Time to vote for Dean !

Is this a debate?


It is irrelevant. Republicans are for "vested" interests and Democrats are for "special" interests. The next president has very little to do with immigration reform and backlogs. Most of the power is with Congress which unfortunately is being overtaken by special interests and lobbyists. This is about the American democracy. Immigration fights are fought and lost or won irrespectively of who the President is. Besides, there is very little difference between them. The powers that really govern the country make sure that whoever wins they will still govern. This is just a side-show for the little people to watch.
However, post 9/11 the face of America changed for ever? Immigration and immigrants are being victimised like never before. This goes to Civil rights and liberties. This is a dangerous trend..

What we should be doing is target members of Congress and educate them, keep them accountable on the issues that matter to us. They maybe Democrats or Republicans; it does not matter.
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I even dread to guess...

If Bush is elected in 2004 , then we have a very good chance of wearing color coded tags around our necks. All the reason the republican government gives is nothing but 911.

For those who put the blame on 911, please be sure that most of the security measures that are being taken now are not making US safer,including the capture of sad damn...

I would rather take my chances with the democrats even if they do little or nothing to the immi policies. I have a very strong gut feeling that at the least it will not get worser than what it is now.

With Bush... not only the immi policies will be unbearably, humilating and stricter but all our civil liberties and self respect will erode to such an extent that after 4 more years ....I even dread to guess...
Re: Is this a debate?

A powerful president does matter a lot. He can veto bills passed by the congress. Bill Clinton vetoed several bills. Our great GWB did not.
Well even though i want to believe everthing you say, I would have to say this:- There are still some good people left, because of whom this country still survives.

Originally posted by cinta

It is irrelevant. Republicans are for "vested" interests and Democrats are for "special" interests. The next president has very little to do with immigration reform and backlogs. Most of the power is with Congress which unfortunately is being overtaken by special interests and lobbyists. This is about the American democracy. Immigration fights are fought and lost or won irrespectively of who the President is. Besides, there is very little difference between them. The powers that really govern the country make sure that whoever wins they will still govern. This is just a side-show for the little people to watch.
However, post 9/11 the face of America changed for ever? Immigration and immigrants are being victimised like never before. This goes to Civil rights and liberties. This is a dangerous trend..

What we should be doing is target members of Congress and educate them, keep them accountable on the issues that matter to us. They maybe Democrats or Republicans; it does not matter.
Originally posted by TheRealCanadian
OBLIGATORY DISCLOSURE: I am neither a Bush nor a Dean supporter. Personally, I think most politicians are crooks, liars or both and will say almost anything to get elected.

That being said, as you start diggng through Dean's record, you'll find about as many flip-flops as at a beach. Bush's dishonesty is well-documented, but there's nothing about Dean's performance to indicate he is any more committed to core principles than Bush is.

I would also challenge you on your second point. Whie Democrats have typically been "pro-immigration" that has usually only extended to illegals and unskilled workers. I don't believe that the Democrats have ever done anything for skilled workers like ourselves. AC21 was a Republican initiative.

A) I'm sure Dean is not any different from Bush when it comes
to making false promises to get more votes. However, Bush has
already lied about this very specific topic (Green card processing) not so long ago. I'm willing to give Dean the benefit of the doubt when it comes to this issue.
Also, Bush lied to the whole country and started a war based on information that he knew was nothing but blatant lies. Not many people can boast with a lie of that magnitude.

B) I didn't specify legal/illegal immigration, I just believe democrats
are more pro-immigration and pro-minorities in general. Currently right-wing republicans pretty much oppose all forms of immigration, legal or otherwise. Tom Tancredo of Colorado (R) is a good example.
One thing to remember!!

One thing to remember
Mr. Bill clinton allowed up to 65 K H1 visa / year but with the current president I beleive it is not even half..

God willing Democrats will win this year !!!!
Re: Re: Re: So my vote goes to Dean....

Originally posted by sai-2367
Here is a question.Even though what you say is correct, would you favour free trade in your country(Canada) when millions are out of work, and they need employment ??

We've had free trade with the US since 1989, pre-NAFTA. If you compare the unemployment numbers in Canada between then and today, you'll find that overall trade has gone up, employment has gone up and unemployment has gone down.

Let me ask you, how well has India fared under a trade regime that encouraged national self-sufficiency and jobs over efficiency? :)
Re: One thing to remember!!

Originally posted by alphagc
Mr. Bill clinton allowed up to 65 K H1 visa / year but with the current president I beleive it is not even half..

Uh, no.

The H-1B cap was set at 65,000 a year under Bush Sr. Under Clinton, the Republicans proposed a temporary increase to 195,000. The increase was temporary, and not renewed. No one explicitly did anything to reduce the number. It's back to 65,000 again.
Re: Re: Is this a debate?

Originally posted by sai-2367
A powerful president does matter a lot. He can veto bills passed by the congress. Bill Clinton vetoed several bills. Our great GWB did not.
Well even though i want to believe everthing you say, I would have to say this:- There are still some good people left, because of whom this country still survives.


It is a combination of the President, the Congress, the Senate, etc. If all were to stay Republican, we are not in a good path. The President could virtually do a lot..That is why under this two-party system in the US is always better to have these powers separated..in different parties/hands. Just an example: Imagine All were Republican. Not only Patriot II but Patriot III would be coming at a theatre near you with Ashcroft as the only star in the movie. Scary, indeed! Forget about immigration and civil liberties. See an article in 'www.americanfreepress.net" by Tommy Franks!
Be realistic as not all news there might be appealing to you.
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With a poll of 1003 people, GW certainly wins next election. But be a bit scientific and calculate the elect colleges, Bush has a 'chance' but not a 'certain' one.

The records of republicans are very clear... The rich, the white, conservative, the racist south, lobbyist/special interest group, catholics etc. will vote for Republicans. The opposite is for democrates. How can an educated liberal mind support policies of John Ashcroft, Rumsfield, Dick and Rove?

As far as immigration goes,,, its a back burner issue. Doesnt have any impact on electability. Immigration policies for LEGAL IMMIGRANTS never became any easier/faster over the years. The illegals always got/gets priority over us either way...
Why and What

Why the processing delays
1) The Adjudicators do not like us (envious of us) because our salaries are way above theirs and they feel that these foreighners are coming to this country and getting fat salaries
2) Republican government does not like us because we are typically viewed as future democratic vote bank. Ideally they would not like us becoming Citizens.
3) BCIS does not bother about improving the speed because there is no pressure on them to do so. They also feel that their main duty is security checks and not issuing GC's.
4) All the promises of Dean or Bush (or who ever it is), will never materialise because we don't do the follow up. A top politician has thousand tasks to do and he will only do those things that he is forced to do fast due to electoral considerations. This is what we are missing. Unless we have an organisation to do a daily follow up on this matter, no politician will ever solve our problems.

What we have to do
Collect fund, form an organisation (or) hire a lobbyist to work for us. Assign the tasks to the lobbyist and pay him based on the results. We can ask him to contact congress men and make one of the congresss man to introduce a bill that clearly sets deadlines to BCIS, removes all obstacles to job portability even with EAD, and make other changes to the law.
Bottomline, unless we have some one working for us 7*24 for about 2 months, we will not be able to achieve any success. In year 2000, ISN group has collected funds, hired a lobbyist and successfully lobbied the congress and got them pass the AC21 law. We need to do the same thing. Unfortunately, we have hit severe obstacles / delays in getting this fund collection started. I am still talking to Rajiv and Vijay Sharma about this and hopefully, we will see the path cleared very shortly.
Re: Why and What

Originally posted by dsatish
Why the processing delays
1) The Adjudicators do not like us (envious of us) because our salaries are way above theirs and they feel that these foreighners are coming to this country and getting fat salaries
2) Republican government does not like us because we are typically viewed as future democratic vote bank. Ideally they would not like us becoming Citizens.
3) BCIS does not bother about improving the speed because there is no pressure on them to do so. They also feel that their main duty is security checks and not issuing GC's.
4) All the promises of Dean or Bush (or who ever it is), will never materialise because we don't do the follow up. A top politician has thousand tasks to do and he will only do those things that he is forced to do fast due to electoral considerations. This is what we are missing. Unless we have an organisation to do a daily follow up on this matter, no politician will ever solve our problems.

What we have to do
Collect fund, form an organisation (or) hire a lobbyist to work for us. Assign the tasks to the lobbyist and pay him based on the results. We can ask him to contact congress men and make one of the congresss man to introduce a bill that clearly sets deadlines to BCIS, removes all obstacles to job portability even with EAD, and make other changes to the law.
Bottomline, unless we have some one working for us 7*24 for about 2 months, we will not be able to achieve any success. In year 2000, ISN group has collected funds, hired a lobbyist and successfully lobbied the congress and got them pass the AC21 law. We need to do the same thing. Unfortunately, we have hit severe obstacles / delays in getting this fund collection started. I am still talking to Rajiv and Vijay Sharma about this and hopefully, we will see the path cleared very shortly.


On 1) and 2) you are wrong. You are right on 3) and 4).

On the lobbyist, you are wrong. First we need to do the work that we need to do ourselves and then go shopping for a lobbyist. If we can wake people up then it is an achievement on its own. 99% of the people are in GC hibernation.

You should be saluted for at least keeping on posting!

Is there a conflict of interest because of Rajiv's involvement? Is that the reason why the non-profit organization cannot get started with fund collection?

Lobbying is the single most important thing, and we need to keep at it. If we make enough noise, our voice will have to be heard. I don't think we should let up on the pressure just because the lawsuit has been filed, instead try and make more efforts to contact the Congress. That is the only way to get speedy approvals.

I wish the non-participants atleast show which way they are inclined to move towards. I am surprised at the lethargy I see around this community, specially when Bush has signalled the opening of the illegal immigration gates after which all of us will be royally screwed if we are not approved already. How come there is no sign of panic or a determination to move this process forward amongst the immigration community beats me!
I just spoke with Rajiv and i will be having another conference call tomorrow with Rajiv and Sharmaji (accountant who will be helping us in fund collection). I will try my best to break all the obstacles for fund collection. We need to hire some firm / person to lobby the congress men. That is our only solution. Congress should pass a new immigration reforms law, freeing us from employment bondage(and all other restrictions) till we get GC. Then we don't care if they need 10 years to give us GC.
I agree with dsatish. Election period would be the best time to lobby, as every candidate needs support and money.
Let us all get together and make this a success.
Not so sure if we can contribute to any of the political parties or politicians. You have to be an American citizen or permanent resident to do that.

And No, we cannot even pass on the money to an American citizen to contribute it in our regard. All we can do is hire someone to lobby for us in the halls of power. The only ammunition we have is the righteousness of our cause and the promise of future monetary and vote possibilities. But I think those are enough to get us by. It is just that the majority of the people here need to wake up and participate.
Originally posted by dsatish
I just spoke with Rajiv and i will be having another conference call tomorrow with Rajiv and Sharmaji (accountant who will be helping us in fund collection). I will try my best to break all the obstacles for fund collection. We need to hire some firm / person to lobby the congress men. That is our only solution. Congress should pass a new immigration reforms law, freeing us from employment bondage(and all other restrictions) till we get GC. Then we don't care if they need 10 years to give us GC.


Fund collection is fine. As fas as hiring somebody to lobby for us, this is being used as an excuse by a lot to just stay in idle mode. You and others need to understand a couple of things.
1: Immigration reform is being pursued by other groups with more power and money. It takes years and maybe decades. These groups have already lobbyists working hard to promote several different pieces of the so called immigration reform.
2: We need our GC ASAP not in 10 years. The change of job is the least of the worries. Yes AC-21 is flawed, even with ISN and money and lobbyist. Our priority now is not to change AC-21 or the INA. This should be secondary; Yes, this is the ideal solution. In this regard we can lobby Congress ourselves to change AC-21 and INA for Citinzenship.
3: Our primary problem is the BACKLOGS of EB-I-485 applications. There are laws with respect to this. We do not need to create any new ones for this problem to be solved. See Infrastructure improvement (AC-21) and DHS Act (November 2002). Collaborative evidence of the problem are the GAO reports (2001 and a second one a few days ago). The General Accounting Office examines the problems itself. This is also the difference between AC-21 lobbyist and our cause. The laws are there; we do need new laws to support the lawsuit and our efforts.
4: What is needed is participation. Let us go back in "Litigation" thread and see what Rajiv suggested us to do, before the holidays. Press, Companies, etc. Instead a lot chose to have their "holidays". Good job!
5: Also, this is not about individual GCs and agendas. Yes, probably by luck and the laws of physics and gravity, our applications will fall on their faces one day, security checks or not. This is about the general cause, the injustice.. If and whether the lawsuit will help somebody, chances are it will not be you or me. This is irrelevant.
Hopefully it will help all in someway, especially the 2001 applicants and maybe retrospectively could help all by establishing a cut-off date for Citizenship application..be the LC date or the I-485 filing date...
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Short term and long term solution

Here is how I look at the solution.

Long term solution: Collecting money to hire a lobby firm, lobbying during election year (when others have utmost priority) to reduce the backlogs. These initiatives will take months.

Short Term Solution: We folks join as a group and urge more people to join in to start supporting the initiatives. Start getting the support from the industries, small and large, also ask them to put pressure at the government. Get petitions signed by the industries and effectively convey those to the elected officials.