TN Visa


Okay, I agree with you - except that she said she got her MBA in Michigan which leads me to believe she is a TD in Michigan. I suppose I should have asked if this MBA is from the University of Michigan, or some other university? That might actually be one of the issues.

Unfortunately she very naive in the work world obviously having either very little or no work experience at all.

The only thing I can see is like I said - write for the CPA, or try and get an H1 when it comes around.

BTW.....I did say in my second post in this thread that this all seems a little fishy.
Hey, you got to wonder when someone comes to a TN site and post a message under the heading "TN Visa".

Why not just post under the heading "Heading".

I know accts are a boring lot, but not much gumption, me thinks.
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That's why I dropped accounting like a hot potato in College...every acct I met was booooooooooorrrrring....

Odd, since accountants are by the nature of their job exceptionally creative. Engineers are bound by the laws of the natural universe. Accountants operate under no such disability.
Odd, since accountants are by the nature of their job exceptionally creative. Engineers are bound by the laws of the natural universe. Accountants operate under no such disability.

Witness the global mess we are in today as a result.:eek:

Seriously:cool:, any creativity they might possess merely keeps them from offing themselves.:)
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TRC, thanks for reminding me...yes these modern day accountants are quite creative...especially those that worked at ENRON, Lehman Brothers et al...

I am curious though, would Madoff qualify as an accountant...he used to keep (cough! cook! cough!) his own books...
Unfortunately, as I go back on this thread, the only thing that comes to mind is...well you smart.....