Traffic tickets and naturalization (threads merged)

i had numerous tickets, even a reckless (went to court knocked down to careless)....didn't dislcose even one ticket since they were all under 500 bucks...i got my citizenship no problem.

like the military. don't ask don't tell

Couldn't have said it better myself. The IO who was interviewing me didn't even ask if I've ever been cited or detained, he just asked if I've ever been arrested. Again, the USCIS does NOT care about minor traffic tickets. However, if they are mentioned, proof must be provided that they were paid. Also, mentioning PARKING tickets is just going overboard. As I've said a while ago, if we're going to mention parking tickets, we may as well mention that detention we got back in 3rd grade.
if we're going to mention parking tickets, we may as well mention that detention we got back in 3rd grade.
Not everybody got detained in 3rd grade by police officer - you had tough childhood, man :D

Gongrats on passing Interview, just don't be late for Oath - you know, seven people don't wait for one :cool:
Not everybody got detained in 3rd grade by police officer - you had tough childhood, man :D

Gongrats on passing Interview, just don't be late for Oath - you know, seven people don't wait for one :cool:

Hahaha, I was referring to a SCHOOL detention, when a teacher makes a student stay after classes and write "I will not pass notes during class" on the chalkboard 100 times. ;)

Actually, my first detention ever was in 5th grade for forgetting to bring my gym clothes!

Thanks for the congrats. My oath is scheduled for 8:30 AM, but I plan on getting there at 7:30, which is the earliest time indicated on the OL.
Thanks for the replies guys. I know what to do now.

I have said 'NO' to all the questions asked in my application. So unless the officer himself asks me about citation/traffic tickets, I'm just going to keep my mouth shut about citations.

I just hope he doesnt ask me about the traffic tickets (since I havent mentioned any). (Of course, I should start making such plans only after receiving an IL)

Thanks for the replies guys. I know what to do now.

I have said 'NO' to all the questions asked in my application. So unless the officer himself asks me about citation/traffic tickets, I'm just going to keep my mouth shut about citations.

I just hope he doesnt ask me about the traffic tickets (since I havent mentioned any). (Of course, I should start making such plans only after receiving an IL)


But they might ask you about the tickets.... just tell them (if they ask) yeah i had one in this ____ year (less than $500) and I have already paid the fine... if it is reckless for speeding just say speeding ticket man. that is what I did. They will not ask proof if it is less than $500.
They will not ask proof if it is less than $500.

But they DO ask for proof! From what I've seen on this forum, every time you mention a traffic ticket on the N-400 or at the interview, you'll be asked for proof 99% of the time, regardless of how minor that ticket is and what it says in the Guide to Naturalization. Even worse, there is a forum member who was blatantly harassed by the IO at a recent NYC interview for 3 speeding tickets, none of which involved alcohol or even came close to $500. Since my interview, I've definitely joined the "don't mention them" faction. If a ticket is non-DUI/DWI/reckless driving and is less than $500, don't mention it.
I was asked about my tickets and my answer was all my tickets were paid and dismissed... they didnt go on record since I did defensive driving.... one of them was even on probation ($250 fine which is less than the $500 USCIS requirement) my driving record is clean. The immigration officer said I only care about tickets not paid.
I was asked about my tickets and my answer was all my tickets were paid and dismissed... they didnt go on record since I did defensive driving.... one of them was even on probation ($250 fine which is less than the $500 USCIS requirement) my driving record is clean. The immigration officer said I only care about tickets not paid.

Did you list the tickets on your N-400, or did the IO ask about the tickets on his own initiative?
I didnt have it listed in my application... and then the IO asked about it during the interview on her own.

Seems like you got an IO who was either extremely overzealous or had a lot of interviews with applicants who had unpaid tickets. Either way, at least she didn't bother you about your tickets.
Driving Record issue at the oath Ceremony

Having finally got my invitation to the Oath ceremony N-445, I see the following on the back:
4. have you ever been arrested, cited, charged, indicted, convicted, fined or imprisoned for breaking or violating any law or ordinance, inclusing traffic violations?

Then further down:
Submission of the information is voluntary.... Failure to provide all or any of the requested information may result in denial of the application for naturalization.


I have a 15 years of traffic tickets (Can anyone live in a major US city and not get a ticket?) I drive fast cars... fast. I have gotten speding tickets, red light tickets, unsafe lane change tickets you name it.

I have not gotten and DUI or wreckless driving, nor has my licence been suspended, but this question appears to ask for any and all.

The second problem is that I have no idea exactly what is on my record. Am I supposed to get a DMV printout?

Then what? Am I going to be grilled about traffic offenses that I cannot remember from 10 years ago?

anyone else had this dilemma and been to to the oath ceremony?
Having finally got my invitation to the Oath ceremony N-445, I see the following on the back:
4. have you ever been arrested, cited, charged, indicted, convicted, fined or imprisoned for breaking or violating any law or ordinance, inclusing traffic violations?

Then further down:
Submission of the information is voluntary.... Failure to provide all or any of the requested information may result in denial of the application for naturalization.


I have a 15 years of traffic tickets (Can anyone live in a major US city and not get a ticket?) I drive fast cars... fast. I have gotten speding tickets, red light tickets, unsafe lane change tickets you name it.

I have not gotten and DUI or wreckless driving, nor has my licence been suspended, but this question appears to ask for any and all.

The second problem is that I have no idea exactly what is on my record. Am I supposed to get a DMV printout?

Then what? Am I going to be grilled about traffic offenses that I cannot remember from 10 years ago?

anyone else had this dilemma and been to to the oath ceremony?

Read the back of your oath letter again. They are only concerned with traffic tickets that you received between the interview and the oath, not with with traffic tickets that you received years ago.

As you can see, I live in NYC. I've had my share of traffic tickets (mostly BS seatbelt violations) as well. I didn't disclose them on my N-400 nor at the interview. In fact, the IO who was interviewing me only wanted to know if I've ever been arrested.

Fortunately, I haven't had any traffic tickets for a couple of years. Hopefully, that won't change in the next 4 days!
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Someone please post all requirements asked for Oath letter, someone mention to be careful not to get any ticket between IL and Oath, if ticket is not paid than Oath will be delayed, what else is on that letter, some one please itemize them all.
Someone please post all requirements asked for Oath letter, someone mention to be careful not to get any ticket between IL and Oath, if ticket is not paid than Oath will be delayed, what else is on that letter, some one please itemize them all.

Here you go:

"After the date you were first interviewed on your application for Naturalization, Form N-400:

1. Have you married, or been widowed, separated, or divorced? (If “Yes” please bring documented proof of marriage, death, separation or divorce.)

2. Have you traveled outside the United States?

3. Have you knowingly committed any crime or offense, for which you have not been arrested; or have you been arrested, cited, charged, indicted, convicted, fined, or imprisoned for breaking or violating any law or ordinance, including traffic violations?

4. Have you joined any organization, including the Communist Party, or become associated or connected therewith in any way?

5. Have you claimed exemption from military service?

6. Has there been any change in your willingness to bear arms on behalf of the United States; to perform non-combatant service in the armed forces of the United States; to perform work of national importance under civilian direction, if the law requires it?

7. Have you practiced polygamy; received income from illegal gambling; been a prostitute, procured anyone for prostitution or been involved in any other unlawful commercialized vice; encouraged or helped any alien to enter the United States illegally; illicitly trafficked in drugs or marihuana; given any false testimony to obtain immigration benefits; or been a habitual drunkard?"

Note that it specifically states "after the date you were first interviewed...". They are not concerned with what occurred BEFORE the interview, as those issues (if any) have already been disclosed and dealt with at the interview. As far as traffic tickets are concerned, I've personally seen a few posts on this forum where an applicant was denied oath because s/he received a traffic ticket after the interview and it hasn't yet been paid/dismissed. Then again, I've also seen posts where an applicant in a similar situation was admitted to the oath. It's better not to try your luck.
well, technically, the same question, I think, is on an N-400. This, as Vorpal says, is only for the period after the interview.
Having finally got my invitation to the Oath ceremony N-445, I see the following on the back:
4. have you ever been arrested, cited, charged, indicted, convicted, fined or imprisoned for breaking or violating any law or ordinance, inclusing traffic violations?

Then further down:
Submission of the information is voluntary.... Failure to provide all or any of the requested information may result in denial of the application for naturalization.


I have a 15 years of traffic tickets (Can anyone live in a major US city and not get a ticket?) I drive fast cars... fast. I have gotten speding tickets, red light tickets, unsafe lane change tickets you name it.

I have not gotten and DUI or wreckless driving, nor has my licence been suspended, but this question appears to ask for any and all.

The second problem is that I have no idea exactly what is on my record. Am I supposed to get a DMV printout?

Then what? Am I going to be grilled about traffic offenses that I cannot remember from 10 years ago?

anyone else had this dilemma and been to to the oath ceremony?

What did you report on your N-400? They asked you similar stuff on there.
While the N-400 doesn't specifically ask for traffic tickets (although M-476 explicitly states that tickets for DWI/DUI/in excess of $500 must be disclosed), the N-445 states in plain English that traffic tickets received after the interview must be disclosed.
Well my interview was more than 3 years ago...
I was just about to file a mandamus when they woke up.

Regardless, I still have tickets in the last three years... not as many, but I think I even got two in one day!

Ill get the DMV printout next week and see what it says, but what COULD THEY ASK?

My questions are:

1. Have you married him, or being a widow, separated or divorced? [If yes, please bring documented proof of marriage, death, separation or divorce.].

2. Have you traveled outside the United States?

3. Have you knowingly committed any crime or offense, for which you have not been arrested?

4. Have you been arrested, cited, charged, indicted, convicted, fined or imprisoned for breaking or violating any little or ordinance, including traffic violations.

5, have you joined any organization, including the Communist Party, all become associated or connected to theirwith in any way?

6. Have you claimed exemption from military service?

7. Has there been any change in your willingness to bear arms on behalf of the United States; to perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States; to perform work of national importance under civilian direction, if the law requires it?

8. Have you practiced polygamy, received income from illegal gambling, being a prostitute, procured anyone for prostitution or been involved in any of the unlawful commercialized vice, encouraged or helped any alien to enter the United States illegally, he illicitly traffic in drugs or marijuana, given any false testimony to obtain immigration benefits, or being a habitual drunkard?