, I guess the feeling is if you don't mind potentially wasting money then apply now and take your chances. Otherwise, wait.
It might be better to just pay $150 and get it over with, rather than possibly violating the probation with another ticket and having to pay $600 and get points on the license (I'm just throwing out examples, I don't know what the specific rules are in the OP's jurisdiction).

If you pay the $150 fine and it goes on your record, chances are your insurance costs will increase skyhigh for the next 3 years. If you choose PBJ, the charge doesn't go on record, insurance stays the same and you make damn sure not to get a ticket in next 3 years.
With PBJ, if you have a same charge in probationary period the original charge goes on record.
Hmm ... but like an unpaid ticket, this probation means the resolution for the violation is still incomplete. And they normally won't let you naturalize if you have a ticket which is unresolved because you have an upcoming court date or you haven't paid it yet.

Not quite. The OP paid already went to court, paid the original court costs and the case is suspended until the probationary period is over. There are no pending costs unlike a speeding ticket that hasn't gone to court yet.
Not quite. The OP paid already went to court, paid the original court costs and the case is suspended until the probationary period is over. There are no pending costs unlike a speeding ticket that hasn't gone to court yet.
Anything that violates the probation will result in the original ticketed violation going on the record, most likely with the normal fine for that violation applied and perhaps with points or additional fines for violating probation. So even though there aren't any actual pending costs right now, the probation means the situation isn't resolved yet.
Anything that violates the probation will result in the original ticketed violation going on the record, most likely with the normal fine for that violation applied and perhaps with points or additional fines for violating probation. So even though there aren't any actual pending costs right now, the probation means the situation isn't resolved yet.

I don't think it's likely that I can get an early termination of my probation by asking the Judge. I don't even remember his name and how he looked like. It was two years ago. How do I even find out who my judge was? Do I have to stand up at the court again?

It's kind of puzzling that if I violate my probation, I will not be on another probation but the original ticketed violation will go on the record with one or two points with an additional fine. I'm ok with paying extra fees. I would rather pay fees now rather than waiting until November of 2009. Then, I should be ok to apply for my citizenship since i just have to pay extra cost and show the officer all the receipts??? Well, as long as I'm not on probation, it seems like it's ok to have two points on the record with all the documents that you have paid the fine.

I never knew that getting a speeding ticket would hinder my citizenship this much. I always obey the speed limits, and I think I was just unfortunate. is N400 not I400. I know not relevent to your case. Oh man....pbj and 3 years probabation are like Greek to me. Telling you...driving should be like walking on a hallway...when some one come near to pass by, you slow down or stop to let that person go...all with smile. I guess that should be lesson for life. I learned this in one of my safe driving class which I have not forgotten and this has not given me any tickets as well. Knock on woods!! Good luck!!
It's kind of puzzling that if I violate my probation, I will not be on another probation but the original ticketed violation will go on the record with one or two points with an additional fine.
If for example it was a criminal offense with a normal penalty of 30 days in jail, and they give you probation instead, violation of the probation would normally mean that you get sent to jail for the 30 days. Giving probation without immediately applying the jail time or fine is a way of forgiving you if you maintain good behavior for X length of time, so it is a logical expectation that they would apply the normal penalty for the original offense if you violate the probation.

But I don't know if that is how your court operates, so contact them to find out how it works for your type of violation. And ask if admitting guilt and paying the applicable fine would terminate the probation. No need to speak to the same judge (unless they insist); they have records and can look up the details of your case. Or ask a lawyer who does traffic cases in that court.
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I pleaded guilty and paid the fine. Almost everyone says that they are guilty when it comes to speeding tickets at the court. I did not know the speed limit was 25mph, but that could not be an excuse. They simply don't believe you. They handle thousands of traffic citations. I don't think you can win against your state when it comes to citations in regards to going over the speed limit unless the cop who pulled you over is not present at the court. I drive like a grandma and I was just unfortunate. The most generous judgement was to put you on probation.

Interestingly, my dad got a speeding ticket and paid about 150 dollars with one point. His point disappeared after about two years and now he can just apply for his citizenship since he was never put on probation.
I pleaded guilty and paid the fine.
OK, well it's too late to back out from that now. So the probation is for avoiding the violation on your record and points on your license? Then ask if you can end the probation by having the violation put on your record with the applicable points, and if there are any extra fees/fines for doing so.
OK, well it's too late to back out from that now. So the probation is for avoiding the violation on your record and points on your license? Then ask if you can end the probation by having the violation put on your record with the applicable points, and if there are any extra fees/fines for doing so.

thanks, your reply is so quick.
I will try to find out what can be done to my probation.
Seems to me that you are making this more complicated that it needs to be. Considering that minor traffic citations and how you plead them are low on the scale of determining moral character I wouldn't worry about them unless there's something else in your history that would question your moral character.
There's only one example on this board of an applicant whose application was denied based solely on a few traffic citations. However, there are many examples of successful applications with past citations, and many examples of successful applications where minor citations were not disclosed on N-400.
I doubt the IO will even know what PBJ means and mentioning the word probation will only confuse him/her.
They will deny or delay people even for the most minor traffic violation, if they deem the case is unresolved. The question is whether the probation will lead them to conclude it is "unresolved enough" to deny or delay the naturalization.
They will deny or delay people even for the most minor traffic violation, if they deem the case is unresolved.

"Will deny" is strong language..I prefer "may deny" as posted experiences have shown that it's up to the the discretion of the IO at the interview and/or oath to decide whether to question unresolved minor traffic citations in order to render a decision based on moral character.
For example, a current poster had indicated that his oath was postponed due to an unresolved traffic citation, whereas Vorpal had indicated a IO at his oath indicated that they aren't interested in traffic citations.
Thanks guys for replying. However wouldn't it be considered lying if you check "NO" to "Have you ever been ...cited.." question ?. It may disqualify the application, if and when they findout wouldn't it ?.
Thanks guys for replying. However wouldn't it be considered lying if you check "NO" to "Have you ever been ...cited.." question ?. It may disqualify the application, if and when they findout wouldn't it ?.

If you mention it in N-400, make it clear that these are only citations - not arrests. There are reports in the forums that the IOs got mad at the applicants for checking 'Yes' to the question about arrests/detentions/citations when it comes to traffic tickets.
If you have not mentioned in the application, then disclose the traffic violations in the interview and submit certified court disposition reports proving that the tickets have been paid off and the cases closed. Make sure the IO makes a note of them on the application.
Don't sweat it out about tarffic tickets since there are many reports in the forums that IOs don't really care about them.
probation in I 485

I have applied my I 485 , during my DUI charge, My lawer says that it should not be a problem for I 485, I have written in the I 485 paper as charged in DUI. If I am convicted then I might get probation too. My lawer says that they will call for an interview. Now My worry is if I am called for interview during probation. Will it be approved. Lawers are saying that in naturalization we could get approved while in probation but for adjustment of status it should not be a problem as long as it is not a felony.
Do you guys have any ideas?
Do you guys have any ideas?

Uh yeah - don't get caught drinking & driving. If nothing else, its bad for your bank account.

As far as a single DUI conviction goes, it probably won't stop you being approved for I-485, and of course any probation is likely to be completed prior to your eligibility for N-400.
Traffic Tickets

I didn't include in my N-400 application traffic tickets that I received thru the years of my stay in the US. Is tha a major problem?
Depends. I had very few and I disclosed it but the Officer did not care about it. Crossed it with red ink and circled NO. It is better to disclose and be honest then not diclose. But, this is controversial and you will find many have different views on this. You should be fine!!
I recd 3 ticket in last 5 years, which I did not mention in my N400 application

1. Did not had prove of car Insurance (I had insurance but could not prove it as i misplaced my inusrance card)
2. My car inspection sticker was expired.
I got both ticket togather same time. I went to court and showed prove of insurance and inspection renewal, the Persecutor drop charges and i just had to pay just court feesfor each offence.
3. parking ticket, which was paid.

Is it a problem i did not mention on my N400 and do i have to take any documents regarding above tickets for my interview.
