Tracker for Possible July 2002 interview - New Delhi Consulate


Category EB2
NVC review 22 March
Send to NWD 3rd April
Interview Date 18th July
P4 received at US address 28th May
I got an email response from Delhi after 10 days !!

They said that they received my p3 on May6th, when NVC had actually sent the P3 on May15th !!!! Hows that possible??

Also, computer generates the interview date 2-3 months from the time they receive it(May6th). Hence they cannot give me an exact date now.

Whats going on in Delhi ??? Anyone else got a response in the email?
I also wrote an email to them on 22nd, but ...

haven\'t received a reply so far.

I think that NVC sends the information electronically and by mail as well. That would explain how they received your packet 3 info on May 6th.
Now that you have received an email reply after 10 days, I am also getting hopeful to get one by 2nd June or so.

Did he say the computer will generate the date after 2-3 months of receiving the Packet3 or the interview date will fall within 2-3 months? If its the later one then we can expect an interview by August 6th or so. Lets keep our fingers crossed!!
RE: Interview on July 18

I am using singapore air. They have very good policy for changes in travel date.

case type: AC140, EB3
NWD received on March,11th
Interview date, July 18th (These guys are sloooow)

i received my P4 TODAY AND IT HAS THE MEDICAL EXAMINATION date on june 3 2002 did you receive your P4 yet go_on my interview date is also on 11th july somebody else had also mentioned about a different medical exam date i think it was in may and their appointment was in first week of july did they figure it out if yes can they reply back did you guys get your tickets it is very hard to get tickets can you please guide any kind of help is appreciated
bsachar - My interview date is also 11th July and got 31st May as medical.

Talked to the Clinic you will be visiting for medical appointment. This should not be a problem. I already got my tickets booked. Very expensive about 1600 ... Pl check your private message..
what is the Delhi consulate email

Hi please could someone tellme the delhi consulate phone number as NVC has sent them my p3 and I want to know if theyhave received it yet
Contact info for Delhi ... NWD

4198062 ... call them between 12:30 am - 2:30 am EST

Also, its good idea to do a search on this board first than posting the FAQ ....
thanks im999

sorry for posting without checking the board. Seems that with the current situation CP is really up in the air. Although I think that as usual the US govt has overreacted and pulled its non-esesntial staff ( whatever that is) out. Just spoke to a relative in the indian army who says war is not even likely , India govt is trying to bring world attention to the situation
Confirmed Delhi Interview for July

I have a confirmed intw. for July 11 in Delhi Consulate..

 If anyone else als has confirmed or planning to go, please contact me ..

 Wish u all the best !!
Can you please give more details ?

When was ur case reviewed, when was it sent to NWD and when did they receive/enter it ... what is ur eb category ?

THanks in advance.
No Title

my case created ny NVC in Jan,02 .. some gliche in my paperwork ..
Finally transferred to NWD on April 9th... got letter yesterday from
NWD for July 11 intw....Mine was EB2
case created by NWD 6/04

My case was created by NWD 6/04.
Packet 3 (with AC140/ I 824) received 5/27

Told to expect an August or Sept date.

When can I call to find out if they have scheduled the interview.

Can I expect early August?
Mine was sent to NWD on 5/15 ...

and was told to expect late Aug !! What is ur category ??
No reply for the email...

Looking at few of the posts on this site, I think that Delhi is scheduling interviews after at least 90 days from the date NVC reviews P3. Based on this, I am now hoping that we will have our interviews around 2nd week of August.

Haven\'t been able to speak to them in last one week. Planning to call them early next week.
im9999 category is EB2

as far as trends go this is what i got from cptracker and the June confirmed NWD thread:
Case Entered Intv Date Appx months
4/03 7/18 3+
4/15 6/19 2
4/24 7/11 3-
4/26 7/11 2+
4/26 6/24 2
4/29 7/01 2

I have seen mentions of wasted interview dates because of duplicate dates in the boards which might be true but thanks to im9999 and others, people seem to be canceling the duplicate date.
sending email vs. calling

email is painful. it took them a week or something to reply to my mail. fortunately the phone connection (at least from the west coast) seems pretty good. i have called them 6-7 times in the last month. always got through within 10 mintues of trying.
hello gadhu --- please help


Did u apply for aos/cp in I-140 stage? Is this procedure for aos guys only ?
