Talked to CSC regarding forwarding case to NVC.

rajum, I would have filed 485 this week.

I had the medical reports and all forms ready, thanks to you.
Then last thursday when I called NVC they said my case has reached ! I couldn\'t belive at first and then called up again on friday to confirm. Again today they said that case no is created. So I think I can hold off on 485 now.
What you say about the duplicate I-140 process is really scary. I hope your 485 goes smooth and wish you good luck !
No Title

    Thanks for your wishes.
     May be you wasted some money for medicals...May be that is because of me . Luckily you didn\'t spend on attorney fees for 485.
    I filed on my own avoiding attorney fees.

    Even for I-485, this duplicate I-140 has to be approved. Only advantage is by the time, the 485 case is assigned to the officer, it will be six months and this duplicate I-140 should be approved. My attorney and my employer wrote letters to VSC asking them not to transfer the file to VSC. The turn around for this letter to reach to the officer is 3-4 weeks and already two weeks has passed for this. So,if my duplicate I-140 gets approved and file transfers to NVC before this letter then I might face another big dilemma.

Wishing you all the best,

My attorny spoke to CSC yesterday

They (CSC) said they will send papers to NVC within a month
My I 140 was approved on Jan 11th
Clearquest, Did CSC say they will process all application approved in Jan?

Clearquest, Did CSC say they will process all application approved in Jan?
My I-140 got approved on jan 3rd.
I am not sure

I think they spoke specific to my issue, I think your attorny must contact CSC until they do that CSC is not going to work
Whom to talk in CSC?

Can you please let me know whom did your attorney talk to? Was it the INS customer service rep. or someone else?

Clearquest, Can you get us the CSC HOTLINE number so that my lawyer can call

Clearquest, Can you get us the CSC HOTLINE number so that my lawyer can call CSC. Thanks.

Our lawyer spoke to one of the CSC IIO yesterday . That officer was "astonished" that the case was not sent till now( On April 8th it will be 90 days). He said he would send the file immediatley .Couple days back the HR department in our company sent a fax requesting an update on the I-140 application and today they received a fax reply from CSC saying that the file was sent to NVC. So we are presuming that they have forwarded the case to NVC. I guess it should reach the visa center sometime next week, if what CSC says is true
Targetgc\'s case has given a little hope that things mite be back on track. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Planning to wait for another week and then turn to I485.
Targetgc please can you tell me how long it took for your case to reach NVC after the CSC officer said it was forwarded?
snnt- please give HR fax details

do you know what number HR should send the fax to?
is there a number HR can call? I fired my lawyers after i got my I140 (approved Jan 9th).
Fax I-140 approval to NVC?

   Called NVC and got an operator. She said they have not
received my I-140 approval. When I told her it was approved on
Jan 2, she said I could go ahead and fax them a copy because
the 90 days were up. Anyone else with similar experiences?
there are plenty of experiences

Just take a minute and search. This is not the end of your problems but the beginning of a whole new saga of problems if you follow their instructions. That will be upto you what you will do.

This is what would happen, you fax the 140 notice to NVC, then they will take usually 1 to 2 weeks to issue a letter saying that they do not have your case and would suggest you to file for duplicate notice. That would again start your second 140 petition process, cause duplicate or original 140 petition the time frame is same. So another waiting game and if they approve (they would cause it is a duplicate) and if INS again forget to send the case to NVC then another 90 days and letter another petition, the story goes on like our desi film toroubles.

I am sorry if this distress you I am also on the same boat and don\'t know what to do. If you have any clue what to do then please share with others.

You should have asked what they are going to do with your faxed approved notice. You should grill them for answers like if they are going to issue Packet 3 based on your faxed approval notice or not. otherwise it is useless.

I do not have that hotline number she is our corporate attorny and did not share that info.
Same problem

I140 Approval Date was 7 Jan and still waiting. I am faxing my case to NVC on Monday after completing 90 days.

If 90 days are passed and your case is not reached NVCb

Hi everybody,

This is my personal option. I am thinking to do the following thing.

I don\'t want to fax I 140 to NVC. That eliminates one of my option(checking status with NVC). If my 90 days are passed, first I will call CSC to check whether my file is still lying in mail room. If so I will ask my employer to fax a letter saying what is the status of 1 140 file. Once employer send fax/letter, there will be a respons (positively) as he is ultimate authority to know status. But it should be after 90 days, i feel. Wait for a month. If it is still in the same boat, then I will simply file for 485. My 90 days is going to be over by this month end.

My friend I140 is approved from Texas center on Feb 11. His docs are mailed on Mar 28 from NVC(not bad). I feel NVC is not too overloaded as some of them mentioned in CP forum.

I feel we all should represent as together to raise this issues. As long as we go alone, the problem can\'t be brought to CSC notice. AS snnt mentioned CSC officers will be surprise to see mails lying for months, if not years.
At last reached NVC

Called up NVC today and they said they recieved my case from CSC and will take 4 to 6 weeks for them to send the packet to my Lawyer. Not that all this happened after my Lawyer contacted CSC on mar 27th.
Clearquest, I\'m trying to reach CSC but couldn\'t. can you get me CSC phone number from your lawyer

I\'m trying to reach CSC but couldn\'t. can you get me CSC phone number from your lawyer.

i tried calling CSC using this phone number (949) 831-8427

I called NVC today and they haven\'t received my I-140 receipt. My I-140 got approved on Jan 3rd.

Please advise. I\'ll really appreciate any suggestion from you on how to exepdite things at my end.
i call the above CSC number atleast 10-15 times but in vain.

Please help.

Thanks, Sangitha