Is it possible that the "Welcome Notice" arrives after receiving the GC? Haven't gotten it yet. And does it contain sensivite information?
what to do when the usps tracking says that the green card was delivered to me but I didnt receive it
Just paid the Immigration Fee at USCIS ELIS and the 'bubble' moved almost instantly to Optimized status (I was expecting to get Accepted status first). Also received this confirmation by e-mail. The process seems to go fine even though it will be completed after we enter the States next weekIs your "bubble" on accepted or optimized?
hi Guys
I paid my immigration fee after 18 days of arrival on 17 March 2015. But still my status bubble shows Accepted.
I am very much worried about that. My ELIS account summery is
Request Type: USCIS Immigrant Fee
Case Received Date: Mar 18, 2015
Received as: E-file
Status: Case Received
Status Date: Apr 17, 2015
Payment: Submitted
Please let me know what should i do now and should i contact about this matter.
When did you enter the U.S. ?this is My ELIS account summery
Request Type: USCIS Immigrant Fee
Case Received Date: Mar 23, 2015
Received as: E-file
Status: Case Received
Status Date: Apr 20, 2015
Payment: Submitted
status in progress, and lifecycle optimized, status update have changed twice on 16 and 20 April, till now i didnt receive yet both SSN and GC,
hopefully, this is normal procedure,
and regarding SSN, i followed up to SSN office near to my home on Thursday, i went there and asked about it,, why does it takes so long for SSN,
but the answer, really make me surprise, according to them, immigration had sent already SSN to the address that i provided. but i said '' i didnt receive till now,
finally, the officer asked me to re-write my name and address, and she will do replacement with the new ones, and it will come in within 2 weeks,
When did you enter the U.S. ?
ELIS is only for the green card. It has nothing to do with the SSN card.
i entered to US on march 16, 2015,
ok then,
i tough, elis will do for both, i dont know that one.
may be i need to call again USCIS,
By the way IIRC = if I recall correctly, I hope you weren't searching for that phrase...!
Here's a summary of my case.
Case Received Date: Apr 24, 2015
Received as: E-file
Status: In Process
Status Date: May 8, 2015
Payment: Submitted
The bubble circled optimized.
When I tried to check my case status using ".../casestatus/"; but website says, "My Case Status does not recognize the receipt number entered.."
Could someone please tell me what's going on?