Track CSC I-140 EB2

Hey RA95050 I am in ur same boat!

Congrats man! Just wanted to know if you had a chance to listen to it on AVM or spoke to ur attorney. Why is iy that ur EB2 petion has been delayed as against WAC 01-275 XXXXX being processed and approved in the case of other EB2s. I am unfortunately on EB1 which is going slower than EB2 and EB3
EB2:I-140 Got Approved

Hello All,
     To let you know that my I-140 got approved on 12/10/01.
WAC:WAC-01-276-52XXXXX, Date:09/06/01.

Looks like CSC is lsowing down again..140 EB2 moved just 9 days

in last one month from ND 08/30 to 09/08. We are also entering holiday season so hope they pick up in Jan !
Thanks- Not Pcee it is Omsai

I have no idea why my message is posted as PCee may be, there is a bug in this program. Anyway, Thanks for your wishes and hope to see you all soon in 485 Forum.
My I140 EB2, RIR approved, WAC-01-293-XXXXX

RD : 09/21/2001
ND : 09/24/2001
AD : 01/17/2002

Good luck and Thanks to Eeverybody!
this_processing_kills_me - Priority date?

Could you re-confirm your priority date it 11/06 or 10/06/01?


not sure what you mean by priority date wrt 140. But the CSC received my application on 11/06. Yes, that\'s 6th November. I had never imagined that I would be getting my 140 approved so soon. Just couple of weeks ago dates were moving sooo slow. I guess someone really wants to finish his/her pile of EB2 apps at CSC ;)

I-140 Approved! ND:11/07

ND: 11/07/2001
AD: 01/25/2002


CSC is doing their jobs after all! Three cheers for CSC! Keep up the good work for I-485 cases!