Tracker For Feb - 2002 Filers

Update from Jigesh

State: NY, Westchester county
Category: EB2 / NIW / India

(self, spouse, and daughter)
RD (485, EAD, and AP): 02/12/2002
ND (485, EAD, and AP): 03/01/2002

AD (AP - self, spouse and daughter): 03/21/2002 (as per the AVM, haven\'t received the documents yet)

AD (EAD - self and spouse) : 03/25/2002 (as per the AVM, haven\'t received the cards yet)

FP: No notice yet.

EAD approved

State: OK
Category: EB3/India

For self and spouse
RD (485, EAD, and AP): 02/14/2002
ND (485, EAD, and AP): 03/01/2002

AD (AP - self and spouse): 03/21/2002 (as per the AVM - waiting for the notice)

AD (EAD - self and spouse) : 03/27/2002 (as per the AVM - waiting for the card)

FP: No notice yet.

nishu - please update the tracker thanks.

Does anyone know how long it is taking to receive the EAD card?

Another case in february

Hi All, My mailing date for I 485 is Feb 22, but no information from INS after that. Saw my check being encashed on March 21.

Thanks. This excel sheet with information is just great!!! Thanks so much for the good work.
Early FP Done

Went for Fingure printing and it is done.
Now just waiting.....

RD 02/01/02 ND 02/15/02 FP 03/27/02 EB2/India/WA
No Title

State: MD
Category: EB3/India
For self and spouse
RD (485, EAD, and AP): 02/14/2002
ND (485, EAD, and AP): 03/04/2002

AD (AP - self and spouse): 03/19/2002 (Received notice on 03/22/02)

AD (EAD - self and spouse) : 03/27/2002 (as per the AVM - waiting for the card)
ND 02/25

My lawyer did not give me the details. So I talked to IIO and got the EAC#s. I don\'t know the MD but from EAC, the AVM says "your 485 ..... received on Feb 25 2002". I guess this is the ND. So my details are:
ND (Self and Spouse) 02/25/2002.

Waiting for FP... (State NJ)

Nishu can you please add my details. Thanks
hey sj10, how did u get the EAC from IIO


Even my company lawyer is not giving me any information about my 485 filing, only thing he says that he filed the papers on 11th Feb 2002.

How did u manage to get EAC No from IIO?
Let me know so i could try the same and get EAC as per my 485 Application.

Do u or anybody think there could be any problem/complications
if i call up IIO to get my EAC#

kindly advise.
Talked to IIO

I told her that I mailed my application, but I haven\'t recd the receipt. So she asked my name and DOB and gave the numbers and told the dates. I don\'t think there should be any problem if you just ask about the receipts.
No Title

It is just ridiculous that the laywer is not revealing this information to you guys! The 485 is an application that the lawyer files on your behalf. The company has nothing to do with it, so why all the secrecy! I think you should insist on a copy of the receipts for you records.
EAD Approved

Nishu, Could you please update my info:

RD: 02/11/2002
ND: 02/27/2002
EB2 India,
State: California

AP approved on 03/22/2002 (as per AVM)
EAD approved on 03/27/2002 (as per AVM)
FP notice received on 03/25/2002 scheduled for 04/30/2002
what No. to call IIO?


What is the phone no where i can call up IIO to get EAC, ND information as per my 485 application. And is there any best time to call IIO?

Lawyer says, its the company policy not to reveal EAC#, i know its
all bullshit, they dont want employees to be transparent to GC approval, so they can delay as much as they can, even in this poor
job market. cant help on that, anyways.

No Title

I called the same 802-527-4913 and then select 1 for english and then 0 to talk to IIO. There is no specific timing, I called up in the morning hours. May be we are from the same company because I also got same type of response.
AP Approved 03/27/02 as per AVM

For spouse and myself:
AP - MD:02/14/02; RD:02/15/02; ND: 03/08/02; AD: 03/27/02
EAD - MD:02/14/02; RD:02/15/02; ND: 03/08/02; AD: ???
485 - MD:02/14/02; RD:02/15/02; ND: 03/08/02; AD: ???

For my son:
AP - MD:02/14/02; RD:02/15/02; ND: 03/08/02; AD: 03/27/02
485 - MD:02/14/02; RD:02/15/02; ND: 03/08/02; AD: ???

cheers, gabroo
EAD approved

Check the AVM and EAD apporved
PD : 06/15/2002
RD: 02-11-2002
ND: 02-27-2202

EAD approved 03-27-2002. Checked AVM.
No Title

Just a minor change from my side..

When I called on 26th evening to check my EAD status, the AVM said "Mar 26, we have ordered cards should be receiving...."
I called yesterday evening and the message was "approved on Mar 27, you will be receiving an approval notice in the next 2 weeks"

I hope I don\'t get a different message today..:))

That was the same pattern which I heard on the AVM.
March 12th EAD Cards ordered
March 13th Case approved....
So its normal.... u shud receive ur card in 1 week....

All the best
hey sj10, r u from NJ


is u company from edison, NJ?
coz thats where my co is located, maybe its the same co. as u guessed.
is it an in-house lawyer of u co?

our lawyer is a typical desi lawyer, who never co-operates.

1-8025274913 for VSC

But that will give you info only if you have EAC #. Call after 5PM EST. You should have gotten your EAD by this time.