Traffic tickets and naturalization (threads merged)

Yara_Dildara said:
a citizenship could be revoked if govt finds later at any time about any kind of concealment.

This is not exactly true. Only if you lied on purpose while trying to get an immigration benefit, they might try to revoke it. But it's okay to make honest mistakes, and it's okay to have a different intepretation of what they are asking (for example, what is and what is not a "membership in an organization").

If there's no intention to deceive, there's no case of "concealment", especially over something that has no relevance for natulization such as a traffic ticket.
Yara_Dildara said:
u are blind. instruction didnt say about NOT REPORTING. It says about NOT SUBMITTING DOCUMENTS for those tickets where fine was >$500.

its not giving you a choice of what to report and what not to report. its asking you to disclose all citations an applicant EVER received.

Yes, all citation related to naturalization, that is crystally clear. I am sure you do not report parking citation, right? If you do, can you tell me how many people on this board should be deported? You may already be one.
Yara_Dildara said:
the quoted advice by Carl Shusterman was on 2000 as per old rules. until 2001, applicants didnt need to report traffic tickets on n-400. that's why n-400 used to have a clear indication on form excluding traffic tickets. but afterwards, uscis requires to report all the citations. that's why they changed the form n-400 and removed the indication of excluding traffic tickets.

They changed the wording, but the concept stays the same. That is, only DUI or arrest need to be reported. Where does it say include speedingor parking ticket? Are you the one who is blind?
Yara_Dildara said:
there is a DIFFERENCE between USED TO and what is NOW. since 2001, traffic violation MUST need to be disclosed regardless of how minor it was. It doesn't make any distinction between MINOR and MAJOR. Instead it asks 4 all citiations an applicant EVER received.

there USED TO be no immigration laws and rules before. there USED TO be no green card, rather directly citizenship who could come here. Does that mean we need to follow "used to" rules?

a citizenship could be revoked if govt finds later at any time about any kind of concealment.

"traffic violation MUST need to be disclosed regardless of how minor it was", Can you tell me where does it say this in the instruction? Or is this just another thing you made up by yourself? I recommend you to apply for a car insurance job because you are so good at it. You are pretty bad at interpreting simple instructions on N400, I have to say.
Yara_Dildara said:
if traffic tickets have no relevancy to naturalization then why do people even bother to disclose it on n-400? and why are you even talking about it then? why officers want to see then whether traffic tickets are paid or not?

think what you like to think for the sake of your peace of mind.

I can answer your question of why, it is because people like you mislead others into believing that garbage like tickets need to be reported. By the way, while you are reporting irrelevant stuff in N400, why not report number of movie ticket you have in the past 5 years? Those are tickets, too, don't you agree?
Yara_Dildara said:
no. it doesnt say explicitly about speeding ticket, parking ticket and even traffic tickets. because they are all citations. and citiation must need to be reported, without any distinction of major or minor, or speeding and parking.

So you do report parking ticket? Do you consider that is required by N400? What about a citation you received from a journal? That should be included, too right? See how you cannot even make up a story straight.
Yara_Dildara said:
has it ever occured to u why did they change the wording if your so-called concept stays the same?

waiting 4 u to come up with fairy tales.

The wording changed so that to prevent people not reporting DUI, got it?
Yara_Dildara said:
that proves you didnt read recent deportation cases then, where people were deported despite of claiming "honest mistakes".

one has to stupid to discuss this matter for your and some people's peace of mind. do and feel what you like. it is yr life and your case. if something goes wrong in the future, u will be deported, not anyone else.

The deported ones will include you, because I am sure you did not report parking ticket. Why are you still here, please deport yourself.
Yara_Dildara said:
im not a god, psychic reader or immigration judge to tell u. a lot of people get green by lying, but nobody can tell when or if they would get caught. its just a matter of timing and bad luck. read on friday newspapers, homeland security people deported a 85 yrs old for lying on her application. it took them time but they finally got her.

Sure, I think that 85 years old did not report parking ticket in her 40s. That is why she is deported.
Yara_Dildara said:
im not a god, psychic reader or immigration judge to tell u. a lot of people get green by lying, but nobody can tell when or if they would get caught. its just a matter of timing and bad luck. read on friday newspapers, homeland security people deported a 85 yrs old for lying on her application. it took them time but they finally got her.

This include you right? because you lied on N400 for not reporting parking ticket. By the way what about the jaywalking ticket you had, I am pretty sure that is ground for deportation, too.
Yara_Dildara said:
talking about traffic tickets in context to n-400 is an irrelvant stuff to you?

If a movie ticket or walking in a park or anything kind of ticket is given BY LAW ENFORCEMENT then it must be disclosed. Read the form n-400 which states clearly-"have you EVER arrested, CITED and detained...". It talks about all citations without any distinction.

So finally you understand the word "irrelevant", What takes you so long? Your brain?
Yara_Dildara said:
im not a god, psychic reader or immigration judge to tell u. a lot of people get green by lying, but nobody can tell when or if they would get caught. its just a matter of timing and bad luck. read on friday newspapers, homeland security people deported a 85 yrs old for lying on her application. it took them time but they finally got her.

Imagine you become an immigration judge. Do I hear "end of the world"?
Yara_Dildara said:
I wont be dumb like you to take that chance to conceal anything from govt based upon my own ideology and presumption. i haven't filed n-400 yet.

hey, query. I know you have filled your N400 already. Don't feel bad about it. Actually I feel happy for you for lying about parking ticket but escape the system.
Yara_Dildara said:
she concealed required information. disclosing of all and ever obtained citations are required.

OK, you win, report whatever you want, including garbage, too. I am sure IO will be very happy to see that.
Yara_Dildara said:
she concealed required information. disclosing of all and ever obtained citations are required.

Query, did you by any chance learn how to write proper English? I remember that I have told you once before, but.....
Yara_Dildara said:
talk about traffic tickets in context to n-400, and not about me. When and if I would lie on N-400 about parking tickets, jaywalking, I'll keep you tune in. Running out of fairly tales that is making you diverting the matter on personal attack?

No attack, actually, Just making fun of out of a fool, I guess.
Yara_Dildara said:
if a jaywalking ticket is issued by LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER then yes its need to be reported cuz it is a citation and all citations need to be reported without any distinction.

Sure, keep on dreaming.
FAQ's for Newbies!


Before you apply for N400,please make sure to apply for AR11(AR11 is the form to fill,if you move to a different adress).Please scroll down to find the file for form AR11.
Also do not panic if you did not file for AR11,but make sure to file a AR11 A.S.A.P.You can file for ar11 while ur n400 is in process.
__________________________________________________ ____
Another very important thing is please make sure you register for selective services .You need to register for selective services if you are in u.s.a as a gc holder ages 18 through 25.

Also if u need to get a confirmation from them regarding your registration with 1-847-688-6888.
note: [/COLOR][/B]people!

1) if you recently applied for n-400,it takes between 3 days to 14 days for you checks to be cashed,please have some patience as it takes about a month to get your receipt notice.

2) In your notice for receipt of application ,uscis may mention :
The above application has been received by our Office and is in process, but has been noted with one or more of the following exception(s):

Missing Evidence(s) - your application was missing evidence(s) that you will need to bring the time of you Naturalization interview. You will be notified under separate notice of the necessary evidence(s) that you will be required to bring to your interview. Do not submit any evidence(s) by mail.
7)Once you are done with your FP,nothing is in your hands,just be patient.They say that fbi usually does the fp and sends back the results within 24 hrs.
Remember,they are very few people who have got a reply from fbi,so do not call them and waste your time.
if you still insist:304-625-5590
You can also contact your congressman(the best option)

8)Ok you are done with your fp and then you realize you forgot to put something on the application:
do not worry,you still have time.You can update your application when u go to the interview.