Tracker for Possible July 2002 interview - Mumbai Consulate

Shanks .. IRS9003 questions?

I had ordered IRS9003 by talking to a CSR on the 800 number. THey arrived yesterday and are in white color. So do they really have to be in yellow as even IRS is sending them in white ????
im99999..same here...

i too received IRS9003 forms and they are white in color..

so I would think its okay..
also, u can write to our consulate (NWD OR MUMBAI) and ask them to send PACKET-4 docs to local address..
That way we can be full proof..

few questions....

- HOw long did it take to get the IRS 90003 forms? I\'ll also ask for one pretty soon.
- I have got last 3 years tax transcripts from IRS. Its a normal printout on regular paper, no signature, no seals, etc. Is this valid?
- Since my company lawyers are taking care of my GC, I don\'t want to call the mumbai consulate and ask them to mail P4 to local address. But I want to be prepared, So are there any forms/documents, I need to get?

Shank1975, did you check with Mumbai consulate if your P3 reached?

Mine was sent on 5/15, when you think I can check with consulate?

Hi Cpers

I had send a mail to them on the 13th and they replied back saying that they would schedule my interview in the month of July..

i would be sending one more mail to them asking about interview date and asking them to send my PACKET-4 to local address..

You can write a mail to Mumbai, they respond pretty fast.

tax question

- I have got last 3 years tax transcripts from IRS. Its a normal printout on regular paper, no signature, no seals, etc. Is this valid?
jk8..mine is on IRS letter looks official...

Did u write to Mumbai..did they receive ur packet-3.
I had been to local IRS office yesterday..
I got my sailing just took 2 minutes..was a very easy process..

I took my passport and tax returns..

Mumbai consulate confirmed by email that they will schedule my interview in July

and asked to check for exact date after June 10th.
Port of Entry

What is the preferred port of entry, when you re-enter U.S. after getting your consular processing done.

Guys Is there new change in the PCC requirements at Mumbai ?

I saw Discussion forum and they are talking about new requirement of additional Local PCC and many of the guys were told to get the local PCC. This has changed 5/6 days back..
My consulate is Delhi but if its true for Mumbai then Delhi may also ask this. Pl someone from this thread can send an email/or call and find out what is the fact?

Here is what Law Office of Sheela Murthy says on their forum...

Chat date: May 17, 02
Chat User : [snip]. Per the new Requirements for Immigrant Visa (CP), we need 2 Police certificates (one from Local Police station in India, another from Passport Office). Indian Consulates in U.S. also issues Police Clearance Certificate. Is this certificate considered to be equivalent with the Police Clearance Certificate issued by Passport Office in India? Also, is this new requirement of PC applicable to U.S. residents? Thanks a lot.

Attorney Murthy : Yes, the one issued by the Indian Embassy equates to the one from the regional PP office. Yes, it applies to those who live in India or the U.S. In both cases they need PC from the local police station.

I was also not aware of local PCC. Now I need to change my travel plans to get local PCC. I lived in two different cities in India. Still don\'t know if need PCC form each city. Awaiting laywer\'s response.
Hello CPers - I don\'t see this posting on Sheela Murthy\'s forum on 17th May

Above posting of Sheel Murthy is very old one from 4th March\'2002 and at that time PCC requirement was not clear.
We are talking about if something has changed in last 10 days for PCC requirements.
So far we need just 1 PCC from Indian consulate unless we are sure that the rule changed.
Also, for those people who have been asked for both the PCC\'s , what were the conditions. Was their stay in India was significant or not?

Please post if you have some info...

there are couple of threads going on regarding local PCC requirements at mumbai consulate. Is this True?
I confirmed with a person through email who completed interview on 5/22.

He told that Mumbai had made local PCC must. Even my P3 clearly says to obtain such PCC.
Its a nightmare but let face it guys.