Suing USCIS for name check delays


Volunteer Moderator
A good article on those of you thinking of suing USCIS due to excessive name check delays . It even gives a contact number for the Council on American Islamic Relations who may be able to assist in filing your lawsuit.

Also, another article confirming that applicants from one court district who sued USCIS are mostly Muslim, Middle Eastern, Chinese and Hispanic.
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I've encountered a few posts on this forum where it was stated that Eastern Europeans get stuck in name check as well. My guess is that it has something to do with possible ties to the Communist party.
That's right

I can personally attest to that, if one person's experience means anything. See my timeline.
IMHO, All this "profiling" is a MYTH.
People with common name are stuck - this is reality.
IMHO, All this "profiling" is a MYTH.
People with common name are stuck - this is reality.

I'd like to believe that, and it DOES make a lot of sense. However, here's an example (something I posted a couple of weeks ago) that somewhat discredits both the profiling and common name theories. A friend of mine had her fingerprints done a year ago, along with her parents and her sister. She's still waiting to get her IL, while her family has already been naturalized. I should add that all members of her family have the same last name.