Basically, it comes back to 2-3 things.. Those who are using labor substitution, needs to be very careful..
1. The first and foremost is, USCIS is now looking for "ability to pay" in a very careful and stupid way.. The employer if has 5 genuine labors from 2001 priority date and applies for GC for 5 new employees who joined the company in 2004, again I am not talking about the case where they have 5 substitution labors and they appplied for 15 new employees, I am only talking about a company having 5 genuine labors and used for 5 new employees, then the employer MUST have the PROFITS enough to pay wages for these new 5 employees from 2001 to 2004... In case they do not have profits and 0 dollars net income in one of the years(don't care if the economy was slow), then they are rejecting those new 5 substituition cases.. """"Here USICIS is not at all thinking that green card is for future employment, they just want since that the company is able to pay or not since the priority date. """"
2. Second thing USCIS is looking for and rejecting I-140 is for whether the job is temporary or permanent.. I know every desi consulting company's employee is in a temporary job, i.e., as long as you are on project you have a job , or you are on bench with pay for certain period and no pay after that. But, some of these desi companies support you while you are on bench by saying your GC will still continue. But, USCIS thinks otherwise, and says that all the desi consulting jobs are temporary, how stupid is that ?? . Even if you say that these jobs are future jobs, meaning you are going to join them full time after getting GC, is not going to work. If this is the case, every one who got a job from desi or american consulting company should not get GC..
The above two things happened to ACE Tecnologies according to the I-140 denial letter that was posted.. Again, these two stupid rules were from USICS, I don't know how those who got their I-140 denied from this company can blame ACE or its lawyer, if USICS is strict on its policies..
Can anyone comment ? I really want to understand if this is the case or I am wrong ??